I debated whether to respond to this because it doesn't really introduce anything new to the conversation or counter any points i haven't made on the topic already but i'll bite.There’s a lot going on here but I’ll address a few. We’ve had one Heisman winner since we’ve gone to the moon. Not sure 7 heismans mean anything in 2023.
You’re correct. Clausen and Crist came because Weis coached Brady. Clausen was great but was he worth the Weis debacle? Probably not.
You speak about ND’s recruiting as if they’ve made zero adjustments in 50 years. There is zero proof that ND hasn’t adjusted at all. We’re not going to pay high school kids or lower academic standards further than they already are lowered for football players.
You speak about young energy like we don’t have Marcus Freeman and Chad Bowden (who recruits love) spearheading recruiting?
You haven’t acknowledged that in 2023 ND may not be the most attractive to many top recruits due to the reasons I mentioned in my previous post. It’s like you don’t understand why a 18 year old may want to go to Southern Cal over ND in our social media driven world.
Weis recruited three top 5 classes in a row. I highlighted the QBs because those guys were two of the most recruited guys at the most coveted position in the sport and secured their LOIs in back to back years. He also recruited 5 star RBs, WRs, TEs, LBs, and DLs and plenty of top 100 high 4 star talent to support them. If he could do it back with a losing record during the height of the ESPN/BCS era, somebody should be able to do it at ND in 2023 and beyond.
Weis recruited top classes in the face of all the same ad nauseum excuses ND fans love to give to excuse away present day mediocre recruiting (e.g. midwest, small campus, ugly chicks, have to go to class, bad weather, etc.)
ND has recruited only 1 top 5 class in the last 15 years (since the prime of the Weis era). They have not adjusted.
When I talk about young energy, i mean new energy, forward energy, it doesn't necessarily have to be age. We need new perspectives on building and marketing the program. We need leadership that resonates with 17 year olds in the year 2023. Leadership all the way up the hierarchy not just the head coach (who is bashing his head against the wall to fight archaic policies at ND to recruit the country's best talent).
Everything about NDs message and culture all the way up the university food chain is out of touch with the present, and it's elitist, and ineffectual. THAT has got to change.
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