You can’t be that dumb, or maybe you are.
Kelly inherited the schedule as did Lou
Kelly could only play the teams on those schedules
And he took a program in shambles and brought it to the National Championship in just three years.
And you’re dead wrong about Lou inheriting a worse program
As to the state of the two programs, Faust's teams were definitely stronger than Weis's.
Faust had THREE NUMBER ONE CLASSES during his tenure, not that Holtz inherited all of those players. But he did inherit guys like Tim Brown, Mark Green, Frank Stams, Andy Heck, Jeff Kunz and others, all of whom except Brown played on the 88 NC team.
Kelly will never be forgiven for a) his PERSONALITY and b) not winning an NC. He also didn't drool over being at ND. He's the kind of HARD-ASS many don't like. I warmed to him over time as he finally produced during the regular season at an Ara or Holtz-like rate.
But given that ND refuses to allow itself to play on a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, the odds of it winning an NC remain low while winning them regularly -- as in the past -- looks like a statistical NON-STARTER. So, I don't blame Kelly FOR -- or as many do here -- accuse him OF ND's not being able to secure one. As though he let someone's promised ice cream cone melt.
Nonetheless, he DID GET CLOSE to winning one, falling to a much more talented Alabama team in 2012.
I think for many it's a lot easier to find someone to BLAME for ND's LACK OF DOMINATION rather than ACKNOWLEDGE its own self-imposed restrictions. I'm obviously speculating, but I don't think Saban would have won an NC at ND either given the level of competiton out there over the last 10 to 15 years.
I've been watching football for almost 70 years -- and I also played. That experience tells me that if you don't have enough ELITE PLAYERS, it doesn't matter if GOD ALMIGHTY is coaching. You WON'T oftn beat more talented teams.
To me, the obvious implication in all of this Kelly bashing is that Freeman will SURELY OUTPERFORM HIM. I'm waiting to see what the narrative becomes should Freeman NOT outperform him. Will Freeman become the next BETE NOIRE? Or will his almost DEFINING LIKEABILITY provide cover for RATIONALIZATION.
Either way, what a CRUEL IRONY that would be.