OT Ninth Circuit Again

Eminently Qualified as Lawyers , yes ! That does not make them eminently qualified as Constitutionalists?
Why is Thomas not as equally qualified as the other Justices ?
Eminently Qualified as Lawyers , yes ! That does not make them eminently qualified as Constitutionalists?
Why is Thomas not as equally qualified as the other Justices ?

Look at his background - not nearly as impressive as any of the other justices.
I don’t know about the Cash Register Jobs, but from what I see in their opinions, they strike me are
Just lawyers who were politically oppointed !

I think this can otherwise be interpreted to mean "I don't like their opinions, so I'm going to conclude that they're not qualified."
Are you telling me that you did the research to compare all the SC Justices’ backgrounds and voting records ? Very interesting . As they said in one of my favorite movies : “ your a better man than I am , .... “
Of course , I only mean that accolade in a restricted way and limited to your“ Tireless Research “ on all the Justices and their qualifications go !
You do know that we already have several hundred miles of border barrier now, right?

I do. That's why I said "the Wall that Trump promised." On the campaign trail, he was promising a monolithic, 30 foot high wall that spanned the full 2,000+ miles of the border.

In addition to being completely unrealistic and ridiculously expensive, that sort of "Great Wall of Trump" structure is not the symbol we want on the border with an ally. These aren't the Mongol hordes we're talking about.
Are you telling me that you did the research to compare all the SC Justices’ backgrounds and voting records ? Very interesting . As they said in one of my favorite movies : “ your a better man than I am , .... “
Of course , I only mean that accolade in a restricted way and limited to your“ Tireless Research “ on all the Justices and their qualifications go !

rgc7, its not a difficult task to track down the Justice's qualifications and

One of the best ways to determine whether a justice can be considered a Constitutional Scholar is their experience as a federal appellate judge and their teaching experience. Here goes:

Justice Roberts: 2 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Thomas: 1 year on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Ginsburg: 13 years on Court of Appeals; Law Professor (Rutgers & Columbia) for 17 years
Justice Breyer: 14 years on Court of Appeals; Law Professor (Harvard) for 13 years
Justice Alito: 16 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Sotomayer; 9 years on the Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Kagen: No appellate experience; 10+ years as Law Professor/Dean (Harvard)
Justice Gorsuch: 11 years on the Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Kavanaugh: 12 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience

So of all these justices, Thomas and Kagen had the least appellate experience before appointment to the SC. Kagen had substantial experience as a law professor and Thomas had none. I realize that each of these justices came through different career paths and all of them (including Thomas) have much better legal minds that I do.

I will tell you that in the Legal Community, Thomas is the least respected Justice serving on the Bench. It's not just because he rarely asks questions during oral argument but his opinions are the least impressive. There is a reason that the Chief Judges rarely assign an opinion of import to him.

As a liberal, I didn't like Scalia but have to admit that he was a brilliant legal mind.
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I think this can otherwise be interpreted to mean "I don't like their opinions, so I'm going to conclude that they're not qualified."

As far as I know, the only qualifications that they need is to be a lawyer, get a Presidential appointment,
And to be confirmed by the Senate ?
As far as I know, the only qualifications that they need is to be a lawyer, get a Presidential appointment,
And to be confirmed by the Senate ?

Technically you don't need to be a lawyer.

My point is that you're essentially determining whether someone is qualified to be a "constitutional scholar" based on whether you like their opinions or not.
rgc7, its not a difficult task to track down the Justice's qualifications and

One of the best ways to determine whether a justice can be considered a Constitutional Scholar is their experience as a federal appellate judge and their teaching experience. Here goes:

Justice Roberts: 2 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Thomas: 1 year on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Ginsburg: 13 years on Court of Appeals; Law Professor (Rutgers & Columbia) for 17 years
Justice Breyer: 14 years on Court of Appeals; Law Professor (Harvard) for 13 years
Justice Alito: 16 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Sotomayer; 9 years on the Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Kagen: No appellate experience; 10+ years as Law Professor/Dean (Harvard)
Justice Gorsuch: 11 years on the Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Kavanaugh: 12 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience

So of all these justices, Thomas and Kagen had the least appellate experience before appointment to the SC. Kagen had substantial experience as a law professor and Thomas had none. I realize that each of these justices came through different career paths and all of them (including Thomas) have much better legal minds that I do.

I will tell you that in the Legal Community, Thomas is the least respected Justice serving on the Bench. It's not just because he rarely asks questions during oral argument but his opinions are the least impressive. There is a reason that the Chief Judges rarely assign an opinion of import to him.

As a liberal, I didn't like Scalia but have to admit that he was a brilliant legal mind.
As far as I know, the only qualifications that they need is to be a lawyer, get a Presidential appointment,
And to be confirmed by the Senate ?

Technically that is true although I don't think that they even need to be a lawyer. The best justices have had long legal careers dealing with significant issues and involving both transactional and trial matters. Appellate work is significantly different that being a trial attorney or a government attorney. It requires a particular type of intellect - one that I certainly don't possess.

The confirmation process is supposed to be about whether a candidate is qualified both at to intellect, experience, and demeanor. Gorsuch, while I didn't like his appointment, passed on all three qualifications. Kavanaugh passed on 2 of the three (a big no as to demeanor), nonetheless he was confirmed. So be it.
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rgc7, its not a difficult task to track down the Justice's qualifications and

One of the best ways to determine whether a justice can be considered a Constitutional Scholar is their experience as a federal appellate judge and their teaching experience. Here goes:

Justice Roberts: 2 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Thomas: 1 year on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Ginsburg: 13 years on Court of Appeals; Law Professor (Rutgers & Columbia) for 17 years
Justice Breyer: 14 years on Court of Appeals; Law Professor (Harvard) for 13 years
Justice Alito: 16 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Sotomayer; 9 years on the Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Kagen: No appellate experience; 10+ years as Law Professor/Dean (Harvard)
Justice Gorsuch: 11 years on the Court of Appeals; no teaching experience
Justice Kavanaugh: 12 years on Court of Appeals; no teaching experience

So of all these justices, Thomas and Kagen had the least appellate experience before appointment to the SC. Kagen had substantial experience as a law professor and Thomas had none. I realize that each of these justices came through different career paths and all of them (including Thomas) have much better legal minds that I do.

I will tell you that in the Legal Community, Thomas is the least respected Justice serving on the Bench. It's not just because he rarely asks questions during oral argument but his opinions are the least impressive. There is a reason that the Chief Judges rarely assign an opinion of import to him.

As a liberal, I didn't like Scalia but have to admit that he was a brilliant legal mind.
what were her qualifications before being appointed to the court of appeals
Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice,
was born in the Pinpoint community near Savannah, Georgia on June 23, 1948. He attended Conception Seminary from 1967-1968 and received an A.B., cum laude, from Holy Cross College in 1971 and a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1974. He was admitted to law practice in Missouri in 1974, and served as an Assistant Attorney General of Missouri, 1974-1977; an attorney with the Monsanto Company, 1977-1979; and Legislative Assistant to Senator John Danforth, 1979-1981. From 1981–1982 he served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, and as Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1982-1990. From 1990–1991, he served as a Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. President Bush nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and he took his seat October 23, 1991. He married Virginia Lamp on May 30, 1987 and has one child, Jamal Adeen by a previous marriage.
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Good summary of their experiences, but their are many more intangibles that a synopsis of one’s experiences can not show ?
Thomas seems to have to close to Roberts as far as Judicial experience goes ? Yet Roberts is the Chief
Justice ? Yet just about all the other justices have more judicial and teaching experience than Roberts ?
Another interesting thing about the summarizations that you collected, is the the justices that Zi consider Liberal all were Academics at universities ?
All the Conservative justices had no Academic experiences at universities !
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To the guy that made the coke joke
Too funny
How is ineeda job doing
Anita Job
Whoops again
Anita Hill
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rgc7, you know I like you and respect you but you need to be more honest with your views. On the SC, 8 justices will vote on ideological grounds - 4 as strict constructionists and 4 as judicial activists. All believe they are ruling on Constitutional grounds. Even the terms, strict construction has various sub-groups, i.e., strict construction through textualism and strict construction through literalism.

I guarantee that none of the SC justices believe that they are acting in any way other than is permitted/mandated under the Constitution. The problem is that the Constitution is a written document that is subject to alternate interpretations, just like every other document I've ever read.

While I was not in favor of Justice Roberts when he was appointed Chief Justice, I have been very impressed to see that he is his own man and not subject to the political whims of the public and the politicians. He may well end up being one of our greatest Chief Justices and that is not a statement that I make lightly.
Complete BS. You're impressed because he voted for your libitard ways.
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Technically that is true although I don't think that they even need to be a lawyer. The best justices have had long legal careers dealing with significant issues and involving both transactional and trial matters. Appellate work is significantly different that being a trial attorney or a government attorney. It requires a particular type of intellect - one that I certainly don't possess.

The confirmation process is supposed to be about whether a candidate is qualified both at to intellect, experience, and demeanor. Gorsuch, while I didn't like his appointment, passed on all three qualifications. Kavanaugh passed on 2 of the three (a big no as to demeanor), nonetheless he was confirmed. So be it.

I stand corrected by both Duck-and NDE about my statement that one needs to be a lawyer !
Good summary of their experiences, but their are many more intangibles that a synopsis of one’s experiences can not show ?
Thomas seems to have to close to Roberts as far as Judicial experience goes ? Yet Roberts is the Chief
Justice ? Yet just about all the other justices have more judicial and teaching experience than Roberts ?
Another interesting thing about the summarizations that you collected, is the the justices that Zi consider Liberal all were Academics at universities ?
All the Conservative justices had no Academic experiences at universities !
Yeah because they were aclu attorneys
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Technically that is true although I don't think that they even need to be a lawyer. The best justices have had long legal careers dealing with significant issues and involving both transactional and trial matters. Appellate work is significantly different that being a trial attorney or a government attorney. It requires a particular type of intellect - one that I certainly don't possess.

The confirmation process is supposed to be about whether a candidate is qualified both at to intellect, experience, and demeanor. Gorsuch, while I didn't like his appointment, passed on all three qualifications. Kavanaugh passed on 2 of the three (a big no as to demeanor), nonetheless he was confirmed. So be it.
His demeanor lol
What does that even mean
rgc7, it is not an army of any type. It is a group of desperate people seeking a better life for them and their children. They are not combatants. They are not a militia. They are just desperate people who need help. How sad it is that so many of our countrymen see them as a threat rather than people who should be the subjects of our compassion and generosity.
Cut the BS about compassion and generosity. No one is saying that they can't come here. We are saying FOLLOW THE FRICKING LAWS OF OUR COUNTRY! The wall needs to be built to make sure they use the FRICKING DOOR. You libs need help.
I specifically stated congresspersons. You didn't respond to my question but created your own response.

I could careless if those states dont want a border wall. Their mess is bleeding into my state of Nebraska.
What do you think the congressmen of those states could possibly say to the parents of Sara Root? Her life was snubbed out by an illegal alien from Honduras.
Did any of the reach out to the Root family and Express why a wall wasn't needed?
No they didn't
Why should my state have to deal with not only that burden but the burden of support the illegals.
If those states feel no need for a border wall and just want to allow them to just enter my country then each one coming across should be marked and never allowed to leave the states they entered in from. If do the penalties need to be so severe that it would send a message to those who wish to consider it.
It's their mess.
Their burden.
On top of that they should not be counted in the censes because our tax dollars should not give money to those reckless states.
Nebraska is an ag state and there are work visas for those who legally want to come. We would welcome them with open arms, but this mess the border states are allowing need to fall on their door step period.

NOW.....why are those congressman from the border states not listening to the border patrol agents?
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I've heard that every time someone uses the word "libtard," an angel get's an abortion. Just sayin'
But I heard Everytime a leftist screeches "Trumptard" lois lerner's hardr drive gets accidentally drilled again or if you prefer kermit gosnell gets another democrat of the years award
I could careless if those states dont want a border wall. Their mess is bleeding into my state of Nebraska.
What do you think the congressmen of those states could possibly say to the parents of Sara Root? Her life was snubbed out by an illegal alien from Honduras.
Did any of the reach out to the Root family and Express why a wall wasn't needed?
No they didn't
Why should my state have to deal with not only that burden but the burden of support the illegals.
If those states feel no need for a border wall and just want to allow them to just enter my country then each one coming across should be marked and never allowed to leave the states they entered in from. If do the penalties need to be so severe that it would send a message to those who wish to consider it.
It's their mess.
Their burden.
On top of that they should not be counted in the censes because our tax dollars should not give money to those reckless states.
Nebraska is an ag state and there are work visas for those who legally want to come. We would welcome them with open arms, but this mess the border states are allowing need to fall on their door step period.

NOW.....why are those congressman from the border states not listening to the border patrol agents?
What states the ones with only Dem AGs
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I'll take a crack at this one.

Illegal border crossings are down, so there's no need for a $30 billion boondoggle. 21st century technology is a better solution.

The Great Wall of Trump, if built in the manner he promised, would be a national symbol that is completely at-odds with the Statue of Liberty.

The Wall would do next-to-nothing to stop the most pressing border issues, which are the overwhelming number of asylum claims and the influx of heroin, the vast majority of which comes through legal ports of entry.

The Wall would require the government seizing thousands of acres of land from property owners on the border. Texans don't cotton to the government taking their land.

Stop it with the border crossings are down
Just because you want to spread that lie doesn't make it so.

Overwhelming asylum claims? Why is that our burden?
Canada and Mexico are not at war with anyone? Do you even know how asylum claims are supposed to work?

You dont know that the vast majority of heroin came in from legal points of entries.
Why would drug dealers try to move their drugs were the feds are going to be?
Does that even make any sense to you?
If those private citizens don't want the wall then its their state and their mess. It should remain there
What 21st century technology would stop groups of people from entering illegal when the border patrol is so undermanned ? How is a drone going to stop that?
A physical wall will all the while aiding border patrol agents.
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Technically you don't need to be a lawyer.

My point is that you're essentially determining whether someone is qualified to be a "constitutional scholar" based on whether you like their opinions or not.

I love all opinions , regardless of by whom, if they are based upon the Constitution?
Yep do that oh is this regarding the difference between illegal and legal immigration
Stop it with the border crossings are down
Just because you want to spread that lie doesn't make it so.

Overwhelming asylum claims? Why is that our burden?
Canada and Mexico are not at war with anyone? Do you even know how asylum claims are supposed to work?

You dont know th he vast majority of heroin came in from legal points of entries.
Why would drug dealers try to move their drugs were the feds are going to be?
Does that even make any sense to you?
If those private citizens don't want the wall then its their state and their mess. It should remain there
What 21st century technology would stop groups of people from entering illegal when the border patrol is so undermanned ? How is a drone goi g to stop that?
A physical wall will all the while aiding border patrol agents.
Funny they mention China regarding a wall but leave out Israel
You know the country where the former potus attempted to over throw a democratically elected prime minister
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The nerve to call President Trump a national socialist while regurgitating hamas talking points/propaganda
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