No smack here, but when you guys....

Come on guys lighten up, just always wanted to step into college football's most historical stadium.
Your penance,
5 Hail Mary's
2 Our Fathers
Drink a case of beer and post again....
Come on guys lighten up, just always wanted to step into college football's most historical stadium.


You think there is a chance in hell that Florida would travel to S Bend to play an OOC game?
What in the world makes you think they would ever do that?
The irony in this post is that he hasn't posted here in the past 5 years, while they were in the toilet, but now with their "resurgence", with wins over New Mexico State, Kentucky, East Carolina, Tennessee, and an overrated Ole Miss team (who should have lost to Vandy), Gator fans now feel they are overtaking college football.

I post on the Tennessee board (growing up in Knoxville and being a secondary UT fan) and these guys wouldn't crawl near the board during the week, but crawled out from the sewer AFTER the game, talking smack. Hilarious.

I would love to see the series, but Foley is too chicken sh*t to schedule anyone outside of FSU, outside the state. This is the funniest thing I have read on here in a while.

"Why don't you all schedule SEC teams, while we get beat by Georgia Southern AT HOME".
I would love to play a home and home with a SEC team every year...Not sure why its so difficult to schedule. Just make it the fist or second game of the season...Big boys should play and do a Home and Home...None of this Neutral site crap.