Debate about recruits ranking vs coaching


Shakes Down The Thunder
Mar 11, 2007
Pasco, Wa
These rankings are from the rivals website. These are the ranked players each team has in the top 100.

Alabama - 1, 20, 26, 45, 55, 68
Ohio State- 7, 14, 17, 18, 29, 35, 54, 69, 79, 82, 93
ND - 52, 72, 89

Just looking at this it is very evident why these teams are always in the discussion for the NC the last few years.
Everyone talks about how great of a coach Urban Meyer and Nick Saban are. I do not believe they are any better than Brian Kelly. It has everything to do with the university and the recruits that are allowed to go there.

Look at Saban's record before he got to Alabama.
1990 Toledo 9 2 0
1995 Michigan State 6 5 1
1996 Michigan State 6 6 0
1997 Michigan State 7 5 0
1998 Michigan State 6 6 0
1999 Michigan State 9 2 0
2000 Louisiana State 8 4 0
2001 Louisiana State 10 3 0
2002 Louisiana State 8 5 0
2003 Louisiana State 13 1 0
2004 Louisiana State 9 3 0

Urban Meyer's record before he got to Ohio State
2001 Bowling Green 8 3 0
2002 Bowling Green 9 3 0
2003 Utah 10 2 0
2004 Utah 12 0 0
2005 Florida 9 3 0
2006 Florida 13 1 0
2007 Florida 9 4 0
2008 Florida 13 1 0
2009 Florida 13 1 0
2010 Florida 8 5 0

How are either of these any different than Brian Kelly's record?
2004 Central Michigan 4 7 0
2005 Central Michigan 6 5 0
2006 Central Michigan 9 4 0
2006 Cincinnati 1 0 0
2007 Cincinnati 10 3 0
2008 Cincinnati 11 3 0
2009 Cincinnati 12 0 0
2010 Notre Dame 8 5 0
2011 Notre Dame 8 5 0
2012 Notre Dame 12 1 0
2013 Notre Dame 9 4 0
2014 Notre Dame 8 5 0
2015 Notre Dame 10 3 0
With all due respect OP, once you said that BK was as good as Saban or Meyer, you lost all validity.
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This is an on going argument for many years here on the forum. I'm on the side in 100% agreement with you.

The problem is, ND can't attract the same level of talent as the big boys, and the fans of the team/university don't want to acknowledge just how much impact this has on wins/losses. Ignorance is bliss.

What Kelly has been able to do with the relatively mediocre recruiting classes here at ND is pretty exceptional. That's the only reason I'm still confident about this team's playoff ambitions ... very few do more with less than BK does. But he's also part of the problem -- Urban/Harbaugh/Saban understand the importance of recruiting the best talent ... BK seems arrogant enough to think that his coaching prowess is more important than the level of skill/talent of the bodies on the field ... and from all reports he doesn't work anywhere near as hard/ruthlessly as Weis did securing elite talent/recruiting hard/etc.
Hard to say this...but I agree with Chase. Frankly, I thought I had him on ignore, but I guess not. ND can certainly get some top players - just not as many as other schools. Think about how ND has a narrower pool and what happened with some of them over the weekend. If ND was able to take all of the same players as some of these other schools, and with Du Lac as the governing principle, ND would have to pull from inter-hall to field a team. Give me the higher standards, Du Lac, and a quality education that is truly worth something.

As I say to my wife all too frequently, most issues with kids result from poor parenting. The decline of formal religion is also a huge issue. Sure, people may say they are religious or spiritual but they just don't attend formal services. This is BS - put your money where your mouth is and have some solid morals. Be an example for your children. Too many participation trophy's and letting children grow up at their own pace. This is lazy parenting and everyone only out for the ole #1. Let's put God as #1 - we all hope to end up there in the end and we will have many more years there than we do on this blue ball - assuming we are fortunate to make it.
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Easy both won national championships and went to schools committed to winning at all costs with no regard for academic standards.