Recruiting Irish Invasion: Notre Dame DE commit Joseph Reiff sharpens small details

A bigger Joseph Reiff put his development on display for Notre Dame's coaching staff, then they immediately reviewed the Irish Invasion film following the camp.

"It was really nice to have them pick apart my reps, what I did good, what I could do better and how to improve," Reiff said.

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Recruiting 2026 LB Cam Thomas looking to land Notre Dame offer at Irish Invasion

“It would definitely mean a lot,” 2026 LB Cam Thomas said of a Notre Dame offer. “I’ve been trying to get it for a while now. I have a lot of interest in them.”

He'll have a chance to earn one at the Irish Invasion.

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Football Notre Dame Football Live Chat is on ... and we'll be chatting 'til around 3 ET

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Recruiting Irish Invasion: 2027 ATH Dakota Guerrant gets Notre Dame offer after accepting DB challenge

I caught up with 2027 ATH Dakota Guerrant, who received a Notre Dame offer after being limited to only defensive reps during the Irish Invasion. He's an impressive receiver as well.

“That was big to me, honestly,” Guerrant told Inside ND Sports. “I didn’t even think I was going to get the offer that day. I was just going to get some work and make sure the coaches can see me.

“Then when I ended up balling out and getting the offer, that was big. Notre Dame’s a good school — one of my top schools for sure.”

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Recruiting How 2027 QB prospect Trae Taylor handles early interest from colleges

2027 QB Trae Taylor will be back at Notre Dame on June 2 for Irish Invasion to show his development.

“I like to come out here and show that I can spin the ball and that I have more velocity than a lot of these kids,” Taylor said. “That’s not something I’m trying to prove to them. That’s just something I want to show them. They haven’t had any doubt with me, so I’m not going to have any doubt with them.”

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In 2024 (and beyond) when college football playoff expands to 12 teams will the status quo warriors use the "playoff appearance" crutch?

Right now there's a gap about the size of a football stadium between ND and the top handful of teams that are actually competing for national titles. Based on the lack of top 50/top 100 talent in the ND organization (at least relative to those real title contending teams) Will ND fans excuse the status quo away with "hey bro we made the playoffs!" when ND squeaks into the back end of the playoff and predictably gets ran over by one of those top contending teams?

Or looked at in another way: to what degree of ass kicking does ND need to continue to be on the receiving end of before fans/alumni/board members/decision makers at ND start to demand (and invest in) a better product?

Report: More football recruiting calendar changes on the way for early signing period

The Athletic's Nicole Auerbach is reporting that the Collegiate Commissioners Association, which provides governance oversight to the NCAA's National Letter of Intent program, has had advanced discussions about moving the December early signing period to the first week of December.

One other option the group is discussing is the possibility of a summer signing period (either in June or August) for college football. It would begin and end before athletes’ senior season, much like college basketball’s early signing period. If that were approved, high school senior athletes would have three opportunities to sign NLIs: The summer, early December and February. There would be no change to the traditional February signing period.
