OT....credibility right out the window


I've posted how many times?
Sep 9, 2013
And here ya go...exactly why this was nothing but a dog and pony show extremely biased to the utmost extreme plausible deniability.

I honestly thought mueller would have some form of explanation why this wasn't a biased investigation. Instead, his lack of knowledge of key components, and unwillingness to explain the clear look of bias shows, this was 100% a scam of an investigation and exactly why nothing of importance has come out of it. Everyone knew about everything of importance in the report years ago.

William Barr's investigation could be interesting on what they make public.
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Great to see Gym Jordan grandstanding again. Why wasn't he as bold in talking about the Ohio State wrestling sex scandal? Even wrestlers on the team said he knew more than he was letting on. As for his stunt this past Wednesday, he was asking Mueller about charging decisions (quite sure Rosenstein had that duty), which was outside the parameters of the Mueller Report. Mueller was emphatically ordered by the DOJ to stay within the report.
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No evidence ... but cannot exonerate?

In this country innocent till proven guilty
Not guilty till proven innocent

Where the hell did Mueller go to law school?

By his account, everyone is guilty of everything!

The Dems are really desperate.
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I guess the simple question(s) boil down to this. Why didn't Trump and his campaign/associates just admit EVERYTHING that went on with Russians versus trying to conceal it? Wouldn't have that been the easiest route?
Great to see Gym Jordan grandstanding again. Why wasn't he as bold in talking about the Ohio State wrestling sex scandal? Even wrestlers on the team said he knew more than he was letting on. As for his stunt this past Wednesday, he was asking Mueller about charging decisions (quite sure Rosenstein had that duty), which was outside the parameters of the Mueller Report. Mueller was emphatically ordered by the DOJ to stay within the report.
Then why did the Democrats even bother having this testimony?
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So the committee could ask Mueller about what was in the report.
If he wasn't going to expand on anything, or offer explanations for anything that were not already in the report, I just don't get the point. Waste of the people's time. Not that Congress is above wasting the people's time.
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If he wasn't going to expand on anything, or offer explanations for anything that were not already in the report, I just don't get the point. Waste of the people's time. Not that Congress is above wasting the people's time.
You guys lost all credibility a long time ago
If he wasn't going to expand on anything, or offer explanations for anything that were not already in the report, I just don't get the point. Waste of the people's time. Not that Congress is above wasting the people's time.
Disagree, at least with the idea that more details about what was in the report couldn't be fleshed out. Even going by your argument, you should factor in that the DOJ, not Congress, narrowed the focus of what could be asked.
They did so at Mueller's request. His way of saying that he really didn't want to be there and be questioned.
You're saying that Mueller begged the DOJ to curtail the scope of his allowable testimony? Now that sounds like collusion. Please provide a link supporting that theory.
Speaking of losing all Credibility with real Americans. Trump, Moscow Mitch and the rest of their red army are a threat to the nation.
And there is good old Trey...

Anyone with crazy bed head like Trey you don't mess with.

Thanks for that info, but that doesn't mean that viable testimony couldn't have come in the hearing. Jordan, among others, should have been rebuked for asking questions and making self-serving embellishments on questions that violated the DOJ guidelines.
IMHO, Mueller basically ended the session before it started with his opening statement. Hey Dems, I am not getting into anything beyond what's in the report, so I am not giving you any new information. Hey Reps, I am not discussing anything related to the onset of the investigation or its justification. Nadler could have banged the gavel right then, said thank you, and they all could have gone to brunch.
Remember when 4 american lives were lost because the state department was filled with and Led by an absolute moron. Good thing for HIllary, being a moron isn't a crime even if it takes lives.
Kind of like what happened in Niger where administration incompetance led to the deaths of 4 US soldiers. It took Trump 2 weeks to even comment on the attack. Im sure you feel a similar sense of outrage.
Kind of like what happened in Niger where administration incompetance led to the deaths of 4 US soldiers. It took Trump 2 weeks to even comment on the attack. Im sure you feel a similar sense of outrage.
Wow, you are really really pathetic. So different, not even close to the same. Soldiers act on their own, don't let anyone know so they could help yet you think that's similar to the state department denying help and support resulting in lost lives?

Since you think they're the same, can't wait to see the movie. 13 hours left shivers down anyone's spine that supports our country and it's military.
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" what difference does it make . They're dead" HRC
She learned well from Mr. Depends on what the meaning of the word

Those Clinton fukcfaces deserve beaten with 1975 spot bilt cleats bearing the extra long mud detachable with metal on the very end for walking across pavement to get to the field.
IMHO, Mueller basically ended the session before it started with his opening statement. Hey Dems, I am not getting into anything beyond what's in the report, so I am not giving you any new information. Hey Reps, I am not discussing anything related to the onset of the investigation or its justification. Nadler could have banged the gavel right then, said thank you, and they all could have gone to brunch.
Well that's your take. I disagree. A discussion of the report's findings could have been invaluable. Lamentable that what was determined about obstruction, Trump's allies embracing and soliciting contact with Russia, and the ongoing threat of election interference is being ignored because some Rebublicans attacked a guy who did a major public service.
Wow, you are really really pathetic. So different, not even close to the same. Soldiers act on their own, don't let anyone know so they could help yet you think that's similar to the state department denying help and support resulting in lost lives?

Since you think they're the same, can't wait to see the movie. 13 hours left shivers down anyone's spine that supports our country and it's military.
Despite repeated questions from CNN,White House officials declined to explain why Trump was not commenting on the deaths in Niger. Trump, meanwhile, had been golfing for several days.
Well that's your take. I disagree. A discussion of the report's findings could have been invaluable. Lamentable that what was determined about obstruction, Trump's allies embracing and soliciting contact with Russia, and the ongoing threat of election interference is being ignored because some Rebublicans attacked a guy who did a major public service.
We learned a lot for example there is still an active FBI counter intel investigation still on going.
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Obama's goal was to keep all minorities suppressed, to increase division, take more money from tax payers, and in the end land a big sun glasses endorsement deal.

See, I can do it too!
I know you're joking but Fun Fact
IMHO, Mueller basically ended the session before it started with his opening statement. Hey Dems, I am not getting into anything beyond what's in the report, so I am not giving you any new information. Hey Reps, I am not discussing anything related to the onset of the investigation or its justification. Nadler could have banged the gavel right then, said thank you, and they all could have gone to brunch.

True, but we did learn that Mueller was not leading the investigation nor was he capable of doing so.
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I know you're joking but Fun Fact
Yep..and there is the problem.

Sitting on your hands created the monster of black lives matter...etc.

Did Barry O ever denounce pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon?

Nope. Did he ever come out against the whole Ferguson debacle with Michael Brown being righteously shot dispelling all the hands up don't shoot horse shit? NOPE.

He knew exactly what he was doing putting a target on the police officers.

Saying nothing often times says a thousand things.
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Yep..and there is the problem.

Sitting on your hands created the monster of black lives matter...etc.

Did Barry O ever denounce pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon?

Nope. Did he ever come out against the whole Ferguson debacle with Michael Brown being righteously shot dispelling all the hands up don't shoot horse shit? NOPE.

He knew exactly what he was doing putting a target on the police officers.

Saying nothing often times says a thousand things.
Too funny. You acting like Obama was right there protesting against law enforcement. The fact is if something good occurred with POCs you'd lambaste him just as well.

You obviously watch too much Hannity.
Too funny. You acting like Obama was right there protesting against law enforcement. The fact is if something good occurred with POCs you'd lambaste him just as well.

You obviously watch too much Hannity.
Yup Obama always got shit from the left...still does for being too diplomatic on race. Didnt Jessie Jackson once say he wanted to cut his nuts off for Obama telling black people to aspire to be more than the next great athlete or rapper.
Now the Dems are filing for more information that will incriminate Trump and bring about his dismissal. The investigation about how this all started best get along so they have a new avenue to pursue.
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Speaking credibilty didnt the GOP say their tax cuts were going to get to 4% GDP growth a year. Obama put up better growth with half a trillion dollars less spending.
Too funny. You acting like Obama was right there protesting against law enforcement. The fact is if something good occurred with POCs you'd lambaste him just as well.

You obviously watch too much Hannity.
Wrong again Larry Lib.

No Rush, no Hannity, et al.

I don't get news from the main stream...the lot of them are crooked as ****.

I get my info from sources that you wouldn't even believe.

Barry O at no point grabbed the mic and said vehemently I back the blue...respect law and order first and foremost etc etc ..



Him sitting on his hands and biting his tongue through it all speaks volumes in itself.

I believe in facts and reality.

The fact remains Barry O said nothing about the anti law enforcement rhetoric coming from Black lives matter psycho maniacs.

Not once.

What he should have said clearly was this...

Law enforcement has a 99.9899% success rate of righteous shooting or not country wide.

That is fact.

Robots couldn't do better.
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Wrong again Larry Lib.

No Rush, no Hannity, et al.

I don't get news from the main stream...the lot of them are crooked as ****.

I get my info from sources that you wouldn't even believe.

Barry O at no point grabbed the mic and said vehemently I back the blue...respect law and order first and foremost etc etc ..



Him sitting on his hands and biting his tongue through it all speaks volumes in itself.

I believe in facts and reality.

The fact remains Barry O said nothing about the anti law enforcement rhetoric coming from Black lives matter psycho maniacs.

Not once.

What he should have said clearly was this...

Law enforcement has a 99.9899% success rate of righteous shooting or not country wide.

That is fact.

Robots couldn't do better.
Once again you make up shit that didnt happen.
Aug. 14, Obama's first statement following Brown's death:

There is never an excuse for violence against police, or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting. There’s also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests, or to throw protestors in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights.... Put simply, we all need to hold ourselves to a high standard, particularly those of us in positions of authority.

Aug. 18, Obama’s second statement following Brown’s death:

I’ve said this before -- in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement... This is not an argument that there isn’t real crime out there, and that law enforcement doesn't have a difficult job and that they have to be honored and respected for the danger and difficulty of law enforcement.

Sept. 28, speech at the Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner:

In too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement… One recent poll showed that the majority of Americans think the criminal justice system doesn’t treat people of all races equally…. And that has a corrosive effect -- not just on the black community; it has a corrosive effect on America. It harms the communities that need law enforcement the most. It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them.

Nov. 24, remarks following a grand jury’s decision not to indict the officer who shot Brown:

Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They’ve got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law…. The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color. Some of this is the result of the legacy of racial discrimination in this country. And this is tragic, because nobody needs good policing more than poor communities with higher crime rates…. There are issues in which the law too often feels as if it is being applied in discriminatory fashion. I don't think that's the norm. I don't think that's true for the majority of communities or the vast majority of law enforcement officials. But these are real issues.

Dec. 1, remarks after meeting with community and law enforcement

Ferguson laid bare a problem that is not unique to St. Louis or that area, and is not unique to our time, and that is a simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities of color…. We also heard law enforcement and were reminded of what a tough job it is to be in law enforcement. Whether you’re in a big city or in a small community, as (Attorney General) Eric Holder put it, police officers have the right to come home. And if they’re in dangerous circumstances, we have to be able to put ourselves in their shoes and recognize that they do have a tough job.

Dec. 3, remarks after grand jury decision not to indict New York City officers involved in death of Eric Garner

I say that as somebody who believes that law enforcement has an incredibly difficult job, that every man or woman in uniform are putting their lives at risk to protect us, that they have the right to come home, just like we do from our jobs, that there’s real crime out there that they’ve got to tackle day in and day out -- but that they’re only going to be able to do their job effectively if everybody has confidence in the system. And right now, unfortunately, we are seeing too many instances where people just do not have confidence that folks are being treated fairly. And in some cases, those may be misperceptions; but in some cases, that’s a reality.

Dec. 8, interview with BET

And one of the things that I want us to make sure we understand is that, communities of color need good law enforcement. I mean, there’s a lot of crime, and one of the things that we talked about on Monday here was you’ve got young people who end up getting caught between police that they don’t trust and folks on the streets who are trying to rough them up…. And I’ve said it before: The vast majority of law enforcement officers are doing a really tough job, and most of them are doing it well and are trying to do the right thing. But a combination of bad training, in some cases; a combination in some cases of departments that really are not trying to root out biases, or tolerate sloppy police work; a combination in some cases of folks just not knowing any better, and in a lot of cases, subconscious fear of folks who look different -- all of this contributes to a national problem that’s going to require a national solution.