Go Frogs up 14 points already

I think Michigan really underestimated TCU. I think most of the country underestimated them. You had three giant brands in this playoff, and then you had something called TCU. Michigan has dug themselves a huge whole here, and I don't know if they're capable of digging themselves out. I'd actually love to see TCU win the NC, but I think they'd get curb stomped by Georgia.
I expect Michigan to make this game close at least ... Michigan has been a really good 2nd half team all season.
Michigan had a terrible call go against them, that was clearly a TD catch in the EZ after the Michigan receiver finished juggling and then secured the ball.

TCU looks good.

Can they eliminate the sideline reporters who keep asking inane questions ?
But, but, but TB threw three into. Of course Max put the ball where he should have on both throws
guy glory GIF
TCU does not have to leave the state of Texas to recruit and they have zero restrictions on the transfer portal. Two Bama players are transferring to TCU.
Much will not go away. Okay , TCU just get first downs absolutely no need to throw the ball down field just short passes. I do not think Michigan will try an on side kick with three time outs in their pocket