This has nothing to do with respect and everything to do with it being Nick, ****ing Saben. The guy wants to be a head coach or an NFL OC, obviously. If you walked in those circles, it’s like being offered a major promotion and direct on the job training from the CEO of the largest company in the world. There’s prestige involved amongst associates. Tell me you’d say no? If so, maybe you’re not competitive? Or maybe you’re not that competitive? To be the best you have to join and beat the best. If you love ND enough to turn down LSU and more money you love it enough to return as a HC and steel Bamas best recruits in 5 years. If ND wants to be Bama, hire Nick Saban, not Marcus Freeman.I don't know if it's lateral move, or who is a better OC, or any of that stuff. But hopping on the AL jet at your local South Bend airport to fly out for your interview is not a good look, and doesn't bode well for an employees future. I mean, he's throwing in ND's face.
I’m willing ink it on Savvy’s face. Rees will be HC at ND within the next 10 years if he goes to Bama. He’s our best shot at a title if he’s successful in his tutelage.