Hahahha Gael, I'm not quite sure my man. I think my insanity resides somewhere amongst "outrageous political views"... For example....
1). I believe in socialism as far as education, social welfare and universal healthcare because I've seen it produce successful results around the world.
2). I believe in federally funded, national institutions, because I don't think it's beneficial to society for there to be private prisons, for example, because when people can financially benefit from the ability to exploit people, they will.
3). I believe in having guns. I like guns... To hunt with. My family have been responsible gun owners for generations. I don't ever proclaim to own a gun out of defense. I own it as a killing tool. I simply use it in a legally mandated way and all of our guns a securely locked away and difficult to access for the sake of children or potential thieves.
4). I believe in becoming as financially secure as possible, without the direct exploitation of others. I've worked as many as three jobs at one time in order to accumulate as much wealth as possible. I don't do it because I'm greedy or because I enjoy money in the least. I do it because our society runs on wealth and I'm happy to play the hand I'm dealt, but I'll play it to the best of my ability... And for that record, I'm happy to see others who don't play it as well as I do, still have some success if they're willing to try. For that reason, I believe in a quality minimum wage, and no I do not believe in the virtual insanity that is trickle down politics. Great theory. They forgot that greed factor though, which seems to be woven into human society (and some would human character).... Oh, and I think it's ludicrous to suggest that people should be additionally taxed on inheritance as some would suggest should be the case.
5). I happen to believe in religion! Do I think I'm going to see you in Heaven someday Gael? Nope! That's why I prefer to talk to you now. I don't know how much longer we have. I do, however, believe in the spirit of Christianity (for example) and the inclusiveness and love that it promotes when it's not being exploited or abused, as well as the comfort and positive energy it can provide someone in a time of need... Picture a real, version of The Force. My belief is that religion can be used for the good or for the evil. I'd simply rather be aligned Obi Wan Kenobi than Darth Vader
6). Racism is real. We do our best not to talk about it, but it exists, as it has since the dawn of time. Preaching tolerance of other people and their beliefs is the same as saying "I don't like it, but I'm not going to say anything about it.... To your face."... Screw tolerance. If you have a problem, work through it, don't mask it or deny deny it.
7). I'm "Pro Choice" and proud of it... What I'm not proud of is how often the "Pro Choice" community are negligent, leading to a scenario in which said "Choice" is forced to be made. We're a irresponsible society in the west... Do friggen better.
8). Iraq was bullshit. I'm ashamed of my country for leaving Afghasnistan when we did. I thought it was a conflict we were justified in supporting you guys in, but I don't believe in creating a mess and not sticking around to help clean it up. Unbelievable in my opinion.
9). Screw any trade policy such as NAFTA or TPP that put Canadians and Americans at a massive trade disadvantage because we don't do things like Intentionally devaluing our currency... If other countries want to cheat the system, fine. Lets not cheat ourselves so that a few people who have the wealth to buy any material thing in this world, have more, in case they have to buy a second, while they knowingly screw the people who couldn't dream of obtaining the first.
10. Define too much wealth?... To each their own. But I can define what leads to obtaining too much wealth. When you've lost sight of your relationship with your fellow human beings and are willing to instead obsess and even worship a man made system of monetary value. People who share a heartbeat with you, cannot be less important that turning 9 zeros into 10, or 10 into 11... That's sick.
11. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
Just a couple of my "all over the place" political views that would make a topic of controversy and independence, I'm sure...
Point is... I look at ND football the same way. I'm as big a fan as anyone. I actually worked somewhat affiliated to the team for a short while. That said, I'm nowhere near an ND purist and I'm not of the crowd that believes everything great ND did happened in or before 1988.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I'm happy to respect their opinion. Great debate is healthy!..
So I maintain that outside of Tim Brown, none of the other guys on the list could touch Michael Floyd. Just a man among a group of ultra talented boys. A combination of genetics, modern training, incredible work ethic, and the will to be great at his craft!
How's that post for a little satire and controversy my friend?