Kelly is a mid level coach at best

No, his total pay package is much higher, his over all salary may be low, but when you factor in all of the income streams that are attached to the job the compensation level changes dramatically (notice that the additional compensation space is blank next to his). There was an old understanding, perhaps it is even written practice, that no athletic coach or Football coach can receive a salary more than the highest paid professor. Maybe that is myth, but it seems to have held true through the years. It started with Hesburgh. Maybe I have it wrong, but that's the story. Kelly is very well compensated. He doesn't deserve it, but that's another argument.

I remember hearing that years and years ago, but no way it is still true.
You are looking at last years list. Kelly got a HUGE raise. He makes 4mil. a year, which puts him in the top 10.
Already shot the accuracy of that article to hell, being a Utah guy, I knew coach Wit was higher paid than what the blog stated. If they can't get public salaries correct, how in the hell can we trust your source for a private university that has never disclosed his salary?