play calling

Don't know for sure but Denbrock was responsible for the game plan. Probably Denbrock and then Stanford later in the game. I am sure Kelly overruled when he deemed necessary.
It's very ambiguous as to who actually calls the plays. My guess is Denbrock game plans w/ heavy input/influence from Kelly and Sanford. Game days, Kelly, Sanford, and Denbrock are communicating with each other, but ultimately Kelly calls the play.
Play calling is a collaborative effort with one guy, usually the HC with the final say. It's impossible for one person to watch 11 defenders and their reactions at one time. So you'll have several Offensive Coaches watching different areas of the defense. One guy will watch the secondary, one guy will watch the reaction to the play side and one guy will watch the reaction of the back side of the defense, And one guy generally watches the ND players. It appears Coach Harry charts the plays because he always has a clip board in his hand when ND has the ball.

All the information gets fed to the play caller and he calls the best play available. When the team is playing well and Brian Kelly gets a good feel for what the other guys are doing, he's one of the best in the business.
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Play calling is a collaborative effort with one guy, usually the HC with the final say. It's impossible for one person to watch 11 defenders and their reactions at one time. So you'll have several Offensive Coaches watching different areas of the defense. One guy will watch the secondary, one guy will watch the reaction to the play side and one guy will watch the reaction of the back side of the defense, And one guy generally watches the ND players. It appears Coach Harry charts the plays because he always has a clip board in his hand when ND has the ball.

All the information gets fed to the play caller and he calls the best play available. When the team is playing well and Brian Kelly gets a good feel for what the other guys are doing, he's one of the best in the business.
well said. I've been calling plays for 15 years. some folks think it's easy. you have to process a lot of info in 20 seconds. down, distance, time, personnel. it's all about finding a rhythm and knowing your players.
Maybe that explains why he went for 2 against NW or had Rees throw the ball out of the EZ instead of kicking the FG or had Crist come in cold for the QB sneak that he fumbled or went for it on 4th and 2 on his own 48 against FSU, or had Rees run an option play, etc etc. He is a horrible play caller.
Maybe that explains why he went for 2 against NW or had Rees throw the ball out of the EZ instead of kicking the FG or had Crist come in cold for the QB sneak that he fumbled or went for it on 4th and 2 on his own 48 against FSU, or had Rees run an option play, etc etc. He is a horrible play caller.
more uninformed drivel.
Maybe that explains why he went for 2 against NW or had Rees throw the ball out of the EZ instead of kicking the FG or had Crist come in cold for the QB sneak that he fumbled or went for it on 4th and 2 on his own 48 against FSU, or had Rees run an option play, etc etc. He is a horrible play caller.

And you sir, are one of the top 5 on this board with annoying and ignorant comments.
Did you ever hear the term "opinions are like a'holes"?
Everyone has one, and if I wanted to hear it, I would fart.
plays start in the booth; relayed to the field and then if K. signs off, it goes to the Red Cap to signal in!

Essentially as stated in the presser: committee.
Echo & Gipper, did he or did he not make these play calls? If he did, it is not drivel. In fact, the examples I wrote were just the tip of the iceberg. Gipper and Echo can toss the salad with each other all day long. Just don't drag me into your perversions.
Echo & Gipper, did he or did he not make these play calls? If he did, it is not drivel. In fact, the examples I wrote were just the tip of the iceberg. Gipper and Echo can toss the salad with each other all day long. Just don't drag me into your perversions.

And you are still a d'bag.
The man has done enough in his career to have been afforded the opportunity to be called the HC of one of the finest football teams in CFB history.
I will say this, virtually every CEO, US Army General, President of the US, and any other leader has made tough and sometimes poor decisions. Those things happen.

Little people criticize those that make the hard choices. Generally those with no balls, who are afraid to be in a position to make hard choices for fear of failure.
That coming from a business owner and HC for 29 years.
^ lemme guess, your a public speaker?

your point gets lost by the delivery; and the sweeping generalizations. Remember Rich Kotite and Charlie Winner were head football coaches? Charlie Weis was a HC at ND! Ty was a head coach at ND.
Pers, I am beginning to think Bodi is right about you. I don't give a rat's rear end about guys who may have failed. First of all, you don't get the chance to fail unless you earned the right to have that opportunity. Secondly, the are many HOF'ers in baseball who were lifetime .300 hitters. Wow, they failed 7 out of 10 times.
Guys like you and Invincible get to sit behind a keyboard and criticize. Gutless puke.
well said. I've been calling plays for 15 years. some folks think it's easy. you have to process a lot of info in 20 seconds. down, distance, time, personnel. it's all about finding a rhythm and knowing your players.
Kelly has called great games (Oklahoma, fsu, Texas....) He has also called some mind blowing stinkers.... 2 guys on the field with the same number.....and other simple details have been missed.....among other stuff....
The ultimate responsibility for success and failure falls in his lap period.....
There are very valid/legitimate reasons to criticize and praise him.....
How are 2 football coaches finding time to spend here "in season"?
Question for the coaches:
What did Andrew Luck do at Stanford that made him a unique play caller?
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Pers, I am beginning to think Bodi is right about you. I don't give a rat's rear end about guys who may have failed. First of all, you don't get the chance to fail unless you earned the right to have that opportunity. Secondly, the are many HOF'ers in baseball who were lifetime .300 hitters. Wow, they failed 7 out of 10 times.
Guys like you and Invincible get to sit behind a keyboard and criticize. Gutless puke.

gipper: you have stolen a line I use all the time, that is 'everyone has a right to fail'; meaning an opportunity.
While I may not be a personality fan of Kelly, if you read here consistantly, I have made reference to the things he has done here that border from exceptional to verry good. He may not be a top game day coach, nor a kind of inspirational guy like Rock or Lou, but he does know how to plan, administer
and organize a football program. He has taken ND from chaos to a system that seems effective.
He is of course hampered by the fact he operates under the watchful eye of the ND administration.
Kelly is by no means 'failing'.
I think he actually grasped or realized that there are things he was not going to be able to do to get to the next level; his own limits; that is the reason a guy like Sanford is here. Kelly is in fact getting his 'smarts' back by recognizing his own strengths and his non strengths.

The problem on this board is probably more that posters push personal agenda to the point of 'blind faith' or are simply mindless. that being the case they attempt, as was somewhat done in your post to use character assassination as their tool. That WILL bring a response in kind; every time, and then it is: slippery meet slope!

(and Bodi is 'continuallyBodi')
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Kelly has called great games (Oklahoma, fsu, Texas....) He has also called some mind blowing stinkers.... 2 guys on the field with the same number.....and other simple details have been missed.....among other stuff....
The ultimate responsibility for success and failure falls in his lap period.....
There are very valid/legitimate reasons to criticize and praise him.....
How are 2 football coaches finding time to spend here "in season"?
Question for the coaches:
What did Andrew Luck do at Stanford that made him a unique play caller?
I have a fair amount of time before practices as I don't teach any afternoon classes. I do a lot of postings from my office. not sure what you mean about the Andrew luck thing. did luck call the plays ?if you and others think play calling is easy or overrated that's fine. it's easy to cherry pick the negative. never hear from some here when things go well. NO ONE is successful 100% of the time. doesn't mean they are not very good at what they do.
This went off topic. All I wanted to know was who called the plays last week. I know there is a lot that goes into play calling but there is still one person that calls it.
I have a fair amount of time before practices as I don't teach any afternoon classes. I do a lot of postings from my office. not sure what you mean about the Andrew luck thing. did luck call the plays ?if you and others think play calling is easy or overrated that's fine. it's easy to cherry pick the negative. never hear from some here when things go well. NO ONE is successful 100% of the time. doesn't mean they are not very good at what they do.
I never said playcalling was "easy". However, when you run power as your core it simplifies stuff. I am fortunate to attend HS games where sidelines are regularly stocked with current and former NFL players. Plus, some former players are coaching. I have also seen how coaching staffs work tirelessly throughout the week. Evaluation.....planning other stuff is time consuming. One team has brothers coaching. Both were NFL qb's. Their knowledge is superior. I am not sure who the posters are that never say anything good about Kelly. Quite frankly, it appears to me that some folks are so far over their skis that they can't handle valid, accurate and truthful criticism of the man.
Andrew Luck did something very unique at Stanford. He was given multiple plays per down and audibled based on the d set up.
I will wait to see if the other poster knows the answer. It's pretty cool....
Echo & Gipper, did he or did he not make these play calls? If he did, it is not drivel. In fact, the examples I wrote were just the tip of the iceberg. Gipper and Echo can toss the salad with each other all day long. Just don't drag me into your perversions.

Okay. So since he has one of the highest win % as a head coach at ND. Doesn't that make him a successful play caller?

Just saying, the basis of your argument sucks.
gipper: you have stolen a line I use all the time, that is 'everyone has a right to fail'; meaning an opportunity.
While I may not be a personality fan of Kelly, if you read here consistantly, I have made reference to the things he has done here that border from exceptional to verry good. He may not be a top game day coach, nor a kind of inspirational guy like Rock or Lou, but he does know how to plan, administer
and organize a football program. He has taken ND from chaos to a system that seems effective.
He is of course hampered by the fact he operates under the watchful eye of the ND administration.
Kelly is by no means 'failing'.
I think he actually grasped or realized that there are things he was not going to be able to do to get to the next level; his own limits; that is the reason a guy like Sanford is here. Kelly is in fact getting his 'smarts' back by recognizing his own strengths and his non strengths.

The problem on this board is probably more that posters push personal agenda to the point of 'blind faith' or are simply mindless. that being the case they attempt, as was somewhat done in your post to use character assassination as their tool. That WILL bring a response in kind; every time, and then it is: slippery meet slope!

(and Bodi is 'continuallyBodi')
Thanks so much for identifying "the problem on this board". ie: that others are "mindless", are lacking in the gene pool area, etc.etc. hello pot,meet kettle !!!
Perse, this might be the most objective balanced post regarding Kelly that you have authored. Yes, I've seen bits and pieces of these thoughts expressed by you previously, but never all tied together in a nice neat comprehensive assessment. Doesn't mean you haven't written the likes before, just means I haven't seen it. With respect to the Sanford comment, all good leaders are constantly assessing organizational weakness and needs, and the Sanford hire is nothing more or less. An excellent hire that will pay dividends, both on the recruitment trail as well as adding creative wrinkles to our offense, and Kelly deserves the credit for pulling this off and hiring outside his coaches tree.
Okay. So since he has one of the highest win % as a head coach at ND. Doesn't that make him a successful play caller?

Just saying, the basis of your argument sucks.

I'd be careful with that.

Of the 12 head coaches w/ a min 5 yrs tenure at ND kelly (.692) is outperforming Brennan (.640), Faust (.535), Davie (.583) and Weis (.562).

Factoid: "No Coach" from 1887-1893 tied Davie and beat Weis and Faust.


Notre Dame has lost 5 or more games 23 times in 127 years.

We have done it 9 times this century.

14 of the 5 loss seasons are:

Kuharich (4)
Faust (4)
Weis (3)
Kelly (3)

Here are the 23 years of 5 plus losses:

1933 Andersen (coached 3 years)
1956 Brennan (coached 5 years)
1959 Kuharich (coached 4 years)
1960 Kuharich
1961 Kuharich
1962 Kuharich
1963 Devore (coached 2 years)
1981 Faust (coached 5 years)
1983 Faust
1984 Faust
1985 Faust
1986 Holtz (coached 11 years won NC)
1994 Holtz
1999 Davie (coached 5 years)
2001 Davie
2003 willingham (coached 3 years)
2004 willingham
2007 weis (coached 5 years)
2008 weis
2009 weis
2010 kelly
2011 kelly
2014 kelly

PS Folks like to tout kelly's 8 win per year streak. When I bring up his loss record the fall back is, we play more games now. Well doesn't that take away from the 8 win per annum bragging too?

Weis gave me great hope that we could still get that athletes into ND to compete for a national title. Had we won the bush push game we would have been in the conversation....

kelly had quite a run with some of Weis' crew too.

I'm still stunned by the fact that weis made it to 2 BCS (Fiesta/Sugar) games....

That in itself is proof positive that we can get the guns. It comes down to how we point them....
Yes but at a .692 win %. That means that
A. He is above .500
B. Those were won on defense.

So doesn't that make Kelly a successful play caller?
Yes but at a .692 win %. That means that
A. He is above .500
B. Those were won on defense.

So doesn't that make Kelly a successful play caller?

It is subjective. All I know is that after 5 years we have failed to establish an identity. I was hoping we would be high octane uptempo with smashmouth capabilities on O by now. Maybe this is the year.....

I am hopeful that the violence displayed by us on both sides of the ball against Texas is infectious/contagious. McGlinchey has the right do plenty of others. They have to bring it every week. Kelly needs to consistently embrace physical dominance.

Texas was a great start.

We need to steam roll virginia and punish them mercilessly.....
It is subjective. All I know is that after 5 years we have failed to establish an identity. I was hoping we would be high octane uptempo with smashmouth capabilities on O by now. Maybe this is the year.....

I am hopeful that the violence displayed by us on both sides of the ball against Texas is infectious/contagious. McGlinchey has the right do plenty of others. They have to bring it every week. Kelly needs to consistently embrace physical dominance.

Texas was a great start.

We need to steam roll virginia and punish them mercilessly.....
Actually we have to win by at least 1 point.
"I never said playcalling was "easy". However, when you run power as your core it simplifies stuff. I am fortunate to attend HS games where sidelines are regularly stocked with current and former NFL players."

First of all what does "power as your core" mean? Power is a play, not an offense or a core philosophy. Power is a play the involves the playside of the OLine blocking down, the BSG pulls and blocks PSLB, and the BST cuts off. And then somebody kicks out or turns out the PSDE. Standing on the sidelines with former players has nothing to do with coaching, Playing and coaching are apples and oranges. The sidelines and stands tonight at my game will be full of "helpers" and "ideas". But the reality is they no nothing of what is going on. And no one on this board knows the detail and difficulty of calling plays at the highest level of college football, No one. But we have a few coaches on here who understand the difficulty of the job and give the play caller the benefit of the doubt and his due respect.

Sitting on your couch sipping a Bud Light and calling out plays is NOT COACHING. When you hear The PST is slanting weak, the BSDE is coming flat down the butt line, the secondary is showing a 2 shell but rotating to 1 high Cov 3 on the snap, and the LB's have creeped up to 3 yards and are fast flowing. Then once you've absorbed all that information you now need to take in consideration, the score, down and distance, clock, weather and personnel on the field. And then get a best play called and communicated to the huddle. Try living in that world for 5 minutes and see if you are so quick to come on these boards and critique a Coach.
"I never said playcalling was "easy". However, when you run power as your core it simplifies stuff. I am fortunate to attend HS games where sidelines are regularly stocked with current and former NFL players."

First of all what does "power as your core" mean? Power is a play, not an offense or a core philosophy. Power is a play the involves the playside of the OLine blocking down, the BSG pulls and blocks PSLB, and the BST cuts off. And then somebody kicks out or turns out the PSDE. Standing on the sidelines with former players has nothing to do with coaching, Playing and coaching are apples and oranges. The sidelines and stands tonight at my game will be full of "helpers" and "ideas". But the reality is they no nothing of what is going on. And no one on this board knows the detail and difficulty of calling plays at the highest level of college football, No one. But we have a few coaches on here who understand the difficulty of the job and give the play caller the benefit of the doubt and his due respect.

Sitting on your couch sipping a Bud Light and calling out plays is NOT COACHING. When you hear The PST is slanting weak, the BSDE is coming flat down the butt line, the secondary is showing a 2 shell but rotating to 1 high Cov 3 on the snap, and the LB's have creeped up to 3 yards and are fast flowing. Then once you've absorbed all that information you now need to take in consideration, the score, down and distance, clock, weather and personnel on the field. And then get a best play called and communicated to the huddle. Try living in that world for 5 minutes and see if you are so quick to come on these boards and critique a Coach.
Yep, smashmouth football doesn't often use power at its core. How silly of me.... There are plenty of crappy coaches at the lower levels and I am underwhelmed by many.
Going for 2 when you need one isn't a decision akin to splitting an atom. It isn't rocket science and Kelly has stressed this offense on plenty of occasions to the point of imploding and burning timeouts. Did you note the break we got on one of last week's TDs? (Delay of game should have been called)
Kelly is capable of dialing up solid game plans. He has also "tossed" some miserable stinkers. He better have us ready tomorrow as Virginia doesn't want to start 0-2. They get chippy too. Rosen was lucky to survive Dean's full velocity, crack back late hit...... I expect them to try and knockout Zaire legally or illegally.....
Do you have a guess on my Andrew Luck question?

Breaking Down the Jim Harbaugh Blueprint for Success
Harbaugh isn't doing anything new and crazy. There is no Wildcat offense, no spread option-style trickery. Instead, Harbaugh is going back to basics. Power football at its best.

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Kelly hired Sanford because he needed a QB coach and he felt Sanford was the best guy available

He didn't hire Sanford to improve Kellys " strengths or non strengths " I guess when one post 24,000 x's delusional melodrama comes with the territory .
As Parcells said, you are what your record is. Kelly is an 8 win season coach. His bad play calling is fact. The play calls I mention in my above post ACTUALLY HAPPENED. To say Kelly is a great play caller is lunacy. Facts are Facts. Perse said it best. He is a great administrator which can make you a great coach if you know your weaknesses. Kelly may be seeing the light but if his ego continues to compel him to be the primary play caller, 8 wins should be expected from him every year.
As Parcells said, you are what your record is. Kelly is an 8 win season coach. His bad play calling is fact. The play calls I mention in my above post ACTUALLY HAPPENED. To say Kelly is a great play caller is lunacy. Facts are Facts. Perse said it best. He is a great administrator which can make you a great coach if you know your weaknesses. Kelly may be seeing the light but if his ego continues to compel him to be the primary play caller, 8 wins should be expected from him every year.

Massengil Natural Vinegar
Power is a play nimrod. Denver won 2 SB running Inside and Outside Zone. Power football is a mantra repeated by idiot sportswriters and idiot fans like you. You are clueless about football. Sit down and be quiet you're embarrassing yourself.
Kelly hired Sanford because he needed a QB coach and he felt Sanford was the best guy available

He didn't hire Sanford to improve Kellys " strengths or non strengths " I guess when one post 24,000 x's delusional melodrama comes with the territory .

I think coach Sanford is one of the best regardless of whose available.
That is one of coach Kelly's strongest attributes.
Power is a play nimrod. Denver won 2 SB running Inside and Outside Zone. Power football is a mantra repeated by idiot sportswriters and idiot fans like you. You are clueless about football. Sit down and be quiet you're embarrassing yourself.


How about coach Shaw is "a nothing" and coach Patterson could only get I an NFL game if be a bought a ticket.

I suggest you take your own advice and "Sit down and be quiet you're embarrassing yourself"
And you are still a d'bag.
The man has done enough in his career to have been afforded the opportunity to be called the HC of one of the finest football teams in CFB history.
I will say this, virtually every CEO, US Army General, President of the US, and any other leader has made tough and sometimes poor decisions. Those things happen.

Little people criticize those that make the hard choices. Generally those with no balls, who are afraid to be in a position to make hard choices for fear of failure.
That coming from a business owner and HC for 29 years.
I guess you look like a fool now, don't you?