OT ND to invite VP Mike Pence to Commencement

Good point

Congratulations to your boy
Thanks DIP, my friend. As a writer, he will get a copy of our favorite Irish Poet's complete works! (My son actually spent a semester at Trinity College in Dublin, loved it and is planning to return to Ireland to study.)

I'll write this quote from our beloved Yeats on the inside cover:

Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire.
Sorry but show me anything like the mounting evidence we are currently seeing a la this administration and Putin... I have not heard of any collusion with the Chinese (and if the Chinese did do something, they failed!). But the proof must be from the Wall Street Journal or NY Times. Not Breitbart news!
Breitbart holds as much water as the Times, and the Post.
I have yet to see them investigate the lies the Swedish government have been covering up to begin with
Sorry but show me anything like the mounting evidence we are currently seeing a la this administration and Putin... I have not heard of any collusion with the Chinese (and if the Chinese did do something, they failed!). But the proof must be from the Wall Street Journal or NY Times. Not Breitbart news!

Would you settle for leaked emails from Podesta via Wikileaks?

That should get you started good sir... Do your own research and stop believing everything msm shoves down your throat! (Trump really has me increasing the usage of my exclamation points!!! Love his tweets!!)
rgc - it's a private university with private property. There's no right to access the university. To the extent that there are similar protest groups from the outside when Pence arrives, I would expect that they would be treated similarly.

Right about the Private property and right to access ! Can not argue that point !

my point is that Obama was controversal and certain not a person who was pro Catholic or for that matter
pro Christian ( in spite of his claims to being Christian ) ! " You will know a tree by its fruit " .
Trump certainly is not liked by the Left and , hopefully, Pence will be less cotroversal ?
However, if the Left decides to protest, I certainly hope , for the sake of ND and their graduating class,
that the protests will at least be as peaceful as the Pro Life ones were 8 years ago ? And that if any protests occur that they are also stopped peacefully.
Generally speaking, It is also, a very sad state of affairs when a University, any university, must be fearful of inviting a speaker for fear of protests , mayhem , riots , and destruction. Unfortunately, all the mayhem and
violence seems to be coming strictly from the Left of the politicsl spectrum.
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Thanks DIP, my friend. As a writer, he will get a copy of our favorite Irish Poet's complete works! (My son actually spent a semester at Trinity College in Dublin, loved it and is planning to return to Ireland to study.)

I'll write this quote from our beloved Yeats on the inside cover:

Education is not the filling of a pail, but rather the lighting of a fire.
I had the same phrase carved on a plack for my daughter to hang in her dorm when shen we of to the University of Florida
You must be extremely proud
Right about the Private property and right to access ! Can not argue that point !

my point is that Obama was controversal and certain not a person who was pro Catholic or for that matter
pro Christian ( in spite of his claims to being Christian ) ! " You will know a tree by its fruit " .
Trump certainly is not liked by the Left and , hopefully, Pence will be less cotroversal ?
However, if the Left decides to protest, I certainly hope , for the sake of ND and their graduating class,
that the protests will at least be as peaceful as the Pro Life ones were 8 years ago ? And that if any protests occur that they are also stopped peacefully.
Generally speaking, It is also, a very sad state of affairs when a University, any university, must be fearful of inviting a speaker for fear of protests , mayhem , riots , and destruction. Unfortunately, all the mayhem and
violence seems to be coming strictly from the Left of the politicsl spectrum.

You can have protests that are "peaceful" meaning that they do not cause property or personal damage, but are still disruptive. If I recall correctly, the Keyes protests involved, to some extent, pushing around dolls in baby strollers covered in fake blood. That type of protest - while still "peaceful" to the extent I outlined above - is still not appropriate for a graduation weekend.

The university's priority during graduation weekend should be to its students and their families - not to outside groups - which was why, I believe, ND stated that the reason Keyes and others were removed from university property was because they were not a student-led protest. I'm not sure if Pence's appearance will provoke similar protest groups led from the outside. If so, they should be treated similarly. It's not their weekend.
Sorry but show me anything like the mounting evidence we are currently seeing a la this administration and Putin... I have not heard of any collusion with the Chinese (and if the Chinese did do something, they failed!). But the proof must be from the Wall Street Journal or NY Times. Not Breitbart news!
Just speculation
But curious did the Russian tamper with the voting machines outside of that it's just noise
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You can have protests that are "peaceful" meaning that they do not cause property or personal damage, but are still disruptive. If I recall correctly, the Keyes protests involved, to some extent, pushing around dolls in baby strollers covered in fake blood. That type of protest - while still "peaceful" to the extent I outlined above - is still not appropriate for a graduation weekend.

The university's priority during graduation weekend should be to its students and their families - not to outside groups - which was why, I believe, ND stated that the reason Keyes and others were removed from university property was because they were not a student-led protest. I'm not sure if Pence's appearance will provoke similar protest groups led from the outside. If so, they should be treated similarly. It's not their weekend.

You are correct about the Keyes ' rally, and I agree with your oter points in this post !
Would you settle for leaked emails from Podesta via Wikileaks?

That should get you started good sir... Do your own research and stop believing everything msm shoves down your throat! (Trump really has me increasing the usage of my exclamation points!!! Love his tweets!!)
Dude, read it, nothing here but typical deflection. The Chinese did not hack into private email and release false new stories to swing an election. Why do you guys always deflect? I'm not talking about Obama and Hillary (and if indeed this is true, they YES I WOULD HAVE CALLED FOR AN INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR AS I DID WITH WHITEWATER.) If Sessions only met to talk trade or whatever fine, but I the majority of Americans believe that wasn't the case, that Trump and working with the Russians to sway the election. Like USC paying off the refs to beat our Irish. You're okay with that?!

We just need to have the truth. Release your tax returns, Donnie. Hire a special prosecutor to get to the truth and hopefully put all of this to rest. Whitewater, Monica, Bengazi -- you love your investigations when it is the other team who is on the defensive. But now... crickets. I find it hypocritical.


Deflect and never address the issue at hand: The current president may have colluded with a foreign (and unfriendly) power to sway the presidential election.

This is my last post on this subject. I have to get to work and I know I'm never going to change any minds here... With respect to my fellow Americans I ask you what you would be saying if the tables were turned?

I don't see this turning out well for Trump or his people. Unless of course the Republican Congress continues the coverup.
Call it what you like, the term has been used for at least 10 years (back when Trump was pro choice). And yes, there's overwhelming scientific evidence to support climate change.

Link on Pence and evolution.

The Overwhelming "scientific" evidence has made many a man rich (see Al Gore). I'm no expert but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the earth's climate has been changing since day one. But, if believing in the Easter bunny is your thing, have at it. And then there's this news flash. Scientist completely disregard any existence of a sole Creator. I believe God created all things. How this all worked into the evolution of life as we know it is a great mystery. It's understandable that scientist feel compelled to defend their turf. Millions of dollars of grant money is at stake after all.
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We agree. The earths climate has been changing for 4 billion+ years.

As far as the Easter bunny, I'd say he's more in your beliefs.
Dude, read it, nothing here but typical deflection. The Chinese did not hack into private email and release false new stories to swing an election. Why do you guys always deflect? I'm not talking about Obama and Hillary (and if indeed this is true, they YES I WOULD HAVE CALLED FOR AN INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR AS I DID WITH WHITEWATER.) If Sessions only met to talk trade or whatever fine, but I the majority of Americans believe that wasn't the case, that Trump and working with the Russians to sway the election. Like USC paying off the refs to beat our Irish. You're okay with that?!

We just need to have the truth. Release your tax returns, Donnie. Hire a special prosecutor to get to the truth and hopefully put all of this to rest. Whitewater, Monica, Bengazi -- you love your investigations when it is the other team who is on the defensive. But now... crickets. I find it hypocritical.


Deflect and never address the issue at hand: The current president may have colluded with a foreign (and unfriendly) power to sway the presidential election.

This is my last post on this subject. I have to get to work and I know I'm never going to change any minds here... With respect to my fellow Americans I ask you what you would be saying if the tables were turned?

I don't see this turning out well for Trump or his people. Unless of course the Republican Congress continues the coverup.

It now reported 7 Democratic senators have met with the same Russian ambassador not to mention he frequented the White House during the Obama Administration

The FBI I stated there is no ties between to Trump campaign and Russia but might as well let the madness run through the very minority Democratic Party so come 2018 there party will shrink some more

Where was all this crying when National Security email for kept on private server in a small basement
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The Overwhelming "scientific" evidence has made many a man rich (see Al Gore). I'm no expert but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the earth's climate has been changing since day one. But, if believing in the Easter bunny is your thing, have at it. And then there's this news flash. Scientist completely disregard any existence of a sole Creator. I believe God created all things. How this all worked into the evolution of life as we know it is a great mystery. It's understandable that scientist feel compelled to defend their turf. Millions of dollars of grant money is at stake after all.

All the climate control people better start headed to Indian China and protest or nothing's going to get fixed
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Dude, read it, nothing here but typical deflection. The Chinese did not hack into private email and release false new stories to swing an election. Why do you guys always deflect? I'm not talking about Obama and Hillary (and if indeed this is true, they YES I WOULD HAVE CALLED FOR AN INDEPENDENT PROSECUTOR AS I DID WITH WHITEWATER.) If Sessions only met to talk trade or whatever fine, but I the majority of Americans believe that wasn't the case, that Trump and working with the Russians to sway the election. Like USC paying off the refs to beat our Irish. You're okay with that?!

We just need to have the truth. Release your tax returns, Donnie. Hire a special prosecutor to get to the truth and hopefully put all of this to rest. Whitewater, Monica, Bengazi -- you love your investigations when it is the other team who is on the defensive. But now... crickets. I find it hypocritical.


Deflect and never address the issue at hand: The current president may have colluded with a foreign (and unfriendly) power to sway the presidential election.

This is my last post on this subject. I have to get to work and I know I'm never going to change any minds here... With respect to my fellow Americans I ask you what you would be saying if the tables were turned?

I don't see this turning out well for Trump or his people. Unless of course the Republican Congress continues the coverup.
I like calling a spade a spade. Both sides smell an awful lot like Madagascar Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko scat. Do I want Russia rigging our elections? Of course not.

Did you read the second link? Just for shiz and giggles, can you provide me with documentation that Trump or anyone in Trump's organization has accepted $2million from someone in the Russian Parliament? Also, what's our trade deficit w/ Russia? $600 billion to the Chinese?? wowsers... someone... most likely both parties... were having their wheels greased for quite some time.

[In 2013, a Chinese donor who gave $2 million to the Clinton Foundation appeared to also have contributed $120,000 to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s gubernatorial campaign that same year.

The donor was Wang Wenliang, a former delegate to the Chinese parliament, the Chinese Communist government in other words. He controls several Chinese firms, including Rilin Enterprises and Dandong Port Co.”]
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It now reported 7 Democratic senators have met with the same Russian ambassador not to mention he frequented the White House during the Obama Administration

The FBI I stated there is no ties between to Trump campaign and Russia but might as well let the madness run through the very minority Democratic Party so come 2018 there party will shrink some more

Where was all this crying when National Security email for kept on private server in a small basement

The Democrats are doing all they can to delay and then investige any false news about Trump and his administration they can. They see their power slipping away, and they will do all they can to destroy
the country if necessary to hang onto their power. They are the lowest creatures in the swamp.
The Russian stories are just a fake news strawman to divert from the real problems facing our country,
that will never be solved as long as the Democrats succeed it twarting the will of the voters.
The real investigation should be into where all the leaks from our intelligent agencies are coming from, and the leakers should be sent to jail.
Hillary should also go to jail, but she goes scott free because, prosecuting her will be too disruptive to the country !
I think it is time that the Republicans develop a pair, take off the gloves, and start using the nuclear option
and get Things done. The Republicans have always been a bunch of Candy As .... s ? Time they man up !
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The Democrats are doing all they can to delay and then investige any false news about Trump and his administration they can. They see their power slipping away, and they will do all they can to destroy
the country if necessary to hang onto their power. They are the lowest creatures in the swamp.
The Russian stories are just a fake news strawman to divert from the real problems facing our country,
that will never be solved as long as the Democrats succeed it twarting the will of the voters.
The real investigation should be into where all the leaks from our intelligent agencies are coming from, and the leakers should be sent to jail.
Hillary should also go to jail, but she goes scott free because, prosecuting her will be too disruptive to the country !
I think it is time that the Republicans develop a pair, take off the gloves, and start using the nuclear option
and get Things done. The Republicans have always been a bunch of Candy As .... s ? Time they man up !
This freaking spinless Republican house better hold the line, or they will be out....That is unless there is true wrong doing AKA hacking into the ballot box

It now reported 7 Democratic senators have met with the same Russian ambassador not to mention he frequented the White House during the Obama Administration

The FBI I stated there is no ties between to Trump campaign and Russia but might as well let the madness run through the very minority Democratic Party so come 2018 there party will shrink some more

Where was all this crying when National Security email for kept on private server in a small basement

This whole Trump-Russia thing is turning into a witch hunt. I guess the left-wingers are desperate.
1999, Sessions spoke in favor of President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, saying, “The chief law-enforcement officer of the land, whose oath of office calls on him to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, crossed the line and failed to defend and protect the law. . . . It is crucial to our system of justice that we demand the truth.”

Sessions lied to Congress. Words come back to bite you. Sessions is toast.

False news? Nice try.

Fact: Sessions met with the Russian Ambassador twice.
Fact: Flynn met with the Russians and was fired for lying about it.
Fact: Kushner met with Russians at Trump tower (in December).
Fact: European Intelligence Agencies (Britain and Dutch) have provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials—and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin—and associates of President-elect Trump
Fact: Trump buddies Manford, Stone, Page and Cohen all had meeting with the Russians.
Fact: Trump said he "Hasn't made a phone call to Russia in years." Yet Trump spoke to Vladimir Putin less than three weeks before that—an event that the White House announced at the time, on January 28th. The guys lies and lies and lies.
Fact: U.S. counterintelligence are currently investigating communications between members of Mr. Trump’s campaign team and Russian operatives.

But don't believe me. Read the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Reuters. Fake news? I don't think so.
Sessions not alone: Russian ambassador also met with numerous Democrats

Democrats were aghast after learning Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice, as a senator, with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. without telling Congress at his confirmation hearing – but it turns out Sergey Kislyak is no stranger to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

The longtime Russian ambassador met with seven then-Democratic senators in a single sit-down in 2013, among other discussions – and reportedly was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House.

As House Speaker Paul Ryan put it Thursday, “We meet with ambassadors all the time.”
Trump people say Attorney General Jeff Sessions was acting as a then-U.S. senator when he talked to Russia’s ambassador at an event during last year’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, but Sessions paid for convention travel expenses out of his own political funds and he spoke about Donald Trump’s campaign at the event, according to a person at the event and campaign-finance records.

--- WSJ

Yes, you meet with them and then you tell the truth about it (unless you have something to hide.)

They were colluding with the Russians to steal this election. They succeeded in undermining our democracy. Yet you celebrate that.

this is what fox news does! They deflect. Of course elected officials meet with foreign leaders, Paul. But look at the facts. The Trump team was meeting with the RUSSIANS A LOT at a time when the Russians hacked and released private DNC emails, filled the internet with fake news stories all to tip the election to Trump. They wanted Trump. Why? What do they have on the guy?

Now -- I'll say it again. If there is nothing to hide here, hire a special prosecutor and lets get all of the facts on the table. Americans deserve the truth.

Why can't you Trump supporters agree to that. If he is blameless in this, then he should be calling for a full investigation not the Republican coverup you are all calling for.
this is what fox news does! They deflect. Of course elected officials meet with foreign leaders, Paul. But look at the facts. The Trump team was meeting with the RUSSIANS A LOT at a time when the Russians hacked and released private DNC emails, filled the internet with fake news stories all to tip the election to Trump. They wanted Trump. Why? What do they have on the guy?

Now -- I'll say it again. If there is nothing to hide here, hire a special prosecutor and lets get all of the facts on the table. Americans deserve the truth.

Why can't you Trump supporters agree to that. If he is blameless in this, then he should be calling for a full investigation not the Republican coverup you are all calling for.

Agree Stu,
Lets do a real investigation starting with and including the Clinton Foundation, Hillaries emails, Loretta Lynches meeting with Bill Clinton while Hillary was being investigated, the leaks coming out of
our intelligence angencies ?
Or perhaps we just stop all the Russian nonsense and the past, and let the Trump Administration
get his team in place , and trying to work with him to solve the Nations problems ?
I would prefer the second cause !
RGC: Why??? Hillary is toast. She lost. She and Bill are history. It would be like going back to reinvestigate Nixon or Bush/Cheney.

How can we let this go? Right now everything is pointing to the fact that the Russians colluded with the Trump people to tamper with this election. Sorry but that is bigger than White Water or the Clinton Foundation -- how did any of that threaten our democracy. No, this harkens back to Watergate.

Tampering with our democracy. Sorry, I'm not okay with that. Are you?

We need get to the truth. If it proves to be nothing (like Whitewater) then I'm happy to let Trump do his job. (And I wouldn't even call for a second prosecutor to look into oval office blowjobs...)

If he has nothing to hide -- appoint a special prosecutor. If that isn't done then I will continue to do everything in my power to fight this administration -- because I will not bow to that asshole Putin.
RGC: Why??? Hillary is toast. She lost. She and Bill are history. It would be like going back to reinvestigate Nixon or Bush/Cheney.

How can we let this go? Right now everything is pointing to the fact that the Russians colluded with the Trump people to tamper with this election. Sorry but that is bigger than White Water or the Clinton Foundation -- how did any of that threaten our democracy. No, this harkens back to Watergate.

Tampering with our democracy. Sorry, I'm not okay with that. Are you?

We need get to the truth. If it proves to be nothing (like Whitewater) then I'm happy to let Trump do his job. (And I wouldn't even call for a second prosecutor to look into oval office blowjobs...)

If he has nothing to hide -- appoint a special prosecutor. If that isn't done then I will continue to do everything in my power to fight this administration -- because I will not bow to that asshole Putin.
Kind of like tampering in the Ukraine with the CIA.
I'll make this easy for you..
Notre Dame’s president, the Rev John Jenkins said the travel ban was the reason president Trump wasn't consider, and why The VP was.
I didn't know vice president Pence didn't agree with the travel ban?
How exactly does this work out?
The VP shouldn't avoid making a false narrative that is surely going to be spun out of this and decline.

I will take it a step farther. VP Pence didn't want Syrian refugees brought to Indiana.
The Father is shutting out the people that voted for president Trump that attend ND. What a clown!
So is the Pope. What's your point?
Democrat Claire McCaskill Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador
The latest example of lying while sucking at technology comes to us from Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who tried her best to pile on the Russophobic Jeff Sessions witch hunt by emphatically tweeting about how she's never had a call or meeting with the Russians. Ever. Unfortunately for Claire, she forgot about the two times she not only did that, but tweeted about it!

RGC: Why??? Hillary is toast. She lost. She and Bill are history. It would be like going back to reinvestigate Nixon or Bush/Cheney.

How can we let this go? Right now everything is pointing to the fact that the Russians colluded with the Trump people to tamper with this election. Sorry but that is bigger than White Water or the Clinton Foundation -- how did any of that threaten our democracy. No, this harkens back to Watergate.

Tampering with our democracy. Sorry, I'm not okay with that. Are you?

We need get to the truth. If it proves to be nothing (like Whitewater) then I'm happy to let Trump do his job. (And I wouldn't even call for a second prosecutor to look into oval office blowjobs...)

If he has nothing to hide -- appoint a special prosecutor. If that isn't done then I will continue to do everything in my power to fight this administration -- because I will not bow to that asshole Putin.
So is the Pope. What's your point?
I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it
Photo contradicts Pelosi's statement about not meeting Kislyak

Thanks BGI,
I was just going to answer Stu, but you beat me to it. Russia is a phoney story! As Paul Ryan said all
congressmen have meetings with Russian and all repesentatives from other countries.
The Russians are just the latest strawmen to delay and keep Trump for keeping his promises to the American people.
They forget that Obama allower Russia to get entrenced in Syria and move into the Crimea,
not to mention the uranium that Hilary gave to the Russians and the billions of dollars that Obama
gave to Iran !
They didn't only converse with rhe Russians, they laid down in bed with them !
If ND doesn't invite President Trump to speak they are disingenuous. I can't believe I ever bought into their collective bullshit. This from a University who has honored politicians who are pro-choice, aka pro abortion. To say Notre Dame is " Catholic" is absurd. I used to love this Univesity with all my heart. Now I find them reprehensible and disgusting. Good day, and Dominus Vobiscum to all...Always.
I would never think ND is "reprehensible and disgusting" and hope that part of your post was a 'rant'. However, I do understand your feelings toward ND. Fortunately, I was sent a survey a few weeks ago asking my opinion of the school. I replied back stating they are becoming too politically correct and have lost their unique nature among universities by going along with the liberal agenda. Will probably not make a difference but it felt good to get that off my chest with the university.
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Democrat Claire McCaskill Caught Lying About Meeting With Russian Ambassador
The latest example of lying while sucking at technology comes to us from Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who tried her best to pile on the Russophobic Jeff Sessions witch hunt by emphatically tweeting about how she's never had a call or meeting with the Russians. Ever. Unfortunately for Claire, she forgot about the two times she not only did that, but tweeted about it!

Nancy Pelosi also denied having meetings with Russian ambassador I guess she forgot as well
1999, Sessions spoke in favor of President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, saying, “The chief law-enforcement officer of the land, whose oath of office calls on him to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, crossed the line and failed to defend and protect the law. . . . It is crucial to our system of justice that we demand the truth.”

Sessions lied to Congress. Words come back to bite you. Sessions is toast.

False news? Nice try.

Fact: Sessions met with the Russian Ambassador twice.
Fact: Flynn met with the Russians and was fired for lying about it.
Fact: Kushner met with Russians at Trump tower (in December).
Fact: European Intelligence Agencies (Britain and Dutch) have provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials—and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin—and associates of President-elect Trump
Fact: Trump buddies Manford, Stone, Page and Cohen all had meeting with the Russians.
Fact: Trump said he "Hasn't made a phone call to Russia in years." Yet Trump spoke to Vladimir Putin less than three weeks before that—an event that the White House announced at the time, on January 28th. The guys lies and lies and lies.
Fact: U.S. counterintelligence are currently investigating communications between members of Mr. Trump’s campaign team and Russian operatives.

But don't believe me. Read the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times and Reuters. Fake news? I don't think so.

Did you listen to Sen. Franken question to the AG from beginning to end? Of coarse he was asking the AG about contact with Russians why acting as a surrogate, and he asserted it. Where was Sent Frankenstein follow up about if the AG had meetings outside of being a surrogate? Why did ANYONE ask that question from the committee if this Russian connection was so pressing?

The FBI cleared Flynn

Kushner - meeting was official as with other ambassadors

European intelligence Agency has no idea what meetings were about

ECT ECT,....
You guys are hoping so hard your going to be disappointed

Here's the question
How did the Obama Administration have all this information then and instead of hiding it to use later and why didn't they do something then?

If you are thinking the Russians tampered with the election system as in ballot machines, or changing votes that would be a conspiracy
If you believe emails that were hacked, and put out were false then they would have been disputed regardless even if Russian did try to weigh in on the election as they've done since 1920s, I feel you should be just as outraged with the Obama Administration trying to influence the Israeli elections which were not as secretive in fact it's what kind of blatant
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