$13 million NIL deal


I've posted how many times?
Nov 23, 2018
College football is unhinged.
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He will be baptized in a pool of his own tears when Jean the Baptiste sacks him repeatedly in ND stadium.
Who was the poster that told me no high school kid was getting 8 figures...

It's's only the beginning...

And it's begun to ruin CFB.


It's only the beginning!!!
Who was the poster that told me no high school kid was getting 8 figures...

It's's only the beginning...

And it's begun to ruin CFB.


It's only the beginning!!!
How and why would anyone pay a freshman in COLLEGE more than a first round draft pick? It’s insane, he won’t make them a single dollar unless he becomes a star. How many four or five star guys really make it to the NFL, and if those that do, a minuscule amount actually become NFL regular starters and even less become A star aka Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, Rodgers, etc..
So, these are actually pros and there is no sport activity for the true actual college student to engage in! kick them out of school, and start over! play: no pay; love of the sport! pretty soon a dadwill ask a son to go out on front lawn to throw the ball around, and the kid will refuse without an NLI deal!

next big spectator event is back to the days of Rome! Pagans vs the Saints (Christians)
Saints are vastly out numbered, but favored!
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Who was the poster that told me no high school kid was getting 8 figures...

It's's only the beginning...

And it's begun to ruin CFB.


It's only the beginning!!!
Exactly. Those arguing that big money isn’t being passed around, are the same arguing that OJ wasn’t guilty. Plenty of large sums being given, and ND lost a few recruits because it won’t play in this unregulated market (think AAU Bball 20 yrs ago)

CFB is now semi-pro and it sucks
Exactly. Those arguing that big money isn’t being passed around, are the same arguing that OJ wasn’t guilty. Plenty of large sums being given, and ND lost a few recruits because it won’t play in this unregulated market (think AAU Bball 20 yrs ago)

CFB is now semi-pro and it sucks
get them the heck off college campuses
I wonder how the teammates who have played 2 or 3 years of SEC ball feel? I’m sure they’re not all getting 13 million. Reminds me of Jamarcus Russell getting 100 mil and other guys playing 15 years in the league not getting half.
These amounts are ridiculous, and NIL was not supposed to be tied to the school, which is what is clearly happening. NCAA needs to grow a pair.
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Who was the poster that told me no high school kid was getting 8 figures...

It's's only the beginning...

And it's begun to ruin CFB.


It's only the beginning!!!
The number of kids being promised huge money is growing....the number of kids actually earning it, is not. The failed promises of boosters will cause this to crash.
How and why would anyone pay a freshman in COLLEGE more than a first round draft pick? It’s insane, he won’t make them a single dollar unless he becomes a star. How many four or five star guys really make it to the NFL, and if those that do, a minuscule amount actually become NFL regular starters and even less become A star aka Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, Rodgers, etc..
I've said it before and saying it again...
The NFL will most certainly get involved unless
some regulations get put in place to deal with what has become the wild, wild west..

In particular the one who is paying the most attention right now is the players union.
You better believe right now some PhilTHadelphia lawyer(s) is rubbing the hands together with glee excited about the next CBA negotiations.
High school players making 17x the amount of REAL professional players getting a league minimum.

Unless CFB get's a handle on this shit show the NFL will HAVE to get involved. Otherwise the next CBA negotiating will get ridiculously ugly and prolonged.
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Not sure that report is accurate, I have read other reports that said a donor but 13 million into the collective, not that the full amount went to this player.
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So what's the deal with ND's collective? What are the gory details. I know they have to do charity work, and that's their little requirement. As opposed to doing a photo-op, in some sort of marketing capacity or whatnot.

But how much do the get, how is it split up, everything. What's the breakdown....
All the high priced guys trying to get the big bucks are probably not all worth it. Instead, actively support the guys who will be the heart of the program for years with solid NIL opportunities. Good blockers and tacklers are needed.
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So what's the deal with ND's collective? What are the gory details. I know they have to do charity work, and that's their little requirement. As opposed to doing a photo-op, in some sort of marketing capacity or whatnot.

But how much do the get, how is it split up, everything. What's the breakdown....
It is totally up to the collective management which is often just a bunch of rich boosters. They don't have to have the kids do anything; they can just buy the rights. But NIL deals cannot be tied to playing for a specific team so normally they will contract for a bunch of local stuff to keep the kid in place.
Who was the poster that told me no high school kid was getting 8 figures...

It's's only the beginning...

And it's begun to ruin CFB.


It's only the beginning!!!
Returning for another year might not be bad for college football. The reason isn’t so great.
There is an article in The Athletic (linked above by NDinNJ) that gives some detail on what transpired with Rashada. (The Athletic is a pay site, so you need a subscription to read it.) It is an interesting read, and highlights to me the danger of allowing these collectives to write checks they cannot or will not pay. Some of the comments to the story are as interesting as the story itself. Rashada's father is a former NFL player and is apparently holding the Florida collective's feet to the hire over what his son was promised, and may even be contemplating litigation. What a mess. Until the NCAA gets a handle on NIL--and I am not holding my breath that will happen anytime soon, if ever--it will continue to be a shit show, and situations like this will continue. I suppose this situation highlights the importance of hiring a lawyer like Michael Caspino ( who can navigate the NIL mess.
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How and why would anyone pay a freshman in COLLEGE more than a first round draft pick? It’s insane, he won’t make them a single dollar unless he becomes a star. How many four or five star guys really make it to the NFL, and if those that do, a minuscule amount actually become NFL regular starters and even less become A star aka Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, Rodgers, etc..
This is my understanding. These are entities, businesses and non profits that have disposable cash that they can use on NIL and then write off and expense their NIL donations/investment. It’s not about them actually making money off the spend because they can write it off their income taxes. So it’s essentially funny money that they are using to influence the out come of this athletes college choice in hopes of influencing the game and the college they support. I think the money means nothing to them; just hopeful of the outcome of helping their team win.
The story has a number of holes in it.

1. A vague reference to a non-identified and non-defined 13M NIL deal

2. The University of Florida is a Public, NOT a private school.

3. As a Public school that NIL deal would be public information

4. Does anyone think that a school, public or private is going to pay an
unproven high school kid more than their coach ?

Let‘s have the facts be revealed before you claim that the sky is falling
like payola ! but this is killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
The story has a number of holes in it.

1. A vague reference to a non-identified and non-defined 13M NIL deal

2. The University of Florida is a Public, NOT a private school.

3. As a Public school that NIL deal would be public information

4. Does anyone think that a school, public or private is going to pay an
unproven high school kid more than their coach ?

Let‘s have the facts be revealed before you claim that the sky is falling
I don’t think any schools are actually paying NIL, it’s other entities paying on behalf of them. Thus the schools have deniability about the deals and conditions of them.
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The story has a number of holes in it.

1. A vague reference to a non-identified and non-defined 13M NIL deal

2. The University of Florida is a Public, NOT a private school.

3. As a Public school that NIL deal would be public information

4. Does anyone think that a school, public or private is going to pay an
unproven high school kid more than their coach ?

Let‘s have the facts be revealed before you claim that the sky is falling

Pat, it seems you are assuming the school itself negotiates these NIL deals with the recruit, but that is often not the case. The Rashada NIL deal--which has been confirmed to have been $13M by dozens of sources, so I believe the number is accurate--was negotiated by someone with UF's collective, known as the Gator Collective. The collective made the deal with Rashada, but the big boosters who fund the collective reportedly balked at the size of the deal (and who can blame them), and that apparently led to this problem. After the collective's money source(s) said "no," the collective didn't have the money to fund the deal that was promised to Rashada.

The collectives have become a story (and problem) unto themselves. I think some schools--like ND--have attempted to exercise some influence over the collectives so they don't engage in inappropriate conduct. Other collectives, like UF's apparently, are more likely to go out there and act like a bunch of cowboys.

Here is an interesting article (written by a law firm) explaining and giving some background information on NIL collectives:

Regarding the NCAA policing the collectives, here is an interesting quote from the article:

"Moreover, based upon the Supreme Court’s weakening of the NCAA due to the Alston decision, the NCAA’s current state of flux and related staff reductions, and the NCAA’s apparent reluctance to invite and defend additional antitrust lawsuits, schools and NIL collectives are grappling with whether, and to what extent, the NCAA has the resources or appetite to police NIL collectives."

So while it is crazy to think that Rashada was offered a $!3M NIL deal, I think it is likely true and it remains to be seen what the fallout will be following the apparent collapse of the deal.
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Pat, it seems you are assuming the school itself negotiates these NIL deals with the recruit, but that is often not the case. The Rashada NIL deal--which has been confirmed to have been $13M by dozens of sources, so I believe the number is accurate--was negotiated by someone with UF's collective, known as the Gator Collective. The collective made the deal with Rashada, but the big boosters who fund the collective reportedly balked at the size of the deal (and who can blame them), and that apparently led to this problem. After the collective's money source(s) said "no," the collective didn't have the money to fund the deal that was promised to Rashada.

The collectives have become a story (and problem) unto themselves. I think some schools--like ND--have attempted to exercise some influence over the collectives so they don't engage in inappropriate conduct. Other collectives, like UF's apparently, are more likely to go out there and act like a bunch of cowboys.

Here is an interesting article (written by a law firm) explaining and giving some background information on NIL collectives:

Regarding the NCAA policing the collectives, here is an interesting quote from the article:

"Moreover, based upon the Supreme Court’s weakening of the NCAA due to the Alston decision, the NCAA’s current state of flux and related staff reductions, and the NCAA’s apparent reluctance to invite and defend additional antitrust lawsuits, schools and NIL collectives are grappling with whether, and to what extent, the NCAA has the resources or appetite to police NIL collectives."

So while it is crazy to think that Rashada was offered a $!3M NIL deal, I think it is likely true and it remains to be seen what the fallout will be following the apparent collapse of the deal.
Thanks Green Koolaid. That’s an excellent article on NIL and one everyone on this site should read. While it outlines the rules it also confirms the problems for enforcement. This is going to be a problem forever. State laws muddy the waters, while some states have no laws at all, and relying on Congress to step in for regulation is a pipe dream and they would only f%#$ it up worse anyway. Lastly the NCAA doesn’t want to touch this with a 39 and a half foot pole for fear they will be sued too.
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We’re close to the declaration deadline and there’s still no word from CJ Stroud, Jordan Addison or Quentin Johnston entering the 2023 draft. Is this due to new NIL deals they’re getting? Stroud is a top 5 pick, so I don’t know why he’d come back. Addison and Johnson look to go anywhere from 9 to 20.
We’re close to the declaration deadline and there’s still no word from CJ Stroud, Jordan Addison or Quentin Johnston entering the 2023 draft. Is this due to new NIL deals they’re getting? Stroud is a top 5 pick, so I don’t know why he’d come back. Addison and Johnson look to go anywhere from 9 to 20.
Good point
I’ve been reading up on The Gator Collective. It’s basically a “crowd funding site”. Schools with billion dollar endowments found a way to get their fans to pay their athletes so they don’t have too. Hahaha.

If he does get 13 mil I’d love to see 90% of the Gator roster demand more money or transfer.
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I’ve been reading up on The Gator Collective. It’s basically a “crowd funding site”. Schools with billion dollar endowments found a way to get their fans to pay their athletes so they don’t have too. Hahaha.

If he does get 13 mil I’d love to see 90% of the Gator roster demand more money or transfer.
I’m all for equity, unless it means sharing mine with you…
I don’t think any schools are actually paying NIL, it’s other entities paying on behalf of them. Thus the schools have deniability about the deals and conditions of them.
Then you have to ask, on each NIL deal, how much of the deal is portable, or independent of any particular school ?