Kaepernick: a cosmetologist receives more training than a cop

Data not supporting an "extreme" injustice (leaving this issue alone and accepting the premise as true for the moment) doesn't actually deny the existence of injustice. Furthermore, the issues being protested are multi-layered. Much more at stake then cops killing minorities who are unarmed.
I don't dispute that he was put in a difficult situation. All presidents have been put in difficult situations. Some do well in that area, some don't. I believe he has failed miserably. You mislead when u paint him as a person that is just a product of a building divisive American society. He's far from your average joe. He's a radical and all you have to do is look at his voting record, his ties to controversial religious and/or domestic terrorists and the constant examples of the disdain he has for the country that he felt he needed to fundamentally change, to see that. You think he's a good person, that's fine, but you or I don't know what kind of person he is. We can only go by his actions (executive and other) to define him. He appears to be more of a narcissist compelled to ridicule and/or dismiss and/or ignore any beliefs that don't line up w/ his. Other than that, he's a great person.
I aleady explained how I thought he was a racist. Has he ever sided w/ the white person (cop) when these incidents occur? What part of that don't you understand? The only one w/ blinders on is you. Funny how the know it alls know who they are.
You asked how anyone can be on the side of the white person "when the evidence suggests race"?
What does that mean? You mean the kind of evidence when Michael Browns partner in crime said that he raised his hands and said don't shoot and got shot in the back defenseless? How bout we get the facts straight before the president of the united states lashes out at the cops w/o confirming what really happened. Or the case w/ the professor in Boston calling the police "stupid". Sounds like a real great guy.
Which instance would you point to as the most obvious situation where he didn't side with a white person cop but he should have?
You asked how anyone can be on the side of the white person "when the evidence suggests race"?
What does that mean? You mean the kind of evidence when Michael Browns partner in crime said that he raised his hands and said don't shoot and got shot in the back defenseless? How bout we get the facts straight before the president of the united states lashes out at the cops w/o confirming what really happened. Or the case w/ the professor in Boston calling the police "stupid". Sounds like a real great guy.
The butt hurt is so strong in both of those situations there is a question regarding the use of force. Ferguson PD's outstanding civil rights record definitely garners the benefit of the doubt for their investigation. Regardless, even if coming out against the police in those instances was wrong, or at best short sighted because he didn't have the facts that doesn't mean that it was racist.
All of the ones he jumped to conclusions w/o all the facts. I've mentioned two, the others are documented. Don't you remember he had to do the photo opp w/ the cop & a beer? He hated that I bet.
For what it's worth, I think he's in a somewhat difficult position as the first African-American president. I believe, more than any other president in history, he is part of a specific constituency that looks to him to comment on a certain aspect of American life in a way that no other president has been asked to do. If he addresses race relations, then he has addressed those concerns, but possibly alienated those who think that he is targeting a specific group of people. If he doesn't address race relations, then he would not have alienated that group, but then he'd face a ton of criticism in both the African-American community and broader groups about failing to address race relations.

I think Obama is a good person, who hasn't been a particularly great president. In 100 years, he'll probably be remembered as the first African-American president, but won't be remembered in the same was that we remember Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, etc. To the extent he's been divisive, I think it's not necessarily something intrinsic to his nature, but more a reflection of our society at large, which has become more divisive and polarizing on political and social fronts. We don't want our leaders to be divisive, but we also don't want them to compromise on core issues, which unfortunately seem to be all issues.
People/media look at him because he continuously would make ridiculous remarks w/o knowing any of the facts. He always puts himself in theses position when he's not playing golf.
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The country was founder on a number "seperations "
that were built into our founding documents:
first all rights not specifically granted to the Federal Government remained with the Individual States. The reason being that the founders did not want an all powerful central
All of our governments from Federal , State, County, and
City have a seperation of Powers. Executive. Legislative, and Judiciary.
Our President is the Executive , he is alo called our Commander and Cheif because his main function is to
keep our military strong ,protect our nation, and determine
Foreign Policly. He must also work with the United States Congress on all Legislation that must originate in Congress.
in short, his job is at the Federal Level.

Local Communities have the responsibility for solving local problems
. If a policeman stops, arrests, uses force, shoots
a person. The local Community and Judiciary have the RIGHT
and OBLIGATION to review all the facts, see that everyone
has a fair trial, and ,if found guilty, receives the appropriate
There is no way that Obama can have said facts,
and has no business taking sides in local crimes. Maybe if he paid more attention to his failed Foreign Policy, The World would be a much better place ?