Tennessee raising ticket prices to pay players

Lol The players have been producing free labor for over a century while turning Tennessee into a super wealthy institution. The only thing that is crazy is that it has taken this long for Tennessee to share the revenue.
WTF is wrong with you. This BS is destroying college football.
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No, the players are getting paid millions, while still getting their scholarship.
Because that is what the market dictates for their services (and they still aren't being fairly compensated -- next will be holdouts and unions and collective bargaining most likely)

btw I like how university athletic departments are releasing leaks to the media that they are raising prices in order to compensate players (as to pit the public & fans vs the players and its apparently effective based on the replies in this topic)

no matter what institution or organization where money is involved -- laborers vs the oligarchy is always an ugly dog fight
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WTF is wrong with you. This BS is destroying college football.

Doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

If the coaches can get millions, the schools can get many many millions, the networks can pay billions, then the players should see some of it. And yes…beyond the scholarship farce that no one gives a crap about. You’ve all said for years that apparently they’re “fake” scholarships/programs anyway for kids to be able to coast through school, right? And while ND is less guilty of that, they’re still guilty of it. Not 1 of their football players would be admitted to that school if they couldn’t play football.

It’s not “amateur athletics”. It’s Business and has been for a loooong time. To deny that is just being angry that a ~20 year old kid is getting handsomely paid to play football.
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This beats paying their players with McDonald's bags full of cash like Tennessee did in the past.

The SEC and others have cheated their collective asses off paying their players for decades.

It's nothing new.
Everyone cheats in some manner. Outrage for players finally getting their just due. No outrage when ND gouges long time season ticket holders so much that tickets that have been in families for generations have to be forfeited due to the exorbitant fees ? Some forms of capitalism is accepted, other forms not so much. It's a billion dollar industry. Enough to go around, unfortunately some are reluctant to share.
Why ? It doesn't effect them. If they were a participant I assure you they would feel differently. The view from the recliner is a bit different.
Tickets are already very expensive for a lot of families. Now they are raising prices. Yes it effects them
Tickets are already very expensive for a lot of families. Now they are raising prices. Yes it effects them
But it's a choice. Attend games or watch on television. As I said earlier ND has been gouging season ticket holders for years. I'm as much of an ND fan as anyone. I haven't been to a home for quite some time. I have been to a few away games that fit my schedule better. I pay for Peacock, that's the closest I get to supporting ND monetarily. I'd rather pay a premium for a ticket that goes to the players than not knowing where the increase is going. At least Tennessee is being upfront about it.
Because that is what the market dictates for their services (and they still aren't being fairly compensated -- next will be holdouts and unions and collective bargaining most likely)

btw I like how university athletic departments are releasing leaks to the media that they are raising prices in order to compensate players (as to pit the public & fans vs the players and its apparently effective based on the replies in this topic)

no matter what institution or organization where money is involved -- laborers vs the oligarchy is always an ugly dog fight
I don't even give a shit about the free market. It's just effin' evil that the schools get to keep all the money and the players get shit, in the most supremely and brazenly plantation-style arrangement. That's just basic wrong and right.
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But it's a choice. Attend games or watch on television. As I said earlier ND has been gouging season ticket holders for years. I'm as much of an ND fan as anyone. I haven't been to a home for quite some time. I have been to a few away games that fit my schedule better. I pay for Peacock, that's the closest I get to supporting ND monetarily. I'd rather pay a premium for a ticket that goes to the players than not knowing where the increase is going. At least Tennessee is being upfront about it.
You said it doesn't effect them. But it obviously does