It certainly dilutes the regular season for the top teams— allowing them to lose multiple games. The contrary, the 12 team playoff will increase the meaning for say, two 8-2 teams battling it out towards the end of the season. That will be nice.
I do wish they would get rid of the conference title games. Those seem like a money grab. Just make the conference champion those who win the conference by conference record. The auto bids should follow the same rhetoric.
Lastly, if I could change one more thing about the playoff, I’d make the first two rounds on campus. On campus games are what make college football special. It would also incentivize teams even further to have a higher seed for home field advantage, which would help with the regular season being deluted. I think it’s pretty lame if you earn a bye, you don’t get a home playoff game.
Ok last one, make the Rose Bowl the National Title every year. But what do I know, I’m just a keyboard warrior 😂.