Rumor has it that Kelly will hire Pennisk to pump up his defense since he's a coaching legend in his own mind! Pennisk started the rumor telling his co workers at Taco Bell. lolsDouble the salary, he's good.
How about Jerry Brown of CaliforniaDouble the salary, he's good.
That pretty much desInstead, Kelly will hire another friend, Chuck Martin.
How about Jerry Brown of California
Our prayers were answered as mvg was able to handle the snaps. You are a stooge.That pretty much des
Another Brilliant insight by the resident idiot. Taco Bell must open early. Lol’s!
You are a wannabe coach - in other words - a complete zero!Our prayers were answered as mvg was able to handle the snaps. You are a stooge.
Our prayers were answered as mvg was able to handle the snaps. You are a stooge.
We're currently # 100 in FGs at 4-7. Yeah, that unit is working swell.
For the umpteenth time, you just aren't that bright...
I like this choice.....He could actually make a horrible loss appear to be a win....How about Jerry Brown of California
Don’t let empirical evidence get in the way of the Moron Pennisk’s twaddle. The guy makes a fool of himself every day.
Instead, Kelly will hire another friend, Chuck Martin.