N.C. State Game Thread

Hate that call on 3 and 2. You know they’re gonna bring everyone to the line. Play action, easy first down, maybe a TD if you catch them sleeping.
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3 tight ends in short yardage....and you can't throw to one of them 3 yards? Drew Pyne would have. Stupid call...running for 3 yards on 3rd down.
Just keep shooting ourselves in the foot and we will be 1-1.

Don't get the last play call. Maybe a rollout with 2 receivers running out patterns and let Sam choose?
Gotta get to space on a team stacking the line. Come on. Plus, I think our TE should’ve easily caught the first down ball. Maybe it was broken up, but it sure looked like he just dropped an easy catch.
Never understood why with a supposedly good OL we have trouble with 3rd and short
That was about as dumb a play all as you can make. Call a timeout. They were loaded. It was so obvious.
Hope the defense has enough left in the tank to see this game out. Offense have hit on some big plays, but need a time consuming drive.
NCST looks like they know when we blitz and who is coming. WTH, what happened with online blocking? How about a bootleg, swing pass?
Parker is as bad as Rees. He better watch old Lou Holtz game films. He doesn't understand the running game. He won't last being pass happy.
On the road...turnovers and penalties makes winning Damm near impossible. And it shows.