Trump's pro life beliefs are mostly a facade.
Your statement seems to suggest that they haven't invited pro life presidents.
As far as facade..... President Obama was anti gay rights correct?
President Trump always support gay rights
Trump's pro life beliefs are mostly a facade.
Your statement seems to suggest that they haven't invited pro life presidents.
When did the Catholic Church start embracing Darwinism?
Not at all. That is what should be expected
I've posted quotes from the former President from an article. I wasn't shooting from the hipWell, you're the one who is accusing the previous president of dealing drugs in order to finance his way through law school, so yes, you are.
Not to mention the fact that any of us can overreact to an issue regardless of whether anyone else is overreacting to another issue.
No one is being "shut out"
As far as facade..... President Obama was anti gay rights correct?
President Trump always support gay rights
I've posted quotes from the former President from an article. I wasn't shooting from the hip
There is no over reach when the President judged President Trump on his travel ban, but not governor Pence trying to keep Syrian refugees out of Indiana, OR as if VP Pence doesn't agree with the travel ban
I've posted quotes from the former President from an article. I wasn't shooting from the hip
There is no over reach when the President judged President Trump on his travel ban, but not governor Pence trying to keep Syrian refugees out of Indiana, OR as if VP Pence doesn't agree with the travel ban
Since Pius XII the Church has recognized there's no conflict between evolution and the Church. Since John Paul II the Church has recognized evolution.
Earlier you asked what is says that they would invite a pro choice president but not a pro life president. It means nothing because your statement means nothing. They have invited pro life presidents in the past. They invited the vice president whose pro life beliefs and pro life actions are stronger than anything the current president has ever said or done. It has nothing to do with abortion.
Don't want to upset the snowflakes. So much for higher learning. Trump supporters who attend have no voice on campus I guess.Color me skeptical or cynical, but I tend not to put much weight in th
Color me skeptical or cynical, but I don't put a lot of weight on official public pronouncements of institutions, especially from Notre Dame. I tend to think that the reason Pence was invited instead of Trump is simpler: generally, that inviting Trump would have created a massive amount of unrest from a significant portion of the student body, and the university wanted to avoid that.
So according to Pope XII
There is no conflict t with Christianity and evolution , provided that Christians believe that the individual soul is created from God?????
Who decides which monkey get the soul? That's unfair to get other monkey,s who don't receive one don't you think?
That's not what the Father stated in regards to VP Pence invite
You are speculating
Don't want to upset the snowflakes. So much for higher learning. Trump supporters who attend have no voice on campus I guess.
Who would if thought this is what this nation is coming too 30 years ago
Of course I'm speculating--that's what everyone does. Do you believe everything that's said publicly?
You asked when the Catholic Church started embracing evolution. As I've noted, they have for a while. There's no inherent conflict in believing that evolution is part of God's plan . Do you honestly believe that two humans were created approximately 4,000 years ago?
This makes no senseWho is the one whining about who was invited to give the commencement address?
Hint: it's not me. Who's being the snowflake here?
This makes no sense
You are equivalate that me wondering why VP Pence instead of President Trump is being invited as whining yet the student body from Notre Dame who voted for Trump are shutout
Hopefully chants of "build that wall" erupt during the speech. The level of butt-hurtedness on display from the intolerant left is beyond amusing.
Agreed. I'm no fan of the megalomaniac POTUS, but if you want to continue tradition, VP Pence is a better choice than the Pres.You're overreacting.
So the Republicans get the second best, don't want to upset the apple cart.Makes perfect sense. Pence is a great choice for commencement speaker. Those who are republicans aren't being "silenced", yet there seem to be a number of people on this board who feel upset that their personal choice wasn't selected, but instead, the choice was someone with a more conservative, more moral record. Odd, to say the least.
If tradition means settling for number 2 than it needs to be scrappedAgreed. I'm no fan of the megalomaniac POTUS, but if you want to continue tradition, VP Pence is a better choice than the Pres.
I don't hear any complaining from the left about the commencement speaker. I hear plenty of complaining from the right.
I don't hear any complaining from the left about the commencement speaker. I hear plenty of complaining from the right.
Nobody is complaining about Pence being the representative, simply questioning / inquiring about the machinations behind the decision.
I certainly hope the decision was based on Indiana being Pence's home state versus an attempt to turn down the heat on the campus snowflakes who believe free speech only applies to them.
Climate change (formally known as global warming) is a science? What has VP Pence said about evolution? Give the quote and the source. Maybe I missed it.
Well that is pretty darn short-sighted. Does the ND Admin possess and/or receive the same classified information as that of the POTUS?The decision was made on the travel ban
ExactlyWell that is pretty darn short-sighted. Does the ND Admin possess and/or receive the same classified information as that of the POTUS?
Also, I must have missed where Pence admonished, and distanced himself, from the travel ban. Perhaps one of our resident snowflakes, or someone from the ND admin, could point me towards this information.
The decision was made on the travel ban
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Trump's pro life stand is merely to win votes. He's been pro choice all his life.
What I read, Jenkins said it was because he wanted the focus to be on the graduates, and not on the speaker. So he was just trying to keep things less controversial. Would you want your graduation day overshadowed by a controversy over the speaker? I don't have a problem with that. Pence should be a good speaker (even if he's a former Catholic).
Here's the quote:
"I continue to believe it is important to recognize and listen to our country's elected leader, whatever their views," Jenkins told The Tribune in December. "At the same time, I do not want the surrounding controversy to distract from the central purpose of commencement — a joyful celebration of our graduates and their families."
So the Republicans get the second best, don't want to upset the apple cart.
I guess VP Biden wasn't less controversial, or had a more moral record than President Obama not to mention he was Catholic
I would have no problem with Fr. Jenkin's statement, if he had the same concerns for the pro life
students and parents who were not very joyous of His inviting President Obama. So I don't buy the
" Joy " part of his statement.
I think what I stated in a post a little earlier, is a more accurate interpretation of his reasoning ?
The decision was made on the travel ban
Getting back to Obama's invitation, there were certainly protest by prolife Catholics, but they were
peaceful and the leaders like Alan Keyes were arrested and taken away in handcuffs ! They never resisted arrest or desplayed any violence whatsoever! However , ND was quick to put an end to their "Right to Life" protesting.
As confusion sets in.There's no divine right to get the commencements speaker of your choice.
Good pointMy son who is graduating from USC this spring will be listening to Will Farrell! Which ceremony would you rather attend?
Are you concerned about the decades of collusion b/w the Clinton's and the Chinese? Is the USA the only country in the world with permission to influence elections and demand regime change? How about you and your party worry about the plank of wood sticking out your eye and let us worry about the sawdust in ours, mmmkaay?Both guys may be out of a job by then...
Where this is smoke there is fire. Sessions met with the Russian ambassador TWICE during the election and then lied about it in his confirmation hears. Flynn has already been fired for lying about his strategy sessions with the Russian Ambassador (a known spy master) and Kushner had meetings too.
Maybe it is nothing? But can you imagine the tirade that would be coming from the conservative side it the tables were turned and the Russians interceded to bring down Trump?
Time for a special prosecutor. Just like the Republicans demanded with Bill Clinton (and Janet Reno agreed) over Whitewater. What's fair is fair. (For me this looks a whole lot worse than Whitewater. Hey, maybe like Clinton, Trump will be cleared.)
I'm sure Trump and his people did nothing. Lets get it all on the table so we can get on with the work at hand. But we need the President to have a clean slate. Russia clearly interfered in this election. Are all of you really okay with that? And if Trump (and his people) were colluding with them -- are you really okay with that?
Oh, and the Special Prosecutor will demand to see DT's Tax Returns and that could be the end...
Sorry but show me anything like the mounting evidence we are currently seeing a la this administration and Putin... I have not heard of any collusion with the Chinese (and if the Chinese did do something, they failed!). But the proof must be from the Wall Street Journal or NY Times. Not Breitbart news!Are you concerned about the decades of collusion b/w the Clinton's and the Chinese? Is the USA the only country in the world with permission to influence elections and demand regime change? How about you and your party worry about the plank of wood sticking out your eye and let us worry about the sawdust in ours, mmmkaay?![]()
Are you concerned about the decades of collusion b/w the Clinton's and the Chinese? Is the USA the only country in the world with permission to influence elections and demand regime change? How about you and your party worry about the plank of wood sticking out your eye and let us worry about the sawdust in ours, mmmkaay?![]()