So where does ND deserve to be ranked?


I've posted how many times?
Sep 9, 2013
I don't really care about the up or down after a win. Things happen but we are half way through the season and we have a good idea just how good we are or aren't.

IMO we are about right where we should be at present. 10-13 range is where I would rank us today.

Let's start with the good.
I use the eye test...
Defense... we are Top 5.
I didn't see where we are ranked until after typing that and curiosity got the better of me.
Our defense is ranked 8th but...the MOST IMPORTANT part is we are tied for 3rd in TD's allowed.
We play fast and ferocious. It's been since the 87-93 window that we have played this ferocious on defense.
Al Golden needs a raise every year just to keep him here. Hell pay him more than MF!
Truth be told I would like to see him be the head coach but we will see where this year goes....

Offense... is two parts.
First the really good...

Rushing, we are a top 7 team. As a collective unit even with a green line we can rush the ball. We rush with purpose. We don't see the LLLOOONNNGGG developing running game that the previous coach absolutely loved calling several times a game.
I just checked that and we are 5th in yards per carry average.
We are 10th in rushing TD's.

Passing...the really bad!!!!

We are bad throwing the ball.
Our receivers our poorly coached. We have one elite athlete who probably prefers football as the second sport...
Back to the coaching. This nonsense has been going on far too long.
Our receivers are...well I can't even say they're being coached.
If actually coached or not coached, either way it's wrong. Very
A typical scenario from our passing game.
Pocket breaks down,
QB bails,
looking down field evading the pursuit,
do we throw the ball?
Maybe sometimes? NO! Why?
Our receivers are standing around staring back at the QB who is desperately looking for somewhere and or someone to throw the ball.
You'd think the receivers are afraid of getting a penalty if they break off their route and GOD FORBID GET BEHIND THE DEFENSE...
If they aren't told otherwise, or they're told run your little 5 yard curl and sit route and don't you dare leave your spot...again no matter which IT'S WRONG!

was he getting better against Stanford or a coincidence we threw the ball a lot more starting the game off throwing rather than run heavy.

I do know this...Stanford is ranked 106th out of 134 teams in QB sacks.
My vote goes to design rather than coincidence.
They knew there would be little to no pressure and took advantage of that.

That said don't get too excited about that passing performance. I seen a stat where he had at that point in the game 177 yards passing and it said season high. Now that's hilarious! Sad in reality.
Most of the throws were the old story...6 yard curl and sit. Normally it's 3 yard curl and sit route but Stanford offered up no pressure so 3 became 6.

How many passing plays were hit in stride so we can get a nice run after catch? Far too few.

Mark my words and it always happens in today's CFB we will HAVE TO THROW the ball to win or have a chance to come back and there is no way at this point we can pull this off.

The Stanford game was a small improvement in the passing game so I won't write it off just yet... time will tell but as I said we will have to throw down the field at some point and Riley can't do that.

FSU can be a sleeper game. Don't overlook that...

USC will be the playoff or not game without question. Would've been nice if they could've beat PSU...
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