Gameday Sign Suggestions

Jan 9, 2015
A few friends and I had this game circled to go to since the schedule was initially released and fortunately for us, we are going to get to experience our first Gameday!

Of course we are going to be making signs. Does anyone have any funny suggestions for signs we could make?
I have stopped watching ESPN except for games and then I mute out the announcers. Palmer just seems to want to talk to hear himself. Herbie is not to bad. Brent has put on the $ec channel only, so that is a plus.
A few friends and I had this game circled to go to since the schedule was initially released and fortunately for us, we are going to get to experience our first Gameday!

Of course we are going to be making signs. Does anyone have any funny suggestions for signs we could make?
"Sarkisian got bombed with us last night."
"Hey Desmond, This is a book."
"Hey Desmond, This is a library."
"Hey Mom and Dad, We just got married."
"Clemson Tigers are *ussies".
"Herbstreit got slapped by a SMC chick last night."
"Corso loves the Denny's senior discount. He can't find Denny's though..."
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How bout "Who would name their kid Dabo?"

You probably already know this, but just in case, "Dabo" is not his real name. When he was a kid, his brother was trying to say "that boy" when referring to him...but it sounded like "Dabo"...and the nickname stuck with him.

A sign I'd like to see show up is: "GENERIC URBAN MEYER COMPLIMENT! #NoApologiesNecessary"
You call THIS a Valley?

when the SEC wont accept you because of grades, there's always Clemson!

Hey Bear, pick against us again please! (make it clear its an ND sign...its not so funny but guarantee's you tv time)
A few friends and I had this game circled to go to since the schedule was initially released and fortunately for us, we are going to get to experience our first Gameday!

Of course we are going to be making signs. Does anyone have any funny suggestions for signs we could make?

Samuel C. Jones: Honey did u bring the bottle of wine for Howard
Wifey: I thought u had it
[Pulls over car on side of road and picks up a rock]
Wifey: What are u doing with that rock?
Samuel C. Jones: I'll give it to Howard and tell em its from Death Valley. Bumpkins from South Carolina will believe anything

Samuel C. Jones is laughing his ass off at u guys.

Hey, here's a piece of crap, rub it for good luck

Doorstops are not good luck charms

Hey Desmond - UM still suks

Herbstreit - GT is gonna win the ACC? U should quit.

Did u guys really use the word syncopated in your fight song? LMAO
Wofford beat North Greenville University last year !! But lost to power house Gardiner Webb !!
But, they beat Greenville last year and that's all that matters. So, Wofford is a team to be reckoned with this year - watch out!!!
A few friends and I had this game circled to go to since the schedule was initially released and fortunately for us, we are going to get to experience our first Gameday!

Of course we are going to be making signs. Does anyone have any funny suggestions for signs we could make?
Brian Kelly rocks!
Sark vodka on the rocks.

Oj likes it in the can.