Alize Jones

Oh, hell. It never gets any easier, does it?
and so it begins, again.

can an academically ineligible ND player transfer to a school where it is virtually impossible to be academically ineligible; he will be sitting out the year anyways so it would seem an option.
They're expected to pass the classes they take. They don't have to make the Dean's List. It's obvious you don't value education.

Go root for a football factory.
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It's called academic integrity. The player is responsible and we have other capable tight ends so get over it.
who are those TE's?
and he was going to do duel role as a WR.

Remember your statement, re other TE's, so it is not used months from now in the annual list of 'excuses'.

This is what maybe the 3 or 4th season where 'no excuses' are acceptable? Each of those seasons followed by excuses.

How in heck is the staff blindsided by a key player becoming academically ineligible, a week or so after the coach says everyone is in good standing? And what of the academic suppirt system? Doesn't the staff recieve constant feedback? If not, why not?

This will not help recruiting kids that see football as their 1st career.
This is a tough loss but he seems mature in his answer and accepts responsibility. That is the most important part of this all. I wonder what some of these guys major in ? Why does it take so long to determine their eligibility ? I hope he is the only one. It's like an "injury" . Here we go again.
who are those TE's?
and he was going to do duel role as a WR.

Remember your statement, re other TE's, so it is not used months from now in the annual list of 'excuses'.

This is what maybe the 3 or 4th season where 'no excuses' are acceptable? Each of those seasons followed by excuses.

How in heck is the staff blindsided by a key player becoming academically ineligible, a week or so after the coach says everyone is in good standing? And what of the academic suppirt system? Doesn't the staff recieve constant feedback? If not, why not?

This will not help recruiting kids that see football as their 1st career.

I watch you endless and tiresome posts on almost every thread, and I do my best to not pass judgement and just remember that you are of course entitled to your opinion, it is an anonymous internet board, etc., etc. But honestly Perse, you are difficult to stomach sometimes. You just seem to go back and forth and are all over the place. One day you act like you are the biggest Irish fan ever, the next (or usually the same day and same thread) you contradict yourself and take shots at the team, coaching staff, etc.

Maybe, just maybe, you should take a break - read more, post less. Just a thought. Either way, the sun will come out again tomorrow.
I doubt Perse even went to college, so in some sense give him a pass about ND. I love my school, and am proud they take action like this. This is what sets us apart. Academics first, athelete second (i.e. Student-Athelete). If AJ wants to be at ND, he'll do what he needs to, if he doesn't, he won't. Next TE in.
I watch you endless and tiresome posts on almost every thread, and I do my best to not pass judgement and just remember that you are of course entitled to your opinion, it is an anonymous internet board, etc., etc. But honestly Perse, you are difficult to stomach sometimes. You just seem to go back and forth and are all over the place. One day you act like you are the biggest Irish fan ever, the next (or usually the same day and same thread) you contradict yourself and take shots at the team, coaching staff, etc.

Maybe, just maybe, you should take a break - read more, post less. Just a thought. Either way, the sun will come out again tomorrow.

my contention is the notion here that some fail to recognize how dramatically CF has changed. They act as if ND has a devine entitlement to be national contenders regardless of the roadblocks in it's path.

1. I think this is an outstanding staff assembled; all things considered.
2. I think that ND is no longer a team in the upper etchelons of college football; but like any longshot, with the breaks anything is possible; just extraordinarily unlikely.
3. and it is the fans making the excuses, you don't hear it from the staff!

my question as to academical monitoring is a systemic one; what the hell happened that there could be a disconnect? And what/who is the monitoring system in place? I bet someone is going to be called into Kelly's office to asnswer these questions; and today, he is more pissed than any of us.
Amen DieHard.. Exact reason why I don't lose my mind (Pers-esque) when a recruit decides elsewhere; ND is NOT for everyone and the vast majority of schools allow an easier academic path. That's part of the reason ND is unique. Rigorous academic standards/expectations coupled with on the field success.

Too bad though, live in LV and was really looking forward to AJ being a breakout player this year. He has 1st round NFL talent.
Is he eligible to redshirt?

Might as well since it doesn't matter either way if he is allowed to.
Amen DieHard.. Exact reason why I don't lose my mind (Pers-esque) when a recruit decides elsewhere; ND is NOT for everyone and the vast majority of schools allow an easier academic path. That's part of the reason ND is unique. Rigorous academic standards/expectations coupled with on the field success.

Too bad though, live in LV and was really looking forward to AJ being a breakout player this year. He has 1st round NFL talent.
Bizzy, totally agree, I'm disappointed, as is Alize, and hope he sticks it out, cleans it up, understands the value of the degree, and still comes back and lights it up
That's too bad and will be a big hit to the offense. However, Smythe, Weishar, Luatua and Matuska should be able to handle the job. Smythe and Weishar will do most of the pass catching, with Luatua and Matuska being the blocking specialists.
It never ceases to amaze me when this happens at ND. How does the academic support staff miss something like this? It doesn't just appear out of left field. I'm glad he's staying in school and is facing this adversity like a man. He will be missed this season.
Why don't you put the blame on AJ? From what I can gather, it is pretty hard to become ineligible even at a school like ND. The kid must have put forth minimal effort to put himself in this situation.
He had 13 catches last year so not sure it is that big of a loss.
If he decides to stick it out, he will come back more committed on and off the field.
Sure, he says all the right things. Didn't Greg Bryant? Rip.

These young men are so foolish. Just like Golson, THIS WAS the YEAR Alize had it teed up to shine. Golsonn "rode the bus" in 2012 according to Kelly. That was harsh of him. And 2013 was supposed to be Golsons year

Point is Golson never was the same guy and Bryant never made it back

I want to see AJ succeed, but don't bet on it. Ucla in a year? Who knows

I will give him support and benefit of doubt but odds and history are against him
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Why don't you put the blame on AJ? From what I can gather, it is pretty hard to become ineligible even at a school like ND. The kid must have put forth minimal effort to put himself in this situation.
He had 13 catches last year so not sure it is that big of a loss.
If he decides to stick it out, he will come back more committed on and off the field.
Not a big loss = dumb comment
It never ceases to amaze me when this happens at ND. How does the academic support staff miss something like this? It doesn't just appear out of left field. I'm glad he's staying in school and is facing this adversity like a man. He will be missed this season.

I think they do watch carefully, but you get a guy who is a C student and he fails two finals, and suddenly he's a D student.

I hate to see it happen, but I thought Jones put out a pretty mature sounding statement for a kid entering his sophomore year.
I know it's a different set of circumstances, but Demetrius Jones , to this day, regrets leaving Notre Dame. I am glad AJ is staying. No one feels more embarrassed and disappointed in AJ than AJ. Any loss of personnel is a big loss. Maybe Corey can give him some words of advice on how to juggle classroom with extra curricular.
Maybe I am missing something How can a system that is set up to help these kids graduate and pass the course allow this kid to screw up and fail. they have advisors assistance. You have to try to fail and even that it would take a lot
hey I blame the kid and am glad he is taking responsibility but remember that these kids have to also take real college courses like all of the other none student athletes and not take swimming pool management 101 like players from Michigan and other schools
You never hear about this happening at other schools. At Ohio State it's double secret probation and no pudding for a week!
This can be considered a red shirt year for him. So he will not lose a year of eligibility

Definite hurt for ND as it leaves only 3 or 4 TE's I believe on the roster with a combined 1 TD. And less than 12 total combined receptions.

Especially in a year with all of the turn over in WR ND has.
Since he's academically ineligible and cheating was not involved, it's likely Jones just didn't study enough or go to class enough to maintain his 2.0(I'm assuming that's the required GPA to play). Coaching staff and academic support staff can only do so much. While it sucks this happened, I think this says a lot of what ND expects of its student athletes. He obviously wasnt taking a bunch of PE and home ec classes to easily maintain his required GPA. If this scares recruits away, so be it. ND is not for everyone.

On a separate note, this is a huge blow to the offense. While the other TEs should be solid, none of them have the game breaking ability that Jones does.
This can be considered a red shirt year for him. So he will not lose a year of eligibility

Definite hurt for ND as it leaves only 3 or 4 TE's I believe on the roster with a combined 1 TD. And less than 12 total combined receptions.

Especially in a year with all of the turn over in WR ND has.

Is there a certain date they have to redshirt a player before receiving permission from the NCAA?
I would guess Kelly will announce that soon? If he is still in school, practicing & traveling with team, it sounds like a redshirt already.
My least favorite aspect of college sports - the playing fields aren't even close to level. Imagine Alabama or Ohio State suspending a star player for academics? I'd like to see ND somewhat relax its academic standards for football players -- think the Holtz years.

A guy like AJ is going to make millions playing football, with or without a college degree. Assuming he's going to class, let him play.
My least favorite aspect of college sports - the playing fields aren't even close to level. Imagine Alabama or Ohio State suspending a star player for academics? I'd like to see ND somewhat relax its academic standards for football players -- think the Holtz years.

A guy like AJ is going to make millions playing football, with or without a college degree. Assuming he's going to class, let him play.
Totally agree

Hypocrisy. Make millions from football. The identity of ND was made by football. And the academics play games that make us unable to compete with the bamas. The Buckeyes. There needs to be probation or leniency. They don't take away his food or housing, so why football?

Educate the young man thru real life decicion making. Let him decide if he needs to take a season off to focus or if he thinks he can play and learn

Not the real world. In life, you are warned to improve your performance. They don't take away your paycheck. If you continue to fail. They do. That's how it should be.
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Totally agree

Hypocrisy. Make millions from football. The identity of ND was made by football. And the academics play games that make us unable to compete with the bamas. The Buckeyes. There needs to be probation or leniency. They don't take away his food or housing, so why football?

Educate the young man thru real life decicion making. Let him decide if he needs to take a season off to focus or if he thinks he can play and learn

Not the real world. In life, you are warned to improve your performance. They don't take away your paycheck. If you continue to fail. They do. That's how it should be.
I think he knew where he stood. Don't let the kid off the hook.
Since he's academically ineligible and cheating was not involved, it's likely Jones just didn't study enough or go to class enough to maintain his 2.0(I'm assuming that's the required GPA to play). Coaching staff and academic support staff can only do so much. While it sucks this happened, I think this says a lot of what ND expects of its student athletes. He obviously wasnt taking a bunch of PE and home ec classes to easily maintain his required GPA. If this scares recruits away, so be it. ND is not for everyone.

On a separate note, this is a huge blow to the offense. While the other TEs should be solid, none of them have the game breaking ability that Jones does.
13 catches for 190 yards and no TD's . Hardly a huge blow to the offense.
My least favorite aspect of college sports - the playing fields aren't even close to level. Imagine Alabama or Ohio State suspending a star player for academics? I'd like to see ND somewhat relax its academic standards for football players -- think the Holtz years.

A guy like AJ is going to make millions playing football, with or without a college degree. Assuming he's going to class, let him play.
I have to respectfully disagree with you Shooter. AJ did not exactly have a break out year last year. He may develop into a player who gets drafted by the NFL and makes his millions there, but the jury is still out on him. The beauty of going to Notre Dame for these guys is all the options they will have after they graduate with the Notre Dame sheepskin. That degree means something. Especially if it is earned in a difficult subject. Like Coach Holtz said, it's not just a four-year decision, it's a 40-year decision, or something like that. The challenge for AJ is to learn from his mistake and accept the challenge of getting his academics in order and then focusing on becoming a better football player. I hope he accepts the challenge and succeeds beyond his wildest dreams. ND is a special place. I'd have given my right arm to go there, and I hope one of my children can go there someday. My daughter returned from soccer camp there and was in love with the place.
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T In life, you are warned to improve your performance. They don't take away your paycheck. If you continue to fail. They do. That's how it should be.

Except any student doing poorly in a course does receive a mid-term grade warning to give the student time to work hard to improve the grade. So they do get a performance review with plenty of time for corrections. Your criticism is off-mark.

Some of Jones' academic difficulties likely happened during the Spring semester when football activities were lessened. He had the time. Likely will never know exactly what went wrong for him.
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Is there a certain date they have to redshirt a player before receiving permission from the NCAA?
I would guess Kelly will announce that soon? If he is still in school, practicing & traveling with team, it sounds like a redshirt already.

No, as long as a player never plays in any game during a season there's no NCAA approval or deadline for redshirting a player. A coach doesn't have to do anything. Every player gets 5 years in which to play 4 seasons of eligibility. "Redshirt" just refers to a guy that was held out of competition (as in doesn't play at all in any games) for an entire season for pretty much any reason.

There's medical waivers, which we call medical redshirts, that require NCAA approval and have time limitations. But those are entirely different from Jones' situation.
Since he's academically ineligible and cheating was not involved, it's likely Jones just didn't study enough or go to class enough to maintain his 2.0(I'm assuming that's the required GPA to play). Coaching staff and academic support staff can only do so much. While it sucks this happened, I think this says a lot of what ND expects of its student athletes. He obviously wasnt taking a bunch of PE and home ec classes to easily maintain his required GPA. If this scares recruits away, so be it. ND is not for everyone.

On a separate note, this is a huge blow to the offense. While the other TEs should be solid, none of them have the game breaking ability that Jones does.

why does it get to this point with a star player? why doesn't a Prof. pick up a phone: "hey Coach, one of your guys is in trouble in my class", or something like that? wtf!
This is a huge loss BECAUSE we all know there will be other departures because of injury. You can't say, 'Oh, we are loaded at tight end or the receiver position'.

Who among you think the roster we have today will be the roster we have in September?
why does it get to this point with a star player? why doesn't a Prof. pick up a phone: "hey Coach, one of your guys is in trouble in my class", or something like that? wtf!
Man the lack of accountability is mind blowing...Liberal Merica. AJ accepted full responsibility. ND handled this appropriately, the prof may no interest in ND football and might not be able to tell the difference from Alize Jones and Jo Schmo, nor should he.