I've got some clarity here too.
2008 was a perfect storm concocted by government, Wall Street, ratings agencies, the Fed, and, yes, Main Street.
Bush and Greenspan colluded to keep rates low after dot com. Previously Clinton repealed Glass Steagall and pressured banks to lower lending standards. So you had a flood of cheap money, easy lending, and suddenly hi risk instruments on commercial bank books. Main Street took the money and ran! Ratings agencies failed to detect toxic derivatives on books.
I remember being outbid by people with no money. Hub caps dangling off their tires. I had some money and had to protect it, whereas they with no risk could afford bankruptcy. Our society betrayed savers.
So 2008 happened. But ironically more money had to be printed, yes a bailout. Bernanke did his PhD on the Great Depression and avoided collapsing the banking system, too big to fail. And many banks actually paid the money back. Bush Jr and Obama had no choice but to encourage the Fed with more stimulus...ironically, much of it wasn't lent out, staying on bank books as reserves.
Icing on the cake: COVID!!! Even more money was printed than in 2008! It was actually given out, hence inflation and the 134% debt:gdp ratio.
So here we are. Paying the piper. Foreigners acquire more of our assets underwriting our debt. They're now buying the best ND stadium tickets!
We need to pare down the debt:gdp ratio while getting Americans into higher end work to addressed skewing distribution of income and wealth. Yes, you better believe I follow all this...SEEKING ALPHA, as I like to make a buck.