Serious Debate

I think virtually all politicians have public and private opinions. Do you think, for example, that Republicans (or Democrats - I think they both do the same thing) tell their big money donors the same thing they say to the average joes?

Call me cynical, but I took her statement as confirmation (not that I needed it) of what I've always believed from politicians on both sides.

possibly that is the beauty of trump he is not a politician
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I think virtually all politicians have public and private opinions. Do you think, for example, that Republicans (or Democrats - I think they both do the same thing) tell their big money donors the same thing they say to the average joes?

Call me cynical, but I took her statement as confirmation (not that I needed it) of what I've always believed from politicians on both sides.

but she is and all the leading Democrats are for open borders
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but she is and all the leading Democrats are for open borders

The Democrats , in the case of illegal immigration, are thinking of one thing and one thing only,
votes, legal or illegal. My wife is a German national. last year she got a notice for Jury Duty. We
filled the form out explaining that since my wife was not a US Citizen she should not be called. a few weeks later, I got a call from the courts asking why my wife was a registered voter ? I told them that I had no idea because she never registered nor voted ? I asked that she be removed immediately.
I think all one has to do is get a driver's license here in Arizona and they are put on the voter registration rolls ?
I have to really wonder just how many illegals are voting in swing states using their drivers'
licenses ? That is why the Democrats are against any type of voter ID. They claim that it is discrimination
against Black people ? How is it discrimination if Whites as well as Blacks must show ID ?
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Why would someone vote for a person that wants open borders?

Are the liberals in here okay with letting people they have no clue about their background in to their home? You're okay with leaving your backdoor unlocked with no borders?

Doesn't seem safe to me. If people knew about the stories of Marilyn Pharis, Kate Steinle, and what Brian Hyde did to a pregnant woman you'd think twice about voting for Corrupt Hillary.
Amen end_23. Voted for Trump this morning! If Hillary wins this country is going to continued to go down the crapper that Obama has started.
How does the FBI read 650,000 emails in 8 days and then say there is nothing here to see?
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we are screwed! either way, we are screwed!

More so if Hillary gets elected: we will be an oligarchy: Hillary already controls the Justice Department,
thus also the FBI, The IRS, the Media , the educational system including our Catholic Universities ,including,
in my opinion , ND. " Obama the keynote speaker and Alan Keyes being arrested for protesting ! "The Abortionist honored and the Catholic being arrested says it all.
The Supreme Court will become a Rubber Stamp for any and all Liberal laws. Our Republican System
of Checks and Ballances will be gone forever . I guess that today!s liberal ( suppossededly , according to
their propaganda machine, are more educated and smarted than the opposition ) . So of course , they are also more intelligent than our Founding Fathers ever were !
While I am still in relatively good health, based upon all actuary tables, this will most likely be my last election ? over the years, I have seen our country go from the Greatest Generation to the present ( Freebe)
I have also seen our church decline along with our once great Catholic Universities. The murder of the
inocent is now ( the right to choose ) the new slogal is " Social Justice " ?
Whatever the results of this election it will most likely not change my remaining years very much
by I will pray for my Church , my country , my children, my grand children , and all of you !
God help us !
Not in the context that you fear.

I live near the border. I see the problems it has caused. This is about getting illegals to vote and lowering wages. Both parties want that. Trump doesn't . It causes wages to be depressed and costs to rise especially taxes to care locally and nationally. Crime is a huge problem here and quality of life in general will go down because of it. I run into a lot liberal democrats who say that is not true they are just trying to better their life so let them in. the problem we are getting easily more uneducated folks that drive down wages from retail, call centers, construction all over the country that benefits a very few and hurts us all. Also with outsourcing of jobs and factories we all are competing lower paying jobs even if you are educated or extremely experienced thanks to nafta and other deals
I live near the border. I see the problems it has caused. This is about getting illegals to vote and lowering wages. Both parties want that. Trump doesn't . It causes wages to be depressed and costs to rise especially taxes to care locally and nationally. Crime is a huge problem here and quality of life in general will go down because of it. I run into a lot liberal democrats who say that is not true they are just trying to better their life so let them in. the problem we are getting easily more uneducated folks that drive down wages from retail, call centers, construction all over the country that benefits a very few and hurts us all. Also with outsourcing of jobs and factories we all are competing lower paying jobs even if you are educated or extremely experienced thanks to nafta and other deals
Have you ever noticed that hardly any of the people who are for some level of open borders and/or unfettered immigration actually live near any border? Nothing like a liberal from Massachusetts telling someone from Arizona or Texas how they should feel about immigration.
Have you ever noticed that hardly any of the people who are for some level of open borders and/or unfettered immigration actually live near any border? Nothing like a liberal from Massachusetts telling someone from Arizona or Texas how they should feel about immigration.

They are always liberal for everyone else except themselves
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equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed
equally screwed! screwed screwed screwed

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They are always liberal for everyone else except themselves
The other problem that we are hving is that the illegals are crossing the border and filling
our emergency rooms at our hospitals. Thy are treated no cost to them so we are paying for them in higher hospital bills and long waits for emergency care. They come over the border and have babies
who are automatically citizen by birth , anchor babies.
The illegals are also filling our schools, getting social services and benefits. Whlie it may
certaily be considered " Social Justice " , problem is we were once a rich country, but 20 trillion
dollars, Ten trillion run up by Obama , has made us a country on the verge of backruptcy ?
there must come a " Day of Reckoning" ! The only thing holding up the economy is Negative
Interest Rares. That is artificially holding up our over valued stock market because just about the only
place that we cn get any type of return on our money ( blue chip stocks yielding about 2 % ) .
All our pensions are tied into the stock market. The States are also running high deficets.
We can no longer afford giving any more " Social Justice ". We are a Nation that is on the verge
of financial collapse !
Radical changes must be made, and Trump is at least promising such changes.
In short, in my opinion , he is our last chance and that is not a sure thing.
Hillary is " Death to America" Once the Bubble Bursts !
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if Labor is free to move over our borders, is that not open borders ? If the borders are closed, Labor certainly can nor Freely move over the borders.
To say that there is no voter fraud is not true ? Al Frankin is a perfect example, JFK 's win in Chicago is also well documented. You mention Gore
The Supreme Court did hear Gore ,s case and hanging shads were counted and recounted.
if there is "Willful ignornce" it is certainly not all on one side !
In a new book "The Constitution Today" Akhil Reed Amar, one of this country's most respected constitutionalist scholars describes the Bush versus Gore ruling by the Supreme Court as one "we should and must accept. But we need not, and should not, respect it."
By the way any serious student of American history can tell you that the JFK win in Illinois was not the result of voter fraud. More recently studies have established that voter suppression is a much bigger problem than voter fraud.
Coast Guard Cutter of coast of Texas sees a small vessel with 6 Mexicans in it.
They shout out, 'are you in distress? do you need help?'
The Mexicans yell, 'no we are OK!'
The CC Capt, yells, 'where are you headed!'
Mexicans: 'we are invading the USA!'
CC Capt. '6 of you are invading the USA!'?
Mexican: "no, the other 20,000,000 are already there!"
In a new book "The Constitution Today" Akhil Reed Amar, one of this country's most respected constitutionalist scholars describes the Bush versus Gore ruling by the Supreme Court as one "we should and must accept. But we need not, and should not, respect it."
By the way any serious student of American history can tell you that the JFK win in Illinois was not the result of voter fraud. More recently studies have established that voter suppression is a much bigger problem than voter fraud.

Voter suppression give examples . I have not noticed but the media tells me this happens. However, the president told illegals to vote the other day. I guess the results of motor voter laws
I can't think of one thing that so called progressive liberals have helped in this country since the 30s:

*The New Deal prolonged the depression and put us on the road to the tyranny of the administrative state
*Destroyed the Black family in the 60s and beyond
*Destroyed the educational system
*Created an entitlement mentality
*Created chaos in the Middle East
*The list can be easily expanded

That's hilarious.
You honestly must believe immigrants are the root of crime in the US? I am socailly liberal and they are not saying HEY come on in- they are saying that they are not going to have round up squads to push people and breakup families back to their country...

There are paths to citizenship and it can be done but it takes politcal will and guys like you saying- I am cool if the person gets on a path to citizenship-

Truth be told farmers all over the country DONT want immigration passed they get slave labor, same for construction, landscaping, food service... need I go on
you are clueless.....Farmers get labor through the Migrant Council. They are illegals...but have a green card and overstay it. The US Dept of Agriculture picks them up in US busses at the border and brings them into the US. This is collusion actively orchestrated by and for the US govt.....not the same as illegals breaching the borders unfettered. These are fettered illegals.
Do you have a link to where Obama said this?

To be fair the question as worded was not stated well and could lead to confusion or misinterpretation. That said, Obama answered terribly and left it wide open for that sell interpretation. This is one of those things where he should of said only USA citizens should vote and if you are not you will be prosecuted by the law. .... He left to interpretation . you can search for the youtube version. Also has terrific step by step on it.

To be fair the question as worded was not stated well and could lead to confusion or misinterpretation. That said, Obama answered terribly and left it wide open for that sell interpretation. This is one of those things where he should of said only USA citizens should vote and if you are not you will be prosecuted by the law. .... He left to interpretation . you can search for the youtube version. Also has terrific step by step on it.

I'm not going to jump to some tinfoil hat-conclusion based on a terrible question.
Libs have this strange idea that Crooks in Government are better than Private Sector Crooks. Clinton Crime Family = the worst ever. Trump is uncouth but he is the first pol to come along saying he is going to "Drain The Swamp" of the crony establishment (R) and (D) - that's why they all hate him.
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Libs have this strange idea that Crooks in Government are better than Private Sector Crooks. Clinton Crime Family = the worst ever. Trump is uncouth but he is the first pol to come along saying he is going to "Drain The Swamp" of the crony establishment (R) and (D) - that's why they all hate him.

You really think that Trump is the first person who has said that he's going to change Washington and end the way Washington typically works?

"Drain the Swamp" is a neat little tag line, but Trump's given no specific proposals - to my knowledge - to indicate how said swamp would be drained. I'm amused, also, by the lifelong Republican politicians who are also chiming in about "draining the swamp" when they've been a part of it themselves for decades.
In a new book "The Constitution Today" Akhil Reed Amar, one of this country's most respected constitutionalist scholars describes the Bush versus Gore ruling by the Supreme Court as one "we should and must accept. But we need not, and should not, respect it."
By the way any serious student of American history can tell you that the JFK win in Illinois was not the result of voter fraud. More recently studies have established that voter suppression is a much bigger problem than voter fraud.

only a revisionist idiot would look at Chicago under Daley and claim thee was no serious voter fraud. Those STUDIES were funded and done by liberal hacks who were paid for a designed outcome. Only someone as dumb as you would buy it.
only a revisionist idiot would look at Chicago under Daley and claim thee was no serious voter fraud. Those STUDIES were funded and done by liberal hacks who were paid for a designed outcome. Only someone as dumb as you would buy it.

Just out of curiosity, do you have evidence for your second sentence?
only a revisionist idiot would look at Chicago under Daley and claim thee was no serious voter fraud. Those STUDIES were funded and done by liberal hacks who were paid for a designed outcome. Only someone as dumb as you would buy it.
You need some help when it comes to reading comprehension. My original posts notes that the election in Illinois wasn't decided by fraudulent votes not that there were no such votes cast. Your next point shows a serious lack of intellectual honesty. A number of studies commissioned by the Republican party in the hope of boosting their efforts to pass voter identification laws have come up empty. Your final thought says far more about you than it does me. After all we've never met, you don't know me and really have little aside from a single post to base any judgment on. Clearly, at least in this case, you have demonstrated an emotional rush to judge with little evidence on hand.
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Let's go Trump! Whoever you voted for, I don't care. I want America to be great again. I want a safe country to live in and a sound economy. Let's come together either way....

Go Irish!
Is Trump going to win this thing? And the Republicans are going to control the Senate and House? Cubs win? What is going on in the world? There's hope.
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Anyone else want to help Rosie O'Donnell and Alec Baldwin and the other celebrities who have said they will move out of this country if Trump wins? Let's build that wall!
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