Kaepernick: a cosmetologist receives more training than a cop

It's interesting that the league has all these rules and regulations that the players must abide by. The teams have all these rules and regulations. But when it comes to sensitive social issues, the league suddenly has no power to control their employees.
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Try doing their job just one summer evening in Chicago, New Orleans, Gary, or Baltimore for the pay they receive. You couldn't do it. Go ahead, answer a domestic call. Stop a car full of "young men", by yourself, at midnight. Deal with a bully like Michael Brown on his territory. It's a no win situation. And then this chump QB is going to talk about their training and education? Maybe this idiot should use his million dollars to find all the absent dads or solve the unwed teen pregnancy problem in "his" community, or maybe figure out why things aren't any better with the prez and AG this country has had for the past 8 years. Here's a news flash..... Ferguson, Missouri is having a hard time filling vacant openings on the force. Wonder why? Why should we have to run a disclaimer by saying that there are some bad cops? There are also bad teachers, priests, rabbis, investors, firemen, bakers, plumbers, Quarterbacks etc. I am biased and totally vested in the police life. As a Dad, I have to live it every single day. My son is my hero and he would do everything he could to protect the life of this tool of a QB if he had to. How ironic.

Great post !
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I'll preface the backlash I may receive, by saying that I support law enforcement, respect them for the job they do. They perform a tough, tough public service and for that, they should be commended.

However, there are some, SOME, on the various police forces around the country that you wouldn't trust walking your dog, let alone enforcing the laws while carrying deadly weapons. This is not in dispute by most, even various police chiefs, FOP organizations etc. As in any profession, there are good workers and some deadbeats.

For the most part, anyone with a high school education and police academy training can become a police officer in any municipality. I think most can agree that the importance of their work and very nature of their position, should require a great deal more than that. Maybe a more thorough vetting process before some of these applicants are given carte blanche authority, a badge and a gun, and sent out on the street to dole out some justice.

Again, the vast, vast majority of officers are great at what they do. Pillars of the community, and all around great people. Most receive very little pay for an incredibly difficult job. But there are exceptions to every rule.

These are the ones that Kaepernick and his ilk are focusing on. And unfortunately, the whole lot of police in the community gets the black eye, and are grouped into this minority category of officers.

I think Kaepernick is a douche for his actions re: the National Anthem. I think his heart is in the right place, but he's going about it the wrong way. Some of his comments are also wrong, un-informed and cast him in a disparaging light. He's going to feel the wrath of FOP organizations, SF police, military personnel and football fans alike. But hey, he's a dumb kid with a soapbox and this is the only way he can think of to handle the situation.

Not that I disagree with most of your post, but it's funny that he and the Black Panthers he supports focus on the few bad cops and not the many thugs that create the demise of the minority committees throughout the country.

His heart is not in the right place. He is not a kid. He knows clearly what he is doing and it's calculated. He is the racist, and the idiots on the left leaning ESPN will only make excuses for his actions. The situation he is one he created.

I wonder if he would be singing a different song if the Mike Browns of the world were making his life a living hell in a neighborhood with little escape
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Yes, they can. They can say, "Stand for the anthem, or you're fired." That IS forcing someone to do something.

That said, you are missing my point. The other poster claimed this was a free speech issue, and it isn't. That's why I used the alternate example that the league/team can force a player to do interviews.

They probably could, but why?

Let him hang himself
Yes, they can. They can say, "Stand for the anthem, or you're fired." That IS forcing someone to do something.

That said, you are missing my point. The other poster claimed this was a free speech issue, and it isn't. That's why I used the alternate example that the league/team can force a player to do interviews.
They can but it would never stand through the appeal process. Why would they knowing it would have zero chance of being upheld upon appeal ? The CBA covers a variety of issues under the umbrella of local conditions and company policy.
It's interesting that the league has all these rules and regulations that the players must abide by. The teams have all these rules and regulations. But when it comes to sensitive social issues, the league suddenly has no power to control their employees.
Why should they ? All the rules and regulations are directly related to the game itself and the business of football. Social issues are just that.
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Yes, they can. They can say, "Stand for the anthem, or you're fired." That IS forcing someone to do something.

That said, you are missing my point. The other poster claimed this was a free speech issue, and it isn't. That's why I used the alternate example that the league/team can force a player to do interviews.
Because the interview requirement is a local issue covered in the CBA.
Not that I disagree with most of your post, but it's funny that he and the Black Panthers he supports focus on the few bad cops and not the many thugs that create the demise of the minority committees throughout the country.

His heart is not in the right place. He is not a kid. He knows clearly what he is doing and it's calculated. He is the racist, and the idiots on the left leaning ESPN will only make excuses for his actions. The situation he is one he created.

I wonder if he would be singing a different song if the Mike Browns of the world were making his life a living hell in a neighborhood with little escape
Well said as usual.
Try doing their job just one summer evening in Chicago, New Orleans, Gary, or Baltimore for the pay they receive. You couldn't do it. Go ahead, answer a domestic call. Stop a car full of "young men", by yourself, at midnight. Deal with a bully like Michael Brown on his territory. It's a no win situation. And then this chump QB is going to talk about their training and education? Maybe this idiot should use his million dollars to find all the absent dads or solve the unwed teen pregnancy problem in "his" community, or maybe figure out why things aren't any better with the prez and AG this country has had for the past 8 years. Here's a news flash..... Ferguson, Missouri is having a hard time filling vacant openings on the force. Wonder why? Why should we have to run a disclaimer by saying that there are some bad cops? There are also bad teachers, priests, rabbis, investors, firemen, bakers, plumbers, Quarterbacks etc. I am biased and totally vested in the police life. As a Dad, I have to live it every single day. My son is my hero and he would do everything he could to protect the life of this tool of a QB if he had to. How ironic.
Caperdick is a buffoon! While officers may only be at the academy for six months there training goes on for years. Does he really think that an officer straight out of the academy goes on the road and has the ability to make any decisions? Calling him stupid would be an insult to stupid people. It sure does not reflect well on the educational system in Nevada! I sure hope the SFPD refuse to provide security for their games! Morons!
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Kaepernick is a very foolish young man. Who , unfortunately,
Reflects the decline of a once great society that had high moral
Standards, love Of God, Love Of family, and love of Country.
All one has to do is take a look at the candidate that
Is leading in all the polls for President to see how far our country has declined from the 1940,s until 2016 !
Speaking on behalf of literally millions of American's who have "gone in harms way" in defense of our country, many of whom have paid the ultimate price, it sure wasn't so moronic, millionaire athletes, celebrities and race hustlers can hide behind our flag and the precious freedom it stands for.

Then you were misled somewhere in your life because, yes, your mission was ordered so every person would have the liberty to speak their minds regardless of your judgement of that opinion.

And I doubt the millions would have chosen you for their spokesperson.
No. He has a "sit in" at 8 AM, a "love in" at Noon, a march at 2, an occupy rally that may or may not involve a "sit in" at 5, and the day ends with a poker game at Rev Al's house at 7. So, he's booked. I noticed Barry did not talk about the two Nuns that were murdered or the sainthood of Mother Teresa, but he did take the time to talk about the Niners QB. What a surprise.
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No. He has a "sit in" at 8 AM, a "love in" at Noon, a march at 2, an occupy rally that may or may not involve a "sit in" at 5, and the day ends with a poker game at Rev Al's house at 7. So, he's booked. I noticed Barry did not talk about the two Nuns that were murdered or the sainthood of Mother Teresa, but he did take the time to talk about the Niners QB. What a surprise.

My understanding is that Obama was asked by reporters about the Kaepernick situation; thus, he responded. If he were asked about those other things, then I'm assuming he would have had a response, too.

It's not like he called a press conference to discuss it.
So the president needs to comment on every murder? Sad thing but not sure why these murders are more significant then other murders? Looks like a sick individual who killed them but nothing out there saying it was about religion. If there is that may change the significance of the story from a national political perspective.
He has to be asked to comment on something? Since when?

It seems a little ridiculous to criticize him for responding to a question, and then even more ridiculous to criticize him for not responding to questions that were never asked.

What would you have preferred that he did?
So the president needs to comment on every murder? Sad thing but not sure why these murders are more significant then other murders? Looks like a sick individual who killed them but nothing out there saying it was about religion. If there is that may change the significance of the story from a national political perspective.

SAL, Why does he make comments on every issue involving white cops arresting African Americans and not on African Americans murdering white nuns? Explain that.
What about the big issue he made when campus cops answered a call about a break in at Harvard when they were just doing their job when the professor locked himself out and was breaking into his own house and became belligerent with police when they asked him questions. Obama and you left wing agitators don't give a crap about murdered nuns but all hell breaks loose when a white officer questions a black man.
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SAL, Why does he make comments on every issue involving white cops arresting African Americans and not on African Americans murdering white nuns? Explain that.
What about the big issue he made when campus cops answered a call about a break in at Harvard when they were just doing their job when the professor locked himself out and was breaking into his own house and became belligerent with police when they asked him questions. Obama and you left wing agitators don't give a crap about murdered nuns but all hell breaks loose when a white officer questions a black man.

Obama was asked about the Cambridge situation; again, he responded to a question:

If you want Obama to comment on other items that you think need to be addressed, then maybe you should be calling and e-mailing reporters to tell them that you want the President to comment on those items.
It's gotta be tough to keep defending the ahole in chief. To some he can do no right, and to others he can do no wrong. To that I ask, what exactly has he done right? How are we as a country better off w/ his policies being shoved down out throats? The resident know it alls on this board can try & defend him all they want, but his diviseness is glaring and if they can't or don't want to see that, it's on them. I know it's impossible for the left to see it, but he's as racist as they come.
not that there is anything wrong with cosmotologists!
there, fixed for you K. you moron!

and at least they work at their trade! you sit on your ass and get paid.
being predjudiced does not always rely on a superiority premise, most times it is just hate based derived from being 'of kind'.
Is that hard to believe? Blacks can be racist, correct? All you need to do is look at his reactions and positions when incidents occur to answer ur question. Has he ever been on the side of a white person when these things happen? Does he jump to conclusions w/o all the facts? Do his conclusions always contain caveats of how racist whites are? Answer those questions and you have ur answer.
is there a presumption that claims black persons are not predjudiced? I find blacks I have met, or had dialog with, whether friend or casual acquaintence to be predjudiced towards other races and even within the black community itself there is predjudice by skin color.

Now, I am outta this discussion because, it will be countered most likely from a predjudiced perspective.
Is that hard to believe? Blacks can be racist, correct? All you need to do is look at his reactions and positions when incidents occur to answer ur question. Has he ever been on the side of a white person when these things happen? Does he jump to conclusions w/o all the facts? Do his conclusions always contain caveats of how racist whites are? Answer those questions and you have ur answer.

He's biracial, so I do believe it would be odd for him to believe that one race was superior to the other race.
last point

I wonder the motivation of the recent groups demonstrating.
Many multiples of blacks are the victims of blacks than other races killing blacks
proportionately blacks are not killed by cops in higher proportion than other races
(unarmed is where the disparity comes into play)

do black lives matter in Africa where genocide takes place daily among various black groups?
where is the outcry? I read of it and get upset. Where are they?
ill informed and searching for an identity is my take on the protestors.
So he's odd.

For what it's worth, I think he's in a somewhat difficult position as the first African-American president. I believe, more than any other president in history, he is part of a specific constituency that looks to him to comment on a certain aspect of American life in a way that no other president has been asked to do. If he addresses race relations, then he has addressed those concerns, but possibly alienated those who think that he is targeting a specific group of people. If he doesn't address race relations, then he would not have alienated that group, but then he'd face a ton of criticism in both the African-American community and broader groups about failing to address race relations.

I think Obama is a good person, who hasn't been a particularly great president. In 100 years, he'll probably be remembered as the first African-American president, but won't be remembered in the same was that we remember Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, etc. To the extent he's been divisive, I think it's not necessarily something intrinsic to his nature, but more a reflection of our society at large, which has become more divisive and polarizing on political and social fronts. We don't want our leaders to be divisive, but we also don't want them to compromise on core issues, which unfortunately seem to be all issues.
last point

I wonder the motivation of the recent groups demonstrating.
Many multiples of blacks are the victims of blacks than other races killing blacks
proportionately blacks are not killed by cops in higher proportion than other races
(unarmed is where the disparity comes into play)

do black lives matter in Africa where genocide takes place daily among various black groups?
where is the outcry? I read of it and get upset. Where are they?
ill informed and searching for an identity is my take on the protestors.

Do we need to protest against all injustices in order to protest against one injustice?
It's gotta be tough to keep defending the ahole in chief. To some he can do no right, and to others he can do no wrong. To that I ask, what exactly has he done right? How are we as a country better off w/ his policies being shoved down out throats? The resident know it alls on this board can try & defend him all they want, but his diviseness is glaring and if they can't or don't want to see that, it's on them. I know it's impossible for the left to see it, but he's as racist as they come.
If you can't see the good in our country then your blinders are on full force. Explain how Obama is the racist...
SAL, Why does he make comments on every issue involving white cops arresting African Americans and not on African Americans murdering white nuns? Explain that.
What about the big issue he made when campus cops answered a call about a break in at Harvard when they were just doing their job when the professor locked himself out and was breaking into his own house and became belligerent with police when they asked him questions. Obama and you left wing agitators don't give a crap about murdered nuns but all hell breaks loose when a white officer questions a black man.
I think the key difference here is either (1) he hasn't been asked to comment on it and/or (2) There is not any proof race was the motivation of the nuns' murders.
Is that hard to believe? Blacks can be racist, correct? All you need to do is look at his reactions and positions when incidents occur to answer ur question. Has he ever been on the side of a white person when these things happen? Does he jump to conclusions w/o all the facts? Do his conclusions always contain caveats of how racist whites are? Answer those questions and you have ur answer.
Define "these things" because if we are talking about the disproportionate level of minority based police related fatalities when the evidence suggests race is a critical root cause then yea I am not sure anyone should be on the side of the white person how is biased by race when making a decision to use deadly force.
Do we need to protest against all injustices in order to protest against one injustice?

just examine the motivation and be certain that there really is an injustice; not just a percieved one. The data does not support an extreme injustice in this case. It just doesn't.