You're a total toxic BK hater, if I recall correct. And it appears you've decided you want to slyly backpedal out that stance, I guess because it just doesn't suit you anymore. Too crass, too tacky. You were hoping desperately he would do badly at LSU, but that's definitely not how it's playing out, so now it's time for you to wrap it up.....
Here's the thing, though. You don't need to give us any opinions, that are really no more than backhanded compliments at the very best. Nobody anywhere gives the tiniest shit about your thoughts on BK, other than maybe other toxic haters like yourself, whether they're still active and splashing around in their own bile and spite, or are gently trying to wind it down like you seem to be doing. The best thing you could do is just never say anything else about him ever. Nary a word from here on out forever on the subject of BK as far as you're concerned. Mum is the word!
Bottom line, he's doing great at LSU and has hit the ground running, no big surprise. And he was an awesome coach for ND. That's really all there is to say about the guy....