10 teams you most love to hate

I was enlisted in the Marines which is a branch of the Navy so I can hate the Navy football team and their commissioned officers if I want. They are always diving at the knees of the Irish's dline and I don't like that.

But those young men play there hearts out knowing they are for the most part over matched. If every ND player had the heart of the Navy team they would never lose a game.

I agree about the chop blocks, diving at the knees. But it is legal, until the NCAA gets series about player safety.

I agree with you. I was just joking about the Navy. I have many friends that were Squids :cool:.
I root for Navy in every game but when they play Notre Dame.
I do hate Boise State for real though. That blue field has no place in football !
The block is called a cut block, not a chop block. Cut is legal. Chop is not. Many programs use the cut besides Navy and Georgia Tech, including USC, Northwestern, and Stanford. It is particularly used in the short passing game. There is no rush for a rule change on the cut because the coaches don't want a rule change. They bitch about the way Navy uses the block but say nothing about other non option offenses that use the same technique. Paul Johnson has challenged a study be made on defensive injuries against the cut vs injuries against teams that don't use the cut. The challenge was never accepted for obvious reasons. So, what is the real reason for the hatred towards the Navy football program? Naval officers? Taking orders? Out of 80k at the stadium on a Navy game day, you would be hard pressed to find one fan who hates the Naval Academy.
Teams I hate:

1. 1993 Boston College (the other BC teams don't annoy me as they generally aren't good enough to be annoying)
2. 2011 St. Louis Cardinals (I think that's the right year, the team that beat my Rangers)
3. Texas Longhorns (one of my final two college choices back in the day so I really have no valid reason to hate them other than having to always hear about them growing up and around here (I live in TX))
4. Dallas Cowboys
5. Jimmy Johnson's Miami Hurricanes
6. LSU
7. The Trojans
8. Ohio State
9. TCU and Baylor (tie, however I gotta get over this one as I'm moving my son to TCU in 2 days)
I never cared much about certain teams in the past like Oregon for example, but now I don't like them because they act like they are all-everything despite still never winning a titles (except in jersey combinations).
Just to put a more positive spin on the subject. Programs that I scoreboard watch and wish them success. Army, Navy, Air Force, Northwestern, Indiana Hoosiers, Jerry Kill's Minnesota Golden Gophers, Andrean HS 59ers.