Anyone else seeing this nonsense spill over to other college teams including ND? I truly believe the Missouri players should have forfeited their scholarships and the coach canned. Father Hesburgh would never have caved in to this extortion. I guarantee this would never have occurred if Missouri had a good record. So happy I am done paying tuition to schools that ill prepare their students by filling their heads with liberal nonsense.
Interesting situation ! I have been of the opinion for a number of years
That there is no longer a real exchange of ideas, and yes, that the majority of professors are both Liberal, Democrats, and socialists.
The result of this is that college students are getting exposed
To one side of just about ever issue rather that having a vigorous exchange
Of ideas on both sides of every issue.
Further, unless one is wealthy or is going to a University for
For a professional or technical degree, I think that, from an investment
Point of view, generally speaking, a good high school education, a community college, and just reading great books is a far better investment and education.
As far as safe zones go, the colleges should provide a physical
Safe Zone , but I don't know how a college, with fair admissions standards, can provide safe zones from ideas, thoughts, and speech
That a student or group of students may find offensive.
I also see our country being torn apart by every type of protest.
Women, gays, anti police, etc.
As far as police go I think that the people who need police
Protection the most, are protesting the most, and thus getting less
And less of the badly needed police protection that they need resulting
In a high murder rate and crimes against the majority of people trying
To just live peaceful lives in minority communities.
In my opinion, The university of Missouri is just another sign of the divisions That are destroying both our freedoms and our Nation.