They say we are judged by the company we keep and it is very telling that Mo1e, Pazuzu and cgvr are all of the same ilk, disgusting in the same why and liars belong repute. Thee peas of the same infected pod.
LOL........ the gift that keeps on giving. He made a 40 year decision. A GED."disgusting in the same why and liars belong repute. Thee peas of the same infected pod."
Take a nap.
They say we are judged by the company we keep and it is very telling that Mo1e, Pazuzu and cgvr are all of the same ilk, disgusting in the same way and liars all. Thee peas of the same infected pod.
Isn't it time for his meds?
I suspect that you've taken no shortage of rides on the short bus.There are wonderful people with special needs and without who are tremendous models of goodness in many ways. Some are Notre Dame fans and others root for virtually every school on the map.
cgvr is not one of them. He is a lying POS who has shown his ass here and elsewhere for all to see. He is no better than Mo1e, the ultimate POS.