OT....credibility right out the window

Where in the world are you at? Lol
In Michigan right now live in LA. I have a Twin Spires account you can gamble on any track in the country, England, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan. One day I bet 22 straight hours. Started with a track in Ireland at 6am in the morning and finished up at HA Shi Tin at 4am at night. Hong Kong racing this the craziest by far. They usually have around 20 horses with weights going from 134 down to 112. Its the most insane racing in the world. I usually bet on the jockeys than horses in the Hong Kong. Although I usually will throw 6 on the 99-1 shotd
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In Michigan right now live in LA. I have a Twin Spires account you can gamble on any track in the country, England, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan. One day I bet 22 straight hours. Started with a track in Ireland at 6am in the morning and finished up at HA Shi Tin at 4am at night. Hong Kong racing this the craziest by far. They usually have around 20 horses with weights going from 134 down to 112. Its the most insane racing in the world. I usually bet on the jockeys than horses in the Hong Kong. Although I usually will throw 6 on the 99-1 shotd
Good luck!
The point being Trump said the days of under 3% GDP were over, correct? Just another campaign process the lemmings believed.

There have even been some liberal pundits that admit that Trump has tried harder to keep campaign promises than any President in recent memory.
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Perhaps this is semantics. He tried to interfere. He was too wimpy to exercise that legal right to fire because he knew it would trigger another Saturday Night Massacre.
So much drama this is nothing like watergate. This isn't illegal taping. This is the the previous administration interfering in a presidential election not the Russians. To think the Israeli elections were not the only one the previous administration was involved in shouldn't be a surprise
If you do not see it you chose not to. Even Mueller said the investigation continued unimpeded. President Trump claimed little executive privilege if any.
Mueller was conficted and this is why president Trump wanted him off the case.
Rosenstein was still there along with the conspirators.
This will all come out....already is. Weissmann needs to be brought infront of congress to answer for his doings. That Corrupt prick will fold.
The FBI tried to interfere...who were they answeing to? Its in the lovebirds text.
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The point being Trump said the days of under 3% GDP were over, correct? Just another campaign process the lemmings believed.

He sure did. And guess what? The 2018 GDP was just revised down to 2.5%. And this last quarter, it was only 2.1%.

The budget deficit has gotten much worse. So has the national debt. So has the trade deficit. And despite Trump’s deficit-busting tax cuts and huge spending, the economy has fallen short.

Naturally, Trump accepts full responsibility for this mediocre showing....

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He sure did. And guess what? The 2018 GDP was just revised down to 2.5%. And this last quarter, it was only 2.1%.

The budget deficit has gotten much worse. So has the national debt. So has the trade deficit. And despite Trump’s deficit-busting tax cuts and huge spending, the economy has fallen short.

Naturally, Trump accepts full responsibility for this mediocre showing....

Thanks to the Fed .....Geez

You guys saw this already, right? The fake presidential seal with the two-headed eagle clutching golf clubs? And the motto “45 es un titere” (45 is a puppet)?

Apparently some staffer at the conservative group “Turning Point USA” had the president speaking in front of this fake seal that was designed to troll the president. And no one noticed.

Things that have gotten worse under Trump: Budget Deficit, National Debt, Trade Deficit, The Environment, Healthcare and number of uninsured Americans, Immigration problem, Relationship with allies, Respect of the world.
Since my republican friends are so interested in due process and personal freedom from govt harassment im guessing these 2 stories has you polishing your AR's and breaking out the Dont Trend On Me flags or did you guys give that up too?

In Michigan right now live in LA. I have a Twin Spires account you can gamble on any track in the country, England, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan. One day I bet 22 straight hours. Started with a track in Ireland at 6am in the morning and finished up at HA Shi Tin at 4am at night. Hong Kong racing this the craziest by far. They usually have around 20 horses with weights going from 134 down to 112. Its the most insane racing in the world. I usually bet on the jockeys than horses in the Hong Kong. Although I usually will throw 6 on the 99-1 shotd
Ah from LA. That explains your libitard views
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So much drama this is nothing like watergate. This isn't illegal taping. This is the the previous administration interfering in a presidential election not the Russians. To think the Israeli elections were not the only one the previous administration was involved in shouldn't be a surprise
If you do not see it you chose not to. Even Mueller said the investigation continued unimpeded. President Trump claimed little executive privilege if any.
Mueller was conficted and this is why president Trump wanted him off the case.
Rosenstein was still there along with the conspirators.
This will all come out....already is. Weissmann needs to be brought infront of congress to answer for his doings. That Corrupt prick will fold.
The FBI tried to interfere...who were they answeing to? Its in the lovebirds text.
You're right. Sen Graham should call Weisman to testify before his committee. Q. Explain why Joseph Mifsud wasn't charged with lying? When you're report listed he lied 3 separate x to the FBI. I believe the OIG report from Horowitz will shed some light on the role of Weisman. I think Weisman may have some future legal issues re. his dealings with Peter Stryzok and Lisa Page
Since my republican friends are so interested in due process and personal freedom from govt harassment im guessing these 2 stories has you polishing your AR's and breaking out the Dont Trend On Me flags or did you guys give that up too?

This is what happens when illegal immigration flood the border
Gavin Newsom is too busy wanting to help the non citizens while robbing from it's citizens.
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This is what happens when illegal immigration flood the border
Gavin Newsom is too busy wanting to help the non citizens while robbing from it's citizens.
Hmm so the Govt wasnt out of line here because these Americans citizens didnt look American enough to you? Just curious what does the right kind of American look like to you?
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There have even been some liberal pundits that admit that Trump has tried harder to keep campaign promises than any President in recent memory.
Once again missing the point. He made campaign promises that he knew were pie in the sky. Did he really think Mexico would pay for the wall? That he would completely fix the ACA? Pay down the national debt in 10 years? I could keep going.
Once again missing the point. He made campaign promises that he knew were pie in the sky. Did he really think Mexico would pay for the wall? That he would completely fix the ACA? Pay down the national debt in 10 years? I could keep going.
But he said they were such easy fixes

You guys saw this already, right? The fake presidential seal with the two-headed eagle clutching golf clubs? And the motto “45 es un titere” (45 is a puppet)?

Apparently some staffer at the conservative group “Turning Point USA” had the president speaking in front of this fake seal that was designed to troll the president. And no one noticed.

Things that have gotten worse under Trump: Budget Deficit, National Debt, Trade Deficit, The Environment, Healthcare and number of uninsured Americans, Immigration problem, Relationship with allies, Respect of the world.
This is the picture future historians will refer to when trying to explain the Trump Era.
I have been reading this Thread with a great deal of astonishment , Amusement, and unbelief.
Astonished at the people who loved Mueller for the last 3 years or so. Told us all of his integrity and
How the facts that he was gathering would prove that Our President had committed Treason by conspiring
With the Russians to rig the Election. The Conservatives said all along that the “ Investigation “ was
a farce ( built on a fiction ) and , therefore , would not find any Collusion, because there never was any collusion!
That is exactly what Mr. integrity’s investigation showed ! NO COLLUSION!
Amused at the “ liberal posters” , the usual suspects , who are still talking nonsense about more investigations , Impeachment, etc. Do we no longer live in a free society where a person can live in
Peace with out being accused of a “ Crime “ by another person and having a police State investigation
Into that person’s life, family, businesses, tax returns in order to find some “ Crime “ , Any old crime,
anything ! Free Men should be free of this type of totalitarianism!
That is not the country that Americans bleed and died for since our founding. Rather that is what
The Countries That we sacrificed, bleed and even died for did. Fascist, Communist, and other totalitarian
Antifa, the truth is discovered just by removing the ANTI and completing the fa scist !
Please read the history of 1930’s in Germany and Russia and you will see where your wishes will lead us !
Unbelief. That any person who understands history, current events, socialism, our constitution can even
Take the posters seriously who advocate the very things that have destroyed every country throughout History Who has ever tried them !
I am through posting with those “ Liberal posters “, and will just be a passive reader on this trend !
Once again missing the point. He made campaign promises that he knew were pie in the sky. Did he really think Mexico would pay for the wall? That he would completely fix the ACA? Pay down the national debt in 10 years? I could keep going.
He cant do that without Congress
He was willing to work with Congress (both parties) but the establishment groups didn't want to work with him
From that joke Paul Ryan to this joke Nancy Pelosi
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Hmm so the Govt wasnt out of line here because these Americans citizens didnt look American enough to you? Just curious what does the right kind of American look like to you?

Lies finally caught up

"Galicia’s mother obtained the visa for him when he was a minor and claimed he was born in Mexico.

He didn’t have a U.S. passport because when he was born in Dallas, Sanjuana used a fake name on his birth certificate."

Just like they will when all the investigatiknscare in though it doesnt stop the Democrats in congress from lying jyst yesterday Nadler was peddling the same old lie about Mueller testimony
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Who was the President when Russia was doing this ?

Why did Obama state that no voting site was impacted by the Russians.

Can you name anyone who changed their vote from Hillary to Trump due to the Russian’s influence ?

This is mostly an attempt to nullify Trump’s election.

I used to respect Joe Scarborough, but he’s become so pussy whipped that all he does is parrot Mika’s views.
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And yet his cult will claim Donald never provoked or insulted anyone.
Who claims Trump never insults anyone? Everything he said about baltimore and Cummings can be proven with facts.

With that said, he shouldn't have said "no human being would ever want to live there." I don't know why, but there are some humans that want to live there.
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Honestly, how are you guys going to cope when your Divider In Chief is voted out?
Division didn't happen under trump, the working class just finally decided to stand up under trump. When obama and the previous administration supported criminals and violent riots over our law enforcement, division escalated quickly. The BLM movement was the beginning of this most recent tension.
Division didn't happen under trump, the working class just finally decided to stand up under trump. When obama and the previous administration supported criminals and violent riots over our law enforcement, division escalated quickly. The BLM movement was the beginning of this most recent tension.
Who is the working class and what color are they mostly in your opinion? Also, when you say Obama supported criminals isn't Trump who is getting all the credit for the First Step Act policy for criminal reform?

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Who is the working class and what color are they mostly in your opinion? Also, when you say Obama supported criminals isn't Trump who is getting all the credit for the First Step Act policy for criminal reform?

What does the first step act have to do with criminals on our streets committing crimes and violence against police officers?

I don't care what color the working class is. His policies and rhetoric support all colors that want to better themselves and the people around them.
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