OT....credibility right out the window

According to Mueller if there is no evidence against you, you are implicitly guilty by reason of the inability to prove guilt! No exoneration is possible.
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Obama put up that growth rate coming out of a terrible recession. Trump's growth rate is 8 years into a recovery. The two situations are not remotely comparable.
Chart says govt spending picked up once Republicans took all 3 branches of govt. Instead of lower the deficit they exploded it.
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I honestly thought mueller would have some form of explanation why this wasn't a biased investigation. Instead, his lack of knowledge of key components, and unwillingness to explain the clear look of bias shows, this was 100% a scam of an investigation and exactly why nothing of importance has come out of it. Everyone knew about everything of importance in the report years ago.

William Barr's investigation could be interesting on what they make public.
If you dont read, or write the report how in the hell are you suppose to know what's in the report.
Weissmann needs to be brought in front of congress
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Great to see Gym Jordan grandstanding again. Why wasn't he as bold in talking about the Ohio State wrestling sex scandal? Even wrestlers on the team said he knew more than he was letting on. As for his stunt this past Wednesday, he was asking Mueller about charging decisions (quite sure Rosenstein had that duty), which was outside the parameters of the Mueller Report. Mueller was emphatically ordered by the DOJ to stay within the report.
In regards to the wrestling scandal that's a head horse in regards to his questioning he's only doing what the dems do all the time. Turn around is fair play
In regards to the wrestling scandal that's a head horse in regards to his questioning he's only doing what the dems do all the time. Turn around is fair play
So wait Jordan is linked to another pedophile. Guess that guy picked the wrong friends...

The congressman managed to contain the fallout from an eerily similar revelation last November, when one of his longtime Washington aides and protégées, Ohio state Rep. Wesley Goodman, was publiclyunmasked as one of the capitol city’s most notorious sexual predators, stalking and abusing at least 30 young conservative men he promised to “mentor.”
So wait Jordan is linked to another pedophile. Guess that guy picked the wrong friends...
The congressman managed to contain the fallout from an eerily similar revelation last November, when one of his longtime Washington aides and protégées, Ohio state Rep. Wesley Goodman, was publiclyunmasked as one of the capitol city’s most notorious sexual predators, stalking and abusing at least 30 young conservative men he promised to “mentor.”
They should do a movie about that kinky slimeball. Suggested title: "Here Cums Mr. Jordan."
Once again you make up shit that didnt happen.
Aug. 14, Obama's first statement following Brown's death:

There is never an excuse for violence against police, or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting. There’s also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests, or to throw protestors in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights.... Put simply, we all need to hold ourselves to a high standard, particularly those of us in positions of authority.

Aug. 18, Obama’s second statement following Brown’s death:

I’ve said this before -- in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement... This is not an argument that there isn’t real crime out there, and that law enforcement doesn't have a difficult job and that they have to be honored and respected for the danger and difficulty of law enforcement.

Sept. 28, speech at the Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner:

In too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement… One recent poll showed that the majority of Americans think the criminal justice system doesn’t treat people of all races equally…. And that has a corrosive effect -- not just on the black community; it has a corrosive effect on America. It harms the communities that need law enforcement the most. It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them.

Nov. 24, remarks following a grand jury’s decision not to indict the officer who shot Brown:

Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They’ve got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law…. The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color. Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country. And this is tragic, because nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates…. There are issues in which the law too often feels as if it is being applied in discriminatory fashion. I don't think that's the norm. I don't think that's true for the majority of communities or the vast majority of law enforcement officials. But these are real issues.

Dec. 1, remarks after meeting with community and law enforcement

Ferguson laid bare a problem that is not unique to St. Louis or that area, and is not unique to our time, and that is a simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities of color…. We also heard law enforcement and were reminded of what a tough job it is to be in law enforcement. Whether you’re in a big city or in a small community, as (Attorney General) Eric Holder put it, police officers have the right to come home. And if they’re in dangerous circumstances, we have to be able to put ourselves in their shoes and recognize that they do have a tough job.

Dec. 3, remarks after grand jury decision not to indict New York City officers involved in death of Eric Garner

I say that as somebody who believes that law enforcement has an incredibly difficult job, that every man or woman in uniform are putting their lives at risk to protect us, that they have the right to come home, just like we do from our jobs, that there’s real crime out there that they’ve got to tackle day in and day out -- but that they’re only going to be able to do their job effectively if everybody has confidence in the system. And right now, unfortunately, we are seeing too many instances where people just do not have confidence that folks are being treated fairly. And in some cases, those may be misperceptions; but in some cases, that’s a reality.

Dec. 8, interview with BET

And one of the things that I want us to make sure we understand is that, communities of color need good law enforcement. I mean, there’s a lot of crime, and one of the things that we talked about on Monday here was you’ve got young people who end up getting caught between police that they don’t trust and folks on the streets who are trying to rough them up…. And I’ve said it before: The vast majority of law enforcement officers are doing a really tough job, and most of them are doing it well and are trying to do the right thing. But a combination of bad training, in some cases; a combination in some cases of departments that really are not trying to root out biases, or tolerate sloppy police work; a combination in some cases of folks just not knowing any better, and in a lot of cases, subconscious fear of folks who look different -- all of this contributes to a national problem that’s going to require a national solution.
This coming from a guy who drone struck 2 America citizens, ran illegal gun into mexico that killed innocent people and a border patrol agent, surveilling reporters, wired tapped the AP having his IRS scrutinize his political opponents, and lets not forget the beer summit
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So wait Jordan is linked to another pedophile. Guess that guy picked the wrong friends...

The congressman managed to contain the fallout from an eerily similar revelation last November, when one of his longtime Washington aides and protégées, Ohio state Rep. Wesley Goodman, was publiclyunmasked as one of the capitol city’s most notorious sexual predators, stalking and abusing at least 30 young conservative men he promised to “mentor.”
Great to see Gym Jordan grandstanding again. Why wasn't he as bold in talking about the Ohio State wrestling sex scandal? Even wrestlers on the team said he knew more than he was letting on. As for his stunt this past Wednesday, he was asking Mueller about charging decisions (quite sure Rosenstein had that duty), which was outside the parameters of the Mueller Report. Mueller was emphatically ordered by the DOJ to stay within the report.
More "but what about you" from the left. Jim Jordan was staying within the report. In doing that he made Mueller look like the biased, bumbling fool that he is.

For example, Mueller signed up 14 Democratic Trump haters to try to get Trump impeached. It still didn't work. I know they won't stop, but that's just because they have no choice at this point.

Liberals: We hate Trump!! He's a racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobe, that hates immigrants and babies.

More "but what about you" from the left. Jim Jordan was staying within the report. In doing that he made Mueller look like the biased, bumbling fool that he is.

For example, Mueller signed up 14 Democratic Trump haters to try to get Trump impeached. It still didn't work. I know they won't stop, but that's just because they have no choice at this point.

Liberals: We hate Trump!! He's a racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobe, that hates immigrants and babies.

Right, nobody brings up some false equivalency about now private citizens Obama and Clinton when Trump does something outrageous. Jordan is a Rep., which makes all aspects of his professional conduct fair game, including his involvement in sordid sex scandals. Jordan veered off the report, which contained no analysis of charging decisions. Even at that, Rosenstein made the determination about who to charge.
Jordan veered off the report, which contained no analysis of charging decisions. Even at that, Rosenstein made the determination about who to charge.
You don't think the 15 Democratic Trump haters on Mueller's team had something to do with that? Really? Not even 1 Republican?

Trump has had to deal with this sh*t since he was elected and it's lasted 3 years into his term. I don't really blame him for how he handled everything(didn't interfere with the report as said by Mueller himself.)

The Democrats need to focus more on getting a worthy candidate that can beat Trump next year, and stop focusing on this nonsense.
You don't think the 15 Democratic Trump haters on Mueller's team had something to do with that? Really? Not even 1 Republican?

Trump has had to deal with this sh*t since he was elected and it's lasted 3 years into his term. I don't really blame him for how he handled everything(didn't interfere with the report as said by Mueller himself.)

The Democrats need to focus more on getting a worthy candidate that can beat Trump next year, and stop focusing on this nonsense.
Again the party of personal responsibilty blames everyone but the man that caused all this.
Trump could have nixed the Trump Tower meeting
Trump could have never asked Russia to hack Clinton or praised Wikileaks release of DNC emails
Trump could have never hired Manafort
Trump could have never hired Page & Popadopolos
Trump could have never lied about contacts with Russia
Trump could have never lied about Trump Tower Moscow
Trump could have released his taxes to show he didnt have any financial ties
Trump could have never fired Comey that led directly to Mueller being appointed
You don't think the 15 Democratic Trump haters on Mueller's team had something to do with that? Really? Not even 1 Republican?

Trump has had to deal with this sh*t since he was elected and it's lasted 3 years into his term. I don't really blame him for how he handled everything(didn't interfere with the report as said by Mueller himself.)

The Democrats need to focus more on getting a worthy candidate that can beat Trump next year, and stop focusing on this nonsense.
I believe it's 11 Dems and 3 independents. The only one with an expressed animus against Trump was Strozk, and he was canned immediately after that was revealed. Maybe you dont blame Trump for how he acted. Thank God Don McGahn didnt feel that way. He refused Trump's order to seek Mueller's firing and then refused Trump's request to lie about receiving that order. Trump tried to interfere with the investigation but failed because McGahn was one of the brave men to defy him.
Again the party of personal responsibilty blames everyone but the man that caused all this.
Trump could have nixed the Trump Tower meeting
Trump could have never asked Russia to hack Clinton or praised Wikileaks release of DNC emails
Trump could have never hired Manafort
Trump could have never hired Page & Popadopolos
Trump could have never lied about contacts with Russia
Trump could have never lied about Trump Tower Moscow
Trump could have released his taxes to show he didnt have any financial ties
Trump could have never fired Comey that led directly to Mueller being appointed
There's a bunch of worthless drivel, you should write for CNN. Nobody is blaming Democrats for anything, if they hate Trump that bad they should get a candidate that can actually beat him next year, and cut out the nonsense.

I don't agree with everything Trump does or says, if the Democratic party got a president with good views on the actual issues, then I'd vote for him/her. The problem is that right now the face of your party is a Somalian immigrant that is racist, bigoted, and anti semitic. With three others that are just like her.
I believe it's 11 Dems and 3 independents. The only one with an expressed animus against Trump was Strozk, and he was canned immediately after that was revealed. Maybe you dont blame Trump for how he acted. Thank God Don McGahn didnt feel that way. He refused Trump's order to seek Mueller's firing and then refused Trump's request to lie about receiving that order. Trump tried to interfere with the investigation but failed because McGahn was one of the brave men to defy him.
Trump didn't interfere with the investigation despite spending almost all of his term dealing with it. (something the POTUS has ever had to deal with). It was said by Mueller himself the other day.

Despite that, it wasn't against the law for Trump to fire Mueller whenever he wanted to. (Was also said the other day)
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Trump didn't interfere with the investigation despite spending almost all of his term dealing with it. (something the POTUS has ever had to deal with). It was said by Mueller himself the other day.

Despite that, it wasn't against the law for Trump to fire Mueller whenever he wanted to. (Was also said the other day)
Perhaps this is semantics. He tried to interfere. He was too wimpy to exercise that legal right to fire because he knew it would trigger another Saturday Night Massacre.
Perhaps this is semantics. He tried to interfere. He was too wimpy to exercise that legal right to fire because he knew it would trigger another Saturday Night Massacre.
Maybe he was, I know he got a lot of initial push back from it. But you have to keep in mind that he was dealing with this the minute he entered the White House.
Maybe he was, I know he got a lot of initial push back from it. But you have to keep in mind that he was dealing with this the minute he entered the White House.
When you try to impose a ban on people based on their religion, call district court judges corrupt for denying his effort, and in a separate issue say a judge is biased against you because of the judge's Hispanic heritage, it suggests there's a cause and effect.
When you try to impose a ban on people based on their religion, call district court judges corrupt for denying his effort, and in a separate issue say a judge is biased against you because of the judge's Hispanic heritage, it suggests there's a cause and effect.
That would be true if there wasn't proven examples of that specific religion committing hate crimes against America. Not to mention, the woman you are talking about is the most publicised racist, bigoted, anti semite in America right now.

For what it's worth, I don't agree with some of the things Trump has said, he's said some awful things. But the Democratic party should focus on finding a worthwhile candidate that can unseat him on the actual issues, and stop focusing on this nonsense that doesn't matter.
That would be true if there wasn't proven examples of that specific religion committing hate crimes against America. Not to mention, the woman you are talking about is the most publicised racist, bigoted, anti semite in America right now.

For what it's worth, I don't agree with some of the things Trump has said, he's said some awful things. But the Democratic party should focus on finding a worthwhile candidate that can unseat him on the actual issues, and stop focusing on this nonsense that doesn't matter.
We'll have to table this for later. About to have some IPAs at the local brewpub. Glad we could have a civil exchange.
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Obama put up that growth rate coming out of a terrible recession. Trump's growth rate is 8 years into a recovery. The two situations are not remotely comparable.
The point being Trump said the days of under 3% GDP were over, correct? Just another campaign process the lemmings believed.
Again the party of personal responsibilty blames everyone but the man that caused all this.
Trump could have nixed the Trump Tower meeting
Trump could have never asked Russia to hack Clinton or praised Wikileaks release of DNC emails
Trump could have never hired Manafort
Trump could have never hired Page & Popadopolos
Trump could have never lied about contacts with Russia
Trump could have never lied about Trump Tower Moscow
Trump could have released his taxes to show he didnt have any financial ties
Trump could have never fired Comey that led directly to Mueller being appointed
Wa wa wa
This will all blow in the dems face
Clinton could not have hired Fusion GPS
Comey could of never did any underhanded stuff while the Trump administration was being put together
Why didnt the FBI charge Joseph Mifsud?
Why didn't the Obama/Biden administrator sanction Russia?
Why did the investigation team rely on the WP abd NYTs for their report?
Way wasnt Mueller removed for conflict of interest?
Why was Comey allowed to leak
Why was Mueller so unfamiliar with the report?
Why were do many Clinton friends on the investigation team?
Why hasn't the democratic house done anything but put this nation deeper in debt and chace their tail
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Yep, I've already had a few. :D Have a good night bro.
Wasnt gonna drink but the Saratoga stewards just cost me 540$ on my pick 4 and 5500 on my pick 5.
Zero constistency in their actions today
A recap
Race 2 the 3 ridden by Jose Ortiz completely pulls up his horse and impedes atleast 4 horses ends up getting 2nd no inquiry no change
Race 8 the 4 again ridden by Jose Ortiz completely wipes out the 1 goes on to win the race no inquiry no change
Race 10 the 10 breaks completely in wipes out the 6 and 5 impeding any chance for them to win meanwhile im singled to the 11 and he driffs out in the stretch (the rail was dead) and wins a photo with the 10. Im in total euphoria not even aware an inquiry has taken place go to pull out my winnings and find out the stewards made a change.
Ive seen worse let go and less taken down so my problem is that there is no standard they follow. Its pretty much random how they just pick & choose what to let go and what to make a judgement on. Ahh the life of a Handicapper on to Del Mar.
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Wasnt gonna drink but the Saratoga stewards just cost me 540$ on my pick 4 and 5500 on my pick 5.
Zero constistency in their actions today
A recap
Race 2 the 3 ridden by Jose Ortiz completely pulls up his horse and impedes atleast 4 horses ends up getting 2nd no inquiry no change
Race 8 the 4 again ridden by Jose Ortiz completely wipes out the 1 goes on to win the race no inquiry no change
Race 10 the 10 breaks completely in wipes out the 6 and 5 impeding any chance for them to win meanwhile im singled to the 11 and he driffs out in the stretch (the rail was dead) and wins a photo with the 10. Im in total euphoria not even aware an inquiry has taken place go to pull out my winnings and find out the stewards made a change.
Ive seen worse let go and less taken down so my problem is that there is no standard they follow. Its pretty much random how they just pick & choose what to let go and what to make a judgement on. Ahh the life of a Handicapper on to Del Mar.
Where in the world are you at? Lol
There's a bunch of worthless drivel, you should write for CNN. Nobody is blaming Democrats for anything, if they hate Trump that bad they should get a candidate that can actually beat him next year, and cut out the nonsense.

I don't agree with everything Trump does or says, if the Democratic party got a president with good views on the actual issues, then I'd vote for him/her. The problem is that right now the face of your party is a Somalian immigrant that is racist, bigoted, and anti semitic. With three others that are just like her.
Worthless drivel is an opinion. Is there anything he said that was incorrect?

Also, what makes Omar racist and anti-Semantic?