Painful ND losses

Not really, ND could have hired an interim HC for 2022 and then embarked on an extensive search for a permanent HC for 2023 and beyond.

It’s not that complicated, dozens and dozens of schools have successfully followed that protocol
Not really, ND could have hired an interim HC for 2022 and then embarked on an extensive search for a permanent HC for 2023 and beyond.

It’s not that complicated, dozens and dozens of schools have successfully followed that protocol
Could have, and you assume they didn't explore that route...again, if they wanted to keep Freeman around, you assume he would accept the situation...

As for many schools, I know it happens when there are mid-season coaching changes, but I am hard-pressed (actually, completely flummoxed) to think of a situation you are proposing,,,do you have one in mind?
Could have, and you assume they didn't explore that route...again, if they wanted to keep Freeman around, you assume he would accept the situation...

As for many schools, I know it happens when there are mid-season coaching changes, but I am hard-pressed (actually, completely flummoxed) to think of a situation you are proposing,,,do you have one in mind?
The question as to whether they wanted to keep Freeman around appears to be at the heart of the matter, but I think that view or desire is part of the inherent flaw in the process they settled on for finding a HC for 2022.

The timing of Kelly’s quitting put a heightened pressure on the University to structure a fully functioning coaching staff ASAP.

That pressure and resulting mentality forced them to contract an OC prior to hiring a HC.
That pressure and resulting mentality forced them to contract an OC without the HC choosing his OC as the HC.

How would the 2022 season been different had Freeman been the interim HC coach in 2022 ?

During 2022 ND could have been engaged in a timely and expanded search for a HC for 2023

So the question is, was there a perception that Freeman had to be retained ?

Was the perception that with Freeman and Rees under contract the 2022 season would be saved ?

Should the perception have been that the 2022 season could be sacrificed in the interest of assembling the best coaching staff possible in 2023 and beyond ?