It's actually 72-43 - A .626 percentage - An Average of 8 wins w/ 4.7 losses

^ the new ND. not the one you knew.
Gonna take some time to adapt to it and to let go of an 'idea' that no longer exists.
The longer you been a fan the deeper the hurt and the longer the recovery period

Some are right in with it, they been losing for 30 years; biz as usual..

But, I wonder if Bodi will still make his traditional 12-0 prediction? our last tradition!
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that balance sheet item is not immune from thse events; you getbwhat you pay for and you don't keep paying for something that disappoints. That goes for NBC too!

The S#%^ will hit he fan very soon! But, write this down! Remorseless, Jack and Brian will have left town!
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