1) Talk to the leadership group of the team and ask for input.
2) Tell the team that this is Season 2 of the 2016 season. Put 0-0 Record up in the locker room
3) Commit to a power running game.
# of rushing attempts
North- South- game. Regardless of outcome.
We see North South in drive vs Stanford. Folston lead blocking for Kizer drive then it disappears. WTF.
Lead blockers regardless of who they are
4) Practice most of your offense on Power running game.
This will create physicality& toughness for the future
I hear most open practices that experts have watched are way pass heavy practices.
5) Think about having Sanford calls the plays. Boise ran it around 60% of the time when he was OC and his running back ran wild.
Sanford isn't calling these plays. He's the QB coach in the booth.
which makes no sense. He could be a calming influence on the field or let him call the plays from the booth
6) Kelly need to Stop talking to the QB and making faces- Asking him- " " What are you doing? "
" What was that?"
After each possession or mistakes being made.
How about a game where you don't look or say anything to the QB?
Except to congratulate him or pat him on the helmet for a rope TD pass
Does Nick Saban ever talk to his QB? No, he screams at his defense or rips Kiffin but the QB position is a confidence, fragile position and his over- involvement has made Golson, Zaire and Kizer regress a bit and no doubt that's on him.
These QB's are pressing with him.
As hard as it my be, he needs to let go. Stay on the headset and get out of the way.
If he has to, bring Sanford down to the field to directly work with the QB's to stay out of the way.
7) Enough with check with me sh*t
Run the f'ing play. When you are good and physical. You could say- we are running here and it doesn't matter.
8) Only run that read- option crap in the red zone only. . It works great down there. The rest of the time- it sucks.
Keep running the option too. It's worked great near the end zone.
9) Needs to use screens, misdirection and a reverse to CJ Sanders would be nice or dial up a gadget play vs Miami early. No doubt Richt will try to do this. Beat him to the punch.
10) it's not Scheme
It's Attitude, Toughness, Plan and Execution.
Players need to see you working hard in practice, working out.
We want you to succeed
The players haven't quit.
You've done it before.
Best Kelly Memories:
Halftime speech vs Michigan State
End of the Season 2012- " Were going to South Beach"
Players going nuts - yeah coach, yeah coach.
Let's go Irish! Let's win Season 2
2) Tell the team that this is Season 2 of the 2016 season. Put 0-0 Record up in the locker room
3) Commit to a power running game.
# of rushing attempts
North- South- game. Regardless of outcome.
We see North South in drive vs Stanford. Folston lead blocking for Kizer drive then it disappears. WTF.
Lead blockers regardless of who they are
4) Practice most of your offense on Power running game.
This will create physicality& toughness for the future
I hear most open practices that experts have watched are way pass heavy practices.
5) Think about having Sanford calls the plays. Boise ran it around 60% of the time when he was OC and his running back ran wild.
Sanford isn't calling these plays. He's the QB coach in the booth.
which makes no sense. He could be a calming influence on the field or let him call the plays from the booth
6) Kelly need to Stop talking to the QB and making faces- Asking him- " " What are you doing? "
" What was that?"
After each possession or mistakes being made.
How about a game where you don't look or say anything to the QB?
Except to congratulate him or pat him on the helmet for a rope TD pass
Does Nick Saban ever talk to his QB? No, he screams at his defense or rips Kiffin but the QB position is a confidence, fragile position and his over- involvement has made Golson, Zaire and Kizer regress a bit and no doubt that's on him.
These QB's are pressing with him.
As hard as it my be, he needs to let go. Stay on the headset and get out of the way.
If he has to, bring Sanford down to the field to directly work with the QB's to stay out of the way.
7) Enough with check with me sh*t
Run the f'ing play. When you are good and physical. You could say- we are running here and it doesn't matter.
8) Only run that read- option crap in the red zone only. . It works great down there. The rest of the time- it sucks.
Keep running the option too. It's worked great near the end zone.
9) Needs to use screens, misdirection and a reverse to CJ Sanders would be nice or dial up a gadget play vs Miami early. No doubt Richt will try to do this. Beat him to the punch.
10) it's not Scheme
It's Attitude, Toughness, Plan and Execution.
Players need to see you working hard in practice, working out.
We want you to succeed
The players haven't quit.
You've done it before.
Best Kelly Memories:
Halftime speech vs Michigan State
End of the Season 2012- " Were going to South Beach"
Players going nuts - yeah coach, yeah coach.
Let's go Irish! Let's win Season 2