Lets see now... Facts are stubborn things when you only get them from Breit-ie and Put-ie and the Russian press...
Katrina rescue failure,
Iraq, Iraq, Iraq,
Not getting Osama Bin Laden,
Banking Crisis and
The Greatest Recession since the Great Depression!!!!
Now that is what I call a big ole f-up! Historians are already saying one of the 3-4 worst presidencies in history. That was on Bush-Cheney! (Did Obama come in TrumpPutinie crying about how bad things were, boo-hoo, no! He just went about fixing them!)
Bill Clinton took office with 7.3% unemployment when he left it was 3.9%
Barack Obama took office with 7.8% by the time he left it was 4.6%
But you foxters will never know that. You listen to the Koch brothers and their boys who want to take all of your dolla$$$. All of it. And you let 'em. When was the last time a Republican administration resulted in JOBS, more jobs and less deficits?
Good luck with your Russian puppet.
Stu, you know where I stand with respect to Trump, assuming you've read this thread. Not a fan of "W" either. As to your facts, I think you're about half right. "W" was hardly to blame for 911, and most of the country and the world applauded his leadership during this horrific event. His poor communication skills, compared to Bill or Ron or Obama was a huge barrier in today's world of 24/7 TV coverage, but he still succeeded in uniting the country and gaining support here and abroad for Afghanistan.
I had many dealings with Louisiana government prior Katrina and will simply say they were the most corrupt and incompetent that I dealt with, and the vast majority of the problems with the Katrina response belong squarely at the feet of these corrupt local leaders. "W" blew it by not being a visible presence in the area sooner, and forcing FEMA down the throats of the Governor and Mayor. Shared blame.
Iraq was a total blunder and the costs are damn near immeasurable. What's missing in this assessment is the reality that most leaders given the same so-called facts, including Saddam's inexplicable refusal to allow inspectors in under the threat of war, would have arrived at the same conclusion and the same decision. That said, we have every right to expect an intellectually more demanding President and "W" ultimately owns a terrible decision and disastrous war that created so much instability in that region, and gift wrapped the immediate area to Iran and the Shiites.
Not getting OBL is hardly "W's" fault anymore than it is Obama's credit. Clinton is the one of the three that had the opportunity and squandered it.
Afghanistan and Iraq certainly require several hour back and forth discussion over good scotch as opposed to tinkering on the edges with this thread. I will only say that The invasion of Afghanistan was not a mistake; that invading Iraq was a mistake; and that Obama as the succeeding President made each worse.
Agree that "W" owns his share of the banking crisis, but it is disingenuous to pretend that the Liberals in Congress don't share this blame with the changes to Fannie and Freddy making it damn near mandatory to approve home loans with the expressed goal of having economically disadvantaged people share in the economic wonders of home ownership. Frankly, I think Bill Clinton and the Republican Congress at that time made a huge mistake breaking down the wall between banks and investment houses, and I think this enabled the abuse that led to the crisis.
OK, enough said here by me. Complicated stuff for sure, but the facts are not at all so one sided, and one doesn't have to listen to Fox to be aware of these! Throwing out the UI rate to laud Obama's economic accomplishments ignores the real metrics that matter, and by those measures, he was mediocre at best, excepting his leadership in dealing with the crisis he did inherit.