Trump people say Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records.
--- WSJ
Yes, you meet with them and then you tell the truth about it (unless you have something to hide.)
They were colluding with the Russians to steal this election. They succeeded in undermining our democracy. Yet you celebrate that.
Perhaps the United States was already undermined, compromised, and stolen by the democratic party and globalists. Russia is one of the few countries NOT in bed with the globalists. Seems to me the Russians helped us get our country back. I suppose you might not agree if you care more about foreign born migrants than say you're own citizens, or you care more about transgender bathrooms than say getting American's back to work, etc. etc.