Amen!Mega Dittos!! I have zero problem if they want to be freaks just WHY do WE have to participate??? Just go to the freaking unisex toilet and leave the rest of us males or females alone!
Twenty years ago, none of us would have ever thought about civil unions. Ten years ago, none of us would have ever thought about gay marriage. Two years ago, none of us would have ever thought there would be a major debate on cross dressers using whatever bathroom they feel. I'm looking at it as the order of progression in this country. It may seem ridiculous now, but perhaps not in 15 -20 years. As long as there are willing accomplices posing as judges, nothing is off the table. The moral decline in the country over the last 50 years or so is staggering. Abortion on demand. Abortion on demand up until birth. Divorce rates sky high. Teen pregnancies. Absent Dads. Drugs. Church attendance is way down. Catholic universities acting as the militant wing of the Democratic Party. Gay marriage. And now, the ever important bathroom debate. Voters of these states say enough. The NBA and NCAA say we know what's better for your state than you. The media and celebs all piling on the hard working blue collar guy from North Carolina. I see things exactly as they are and I'm not afraid the kneel down during any Springsteen song in protest.
Slavery, discrimination based on religion, and the the women's inability to vote were all sins against nature and morality. Not even in the same stratosphere as cross dressers wanting to use bathrooms based on their feelings for that day. If you want to erase all lines, then erase all lines and wait for the consequences. Logic has been tossed by the wayside long ago. What you feel are ridiculous extremes now will be the norm if you continue to erase these lines of morality, spirituality, and faith. We are strangers to each other so there is no need to be insulting. Don't pride yourself on being the Nick Saban of this board because it doesn't work with me. We can have a civil discussion if you try real hard. Otherwise, check out of the topic. I'm not some teenager living with mom and dad and whatever you abhor doesn't phase me. We need a beer summit.
And 75 years ago, none of us would have thought of desegregation. And 100 years ago, none of us would have thought of allowing women the right to vote. And 150 years ago, it was not only allowed, but encouraged, to discriminate against others on the basis of religion. And 200 years ago, very few of us would have spoken out against slavery. You can take this moral decline stuff and shove it. We are a much better society now than we were 50 100, or 200 years ago.
Intolerance always brings scapegoats, and it always brings the worst exaggerations. Here, because you are opposed to gay marriage, you suggest that soon, people will be wanting to marry their pets and their cars. I abhor this kind of ridiculous fear-mongering.
Slavery, discrimination based on religion, and the the women's inability to vote were all sins against nature and morality. Not even in the same stratosphere as cross dressers wanting to use bathrooms based on their feelings for that day. If you want to erase all lines, then erase all lines and wait for the consequences. Logic has been tossed by the wayside long ago. What you feel are ridiculous extremes now will be the norm if you continue to erase these lines of morality, spirituality, and faith. We are strangers to each other so there is no need to be insulting. Don't pride yourself on being the Nick Saban of this board because it doesn't work with me. We can have a civil discussion if you try real hard. Otherwise, check out of the topic. I'm not some teenager living with mom and dad and whatever you abhor doesn't phase me. We need a beer summit.
Yes, we were heading in the right direction hundreds of years ago, but many people think we're heading in the wrong direction now, though, because America has lost her moral compass.
And this moral compass was "found" when slavery was allowed in this country and when legislated, state enforced discrimination existed?
^ those things you cite ( correctly) were man's incorrect application of God's word. Don't blame God for getting it wrong.
As a BAC, I am fascinated by those that think God needs our help to 'fix' his word or to update his word because WE say time have changed from Biblical times! The libs or (?) always use that phrase.
Hello, Biblical times have not ended. We live in biblical times.
God said what he meant, and meant what he said; he is not a God of confusion.
Most of all he certainly does not need our help 'to get it right'.
Yes. America was a predominantly Christian nation, and it was devout Christians who led the abolitionist movement.
Yes. America was a predominantly Christian nation, and it was devout Christians who led the abolitionist movement.
The same predominantly Christian nation which allowed slavery for hundreds of years and which sanctioned legislated discrimination until 50 years ago?
Slavery was only allowed in this nation for 87 years (1776-1863). But you have to look at things in historical context. When this nation was founded, slavery was a part of the colonies from which it came. There were abolitionists at the time of the founding (John Adams among them), but they didn't have enough votes to abolish slavery at that time. Progress takes time.
The problem is, America has now lost her moral compass, and is heading in the wrong direction instead.
Slavery was only allowed in this nation for 87 years (1776-1863). But you have to look at things in historical context. When this nation was founded, slavery was a part of the colonies from which it came. There were abolitionists at the time of the founding (John Adams among them), but they didn't have enough votes to abolish slavery at that time. Progress takes time.
The problem is, America has now lost her moral compass, and is heading in the wrong direction instead.
This is on the verge on nonsense but I think you are trying really hard here buddy so I will give you a high five.individual rights do not preempt societies rights.
We give up rights to get rights back. Who knows where that concept for our form of goverment comes from?
It seems like things keep getting more distorted, in effort to have individual rights people are usurping social rights.
Slavery existed in this country from the 1600's. If you want to look at things in "historical context," then you are saying that what is moral is not determined by the act itself, but rather the time the act is performed. That is what is known as moral relativism. And if that's the case, don't worry too much about what is going on now, because future generations will "progress" from the way things are now.
People like you amaze me. You are very willing to turn a blind eye to the sins of the past, but are so certain that your way of thinking is the one and only correct way of thinking for the present.
This is a common story that gets overlooked by mass generalizations that are often unfair and coming from people without a point of reference. Thanks for sharing.Difficult discussion to have, especially on a football thread. The whole gender identify issue is really complicated, and frankly beyond my ability to fully grasp. That said, I have a niece who was the proverbial tomboy for as long as I can remember; who declared her gender ID issue at 20, and has since lived as a man via hormone therapy only. He looks and sounds like a guy; and believe me, you would not want to see him going into a ladies restroom. I used to feel sorry for him, but no longer. He is well adjusted in every other way, has a good paying techie job, a woman friend in his life, and he is happy. Can't and don't think of him as a FREAK, but rather someone who was dealt a difficult hand through no fault of his own, and who is succeeding as a good citizen, who also happens to be a much better Christian and Catholic than me.
That's because 20 years ago the majority of American's thought homosexuals didn't have a right to be homosexual. Abortion rates are actually down.Twenty years ago, none of us would have ever thought about civil unions. Ten years ago, none of us would have ever thought about gay marriage. Two years ago, none of us would have ever thought there would be a major debate on cross dressers using whatever bathroom they feel. I'm looking at it as the order of progression in this country. It may seem ridiculous now, but perhaps not in 15 -20 years. As long as there are willing accomplices posing as judges, nothing is off the table. The moral decline in the country over the last 50 years or so is staggering. Abortion on demand. Abortion on demand up until birth. Divorce rates sky high. Teen pregnancies. Absent Dads. Drugs. Church attendance is way down. Catholic universities acting as the militant wing of the Democratic Party. Gay marriage. And now, the ever important bathroom debate. Voters of these states say enough. The NBA and NCAA say we know what's better for your state than you. The media and celebs all piling on the hard working blue collar guy from North Carolina. I see things exactly as they are and I'm not afraid the kneel down during any Springsteen song in protest.
This nation was founded in 1776. Before that, it was a collection of colonies of the British Crown.
As far as progress, things can "progress" in different directions over time. IMO we're heading the same direction as Sodom and Gomorrah currently. And BTW the Bible is ultimately my moral guide, as well as my own conscience, and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
In what year exactly was America's moral compass at its highest?
I don't know. But I can tell you when we started losing it. It was around 40-50 years ago, around the time of Roe v. Wade.
Right. When slavery existed, our moral compass was fine. When native Americans were exterminated, our moral compass was fine. When state enforced discrimination existed, our moral compass was fine. The problems all stated with Roe v. Wade.
It seems the one sailing on the good ship "Intolerant" is you and a few of your pals. Extremely intolerant and downright hateful with any opinions, ideas, and philosophies that collide with yours. Look my friend, you can Nick Saban fellow Irish fans around here all you want but nobody's opinion is going to change. I'm impressed with "youse" that have earned a Notre Dame degree but it's depressing what is coming out of your mouths and minds.I'm guessing the beer summit isn't happening. Now, let's get busy with a petition to take George Washington's name off of all schools because he was a slave owner. I believe that is item two on your agenda.
I mentioned my moral compass. I do not 'interpret', God's word. It has never been 'vague', unclear, nor 'confused', for me. It has not always made my day/choices easier. Often times I had to act against self.
People only want it confused when it conflicts with what they want it to be. When people have to act against 'self', they often contend that there is no clear direction; or say, 'that was back in biblical times'; or they try to do what you're doing: "logic".
Incredibly, we have those that think America invented slavery! Slavery has been practiced probably from the time that the numbers exceeded 2. There have most probably never been a people or race that has not experienced slavery of some sorts. Look at what you posted? I am 100% certain you know slavery preceeded Christianity! 'led the Slavery movement'! be smarter!
Your error? Don't fault God for our weaknesses or mistakes. We often act according to our own free will and it is not always according to the will of God.
It must surprise you, then, if God's word is so clear, that there are so many Christian denominations that have such divergent viewpoints over time and with each other on what God's word really means.
I think I told you why; figure it out. Self discovery is always more rewarding.
Right. When slavery existed, our moral compass was fine. When native Americans were exterminated, our moral compass was fine. When state enforced discrimination existed, our moral compass was fine. The problems all stated with Roe v. Wade.
And BTW slavery and discrimination have been part of human civilization for thousands of years, since the dawn of human civilization. Human civilization progresses over time, as we all seem to recognize. However, progress can also go in the wrong direction, like it did with Sodom and Gomorrah. The Israelites had different periods of time where they were in and out of God's favor, due to their behavior.
God blessed this nation in many ways, despite some flaws which liberals like to focus on. The USA became the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth over time.
I look forward to your stories of how you have had to deal with adhering to Leviticus, and how such directives from God have made sense in light of Christ's teachings.