NCAA vs North Carolina the state


ND Expert
Nov 25, 2009
I have learned sports and politics don't mix but, would like to clarify my position on this. I have no problem with women who identify as men using the men's bathroom. As long as they use the urinals like the rest of us. Thank you for your time.
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I have been to many events where the women start using the men's bathrooms instead of waiting in long lines! I would too. Men in womens bathrooms and in schools though are entirely different issues and should NOT be allowed.

Why would there simply not be one unisex single occupancy restroom for the few real freaks out there???? Why is it necessary for the 99% of us NORMAL citizens to be lowered into the muck???
individual rights do not preempt societies rights.

We give up rights to get rights back. Who knows where that concept for our form of goverment comes from?

It seems like things keep getting more distorted, in effort to have individual rights people are usurping social rights.
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I have been to many events where the women start using the men's bathrooms instead of waiting in long lines! I would too. Men in womens bathrooms and in schools though are entirely different issues and should NOT be allowed.

Why would there simply not be one unisex single occupancy restroom for the few real freaks out there???? Why is it necessary for the 99% of us NORMAL citizens to be lowered into the muck???

It's unfortunate that you refer to, and think of, people with a gender identity disorder as "freaks".
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well using a facility to dispose of bodily waste has become a tool to try to force an acceptance of an individual choice as a right on society under the guise of a denied civil right.
One day this, the next day that? Pick one! Maybe we require a declaration? There needs to be a definative identifier. Mother Nature has done the job.
I gave up my right to flippently walk into the Ladies room in exchange for the Ladies rights to walk into the Mens room. Give up something in exchange. To want rights from society without and exchange of any right is basically acting anti social.

With the famous phrase, "man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains," ... asserts that modern states repress the physical freedom that is our birthright, and do nothing to secure the civil freedom for the sake of which we enter into civil society. Legitimate political authority, he suggests, comes only from a social contract agreed upon by all citizens for their mutual preservation
...calls the collective grouping of all citizens the "sovereign," and claims that it should be considered in many ways to be like an individual person. While each individual has a particular will that aims for his own best interest, the sovereign expresses the general will that aims for the common good. The sovereign only has authority over matters that are of public concern, but in this domain its authority is absolute...."

However, chronic stupidity and ignorance overcomes all the above.

and for me, ultimately, being a fundamental BAC, I see this as all part of the instant reply.
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I have learned sports and politics don't mix but, would like to clarify my position on this. I have no problem with women who identify as men using the men's bathroom. As long as they use the urinals like the rest of us. Thank you for your time.

The US Olympic Men's swimming team should have its own rest room.

PS Your joke sucked.

The day bodi got caught...
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First time in Europe twenty years ago I was taken back by the use of a large unisex bathroom in a large Department store in Paris. There were no urinals and plenty of stalls, and an attendant. Thought it was a better approach to simply managing facility access to large numbers of people. Hate hitting the head at a sporting event here and then waiting ten minutes for my wife to get through the women's line, etc... and would prefer the unisex approach for this reason, which also happens to address the gender ID issue as well.
All bad jokes aside (I thought it was funny). Most of this gender identity stuff is bull it's just more political correctness gone crazy. It is easily settled with these family bathrooms. If I saw a women go into a man's bathroom no biggie. If I see a man go into a women's bathroom and one of my grandbabies is in there well I guess I'll be on the evening news.
The incessant whining from so many Americans today is deafening. Everyone has to accept me. Everyone has to talk nice. My feelings are hurt. My boss is mean. I should never have anything bad happen. I want to be happy all the time. I want nice stuff but I don't want to save for it. I want as much money as the next guy. School is too hard. Winning makes the losers feel bad.

We are setting are kids up for abject failure because they are being taught that the world is one big happy Candyland game. Life isn't always easy and it's never fair. You will have good times you will have bad times. There will be people that like you and there will be people who don't. Be strong of mind, body and spirit. Hold dear your friends and loved ones and that's all that matters. It only matters what strangers think of you if are of very weak character.
Individual rights don't trump societies right?

Really, tell that to the SCOTUS re the Second Admendment.
Individual rights don't trump societies right?

Really, tell that to the SCOTUS re the Second Admendment.
Correct. The Constitution protects the individual rights from the government and/or the majority.

That said use of a public bathroom or locker room is not a right and the notion that it is, is laughable. The Constitution allows anyone who wants to wear a dress and you can't be put in prison. It doesn't say the society has to embrace you or accept you.
The incessant whining from so many Americans today is deafening. Everyone has to accept me. Everyone has to talk nice. My feelings are hurt. My boss is mean. I should never have anything bad happen. I want to be happy all the time. I want nice stuff but I don't want to save for it. I want as much money as the next guy. School is too hard. Winning makes the losers feel bad.

We are setting are kids up for abject failure because they are being taught that the world is one big happy Candyland game. Life isn't always easy and it's never fair. You will have good times you will have bad times. There will be people that like you and there will be people who don't. Be strong of mind, body and spirit. Hold dear your friends and loved ones and that's all that matters. It only matters what strangers think of you if are of very weak character.

"Everyone has to accept me. Everyone has to talk nice."
The best is when argie "talks" to himself for acceptance...
First time in Europe twenty years ago I was taken back by the use of a large unisex bathroom in a large Department store in Paris. There were no urinals and plenty of stalls, and an attendant. Thought it was a better approach to simply managing facility access to large numbers of people. Hate hitting the head at a sporting event here and then waiting ten minutes for my wife to get through the women's line, etc... and would prefer the unisex approach for this reason, which also happens to address the gender ID issue as well.
so you want everyone to wait 10 minutes then? :)
Nasty...funny! Nope, not one of the crowd that wants to lower high achievers, or men pissers for that matter, to the same level as those less fortunate.
I have learned sports and politics don't mix but, would like to clarify my position on this. I have no problem with women who identify as men using the men's bathroom. As long as they use the urinals like the rest of us. Thank you for your time.

Same level of logic as the anti-Catholics who tried to prevent Kennedy from being elected.
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Correct. The Constitution protects the individual rights from the government and/or the majority.

That said use of a public bathroom or locker room is not a right and the notion that it is, is laughable. The Constitution allows anyone who wants to wear a dress and you can't be put in prison. It doesn't say the society has to embrace you or accept you.

the consitution does not protect the individual rights over the rights of the majority.
It protects the rights according to the bill of rights, that the majority shall pass not law contrary to those rights.
your right to go potty w/o members of the opposite sex ( not sure who is the actual opposite sex these days) are not subserviant to the right of that person to poo next to you. The whole issue is insane!

Again, as the hand of the holy spirit of God is lifted the more decadent and perverse the world will become.
It the inevitable consequence. And honestly if God does not punish such a society, then he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
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Same level of logic as the anti-Catholics who tried to prevent Kennedy from being elected.
Not similar at all. Catholicism is a religion one practices. It doesn't require that other accept my beliefs. In fact there is not impact an individual at all. A man pretending to be a women and wanting to use the same restroom and locker room as a women requires of that women an inherent acceptance of the charade.

For the record I would have no problem with a transgender running for office and if I thought they would be a good president. Like I said with the bathroom/locker room situation you are inherently demanding of other an acceptance to share personal space with someone of the opposite sex.

Had I known that you could pretend to be anything you wanted I would have "felt" like an American-Indian 10 years ago so my son could have gone to college for free. He's a senior now so it too late.
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I have no qualms with those are trangenger, choosing to follow the reassigned gender identity; however, it is the 'how you most identify' notion that leaves the window of perversion.
One day this, next day that. Solution M, W, Other. 3 separate bathrooms.
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All bad jokes aside (I thought it was funny). Most of this gender identity stuff is bull it's just more political correctness gone crazy. It is easily settled with these family bathrooms. If I saw a women go into a man's bathroom no biggie. If I see a man go into a women's bathroom and one of my grandbabies is in there well I guess I'll be on the evening news.
I am with you. Some freak guy follows my wife or 12 year old daughter into a bathroom, we will be having more than words.
Difficult discussion to have, especially on a football thread. The whole gender identify issue is really complicated, and frankly beyond my ability to fully grasp. That said, I have a niece who was the proverbial tomboy for as long as I can remember; who declared her gender ID issue at 20, and has since lived as a man via hormone therapy only. He looks and sounds like a guy; and believe me, you would not want to see him going into a ladies restroom. I used to feel sorry for him, but no longer. He is well adjusted in every other way, has a good paying techie job, a woman friend in his life, and he is happy. Can't and don't think of him as a FREAK, but rather someone who was dealt a difficult hand through no fault of his own, and who is succeeding as a good citizen, who also happens to be a much better Christian and Catholic than me.
This is not difficult. If you have boy parts, you go to the men's bathroom. If you don't , you go to the ladies.If you can't make up your mind what you are that particular day, stay at home. Why Stevie Wonder, Bryan Adams, the NBA, and the beloved and sacred Mike Krzyzewski can't fathom that is mind boggling.
Difficult discussion to have, especially on a football thread. The whole gender identify issue is really complicated, and frankly beyond my ability to fully grasp. That said, I have a niece who was the proverbial tomboy for as long as I can remember; who declared her gender ID issue at 20, and has since lived as a man via hormone therapy only. He looks and sounds like a guy; and believe me, you would not want to see him going into a ladies restroom. I used to feel sorry for him, but no longer. He is well adjusted in every other way, has a good paying techie job, a woman friend in his life, and he is happy. Can't and don't think of him as a FREAK, but rather someone who was dealt a difficult hand through no fault of his own, and who is succeeding as a good citizen, who also happens to be a much better Christian and Catholic than me.

Good post. I don't understand the need of some to brand other people as "freaks" just because they are different.
'freak' might be w/o mercy and understanding; but imposing a belief or a perversion on someone else is also lacking in mercy and understanding.
I am with you. Some freak guy follows my wife or 12 year old daughter into a bathroom, we will be having more than words.

This law allows you to go in with them for supervisory purposes, and would perhaps discourage a freak from following them
I don't think they are freaks. They are clearly people with a mental illness, no different that paranoia, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar, etc. They deserve our compassion and help, but help doesn't mean promoting their illness.
incredible state of things!

can anyone believe that the is an actual legal debate or discussion?

Perversion rules?

Mega Dittos!! I have zero problem if they want to be freaks just WHY do WE have to participate??? Just go to the freaking unisex toilet and leave the rest of us males or females alone!
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most Empires decay from within. Woe to those that put bad for good and good for bad.

We can't say we were not properly advised nor that we were not warned.

We are living the instant replay.
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If anyone believes that this moral decay will stop at changing the Carolina law, they are mistaken. It never ends. There will always be something else. Plural marriage. Marrying within your family. Marrying your pet. Marrying your car. Walking around naked. The dumber it sounds, the more likely a lawsuit will be filed and a sympathetic judge will agree. Look what has happened in just the last 10 years or so. It all started with civil unions and now has led to the anti - North Carolina crusade. Bet most folks who are against the law don't even know what the actual law says. Shame Shame!
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If anyone believes that this moral decay will stop at changing the Carolina law, they are mistaken. It never ends. There will always be something else. Plural marriage. Marrying within your family. Marrying your pet. Marrying your car. Walking around naked. The dumber it sounds, the more likely a lawsuit will be filed and a sympathetic judge will agree. Look what has happened in just the last 10 years or so. It all started with civil unions and now has led to the anti - North Carolina crusade. Bet most folks who are against the law don't even know what the actual law says. Shame Shame!

Go for hyperbole much?