OT: What Is Happening At The White House?

While Mr Trump does not have the power to approve either the Dakota Access or Keystone XL pipelines, his memos offer significant encouragement. From BBC news
The pipeline is not opened. Get your facts straight before you make a comment.
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OTE="Zorich 88, post: 1939080, member: 6908"]I am not a liberal. I just cannot vote for a man that assaults women and brags about grabbing them by the p---y. I have daughters, if someone did those things to my girls I would rip their throats out. NOT elect them to the highest office in the land.[/QUOTE]

You have anger issues. I know many women who voted for Trump. They understand it was just locker room talk. Quit being such a snow flake.

d 88, post: 1939039, member: 6908"]The people's President??? What a joke! The guy said he grabs women by the p---y. He refuses to release his taxes. It will soon come out that he has Russian ties.[/QUOTE]

Fake news.
The real press(not Fox or Limbaugh) only tells the truth about comrade Trumpsky while everything he says are lies and have been proven so. No itelligent person can support comrade Trumpsky with a staight face.
I just cannot vote for a man that assaults women and brags about grabbing them by the p---y.

One thing people forget when bringing up those comments is Trump also said, "They (the women) let you do it." Assault would be if the women didn't let him do it. He's still a jerk for saying it either way. It's just being disrespectful and criminal are two different things.
Does it need to be to make drugs more costly? Would 500 million be acceptable to you?

Not a question of acceptable to me or any person. The issue is that the information provided by company personnel is meaningless. With the use of tax codes, we will never know the true bottom line so no number is truly accurate or informative. These people "spin" the information just as politicians do.
One thing people forget when bringing up those comments is Trump also said, "They (the women) let you do it." Assault would be if the women didn't let him do it. He's still a jerk for saying it either way. It's just being disrespectful and criminal are two different things.

Yea, it's all good. Nice excuse. o_O
The main point is that Trump does not have a mandate.
The last President to have a "mandate" was either Nixon or Reagan. But every President is convinced they have one, and their followers are even more convinced.
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Not a question of acceptable to me or any person. The issue is that the information provided by company personnel is meaningless. With the use of tax codes, we will never know the true bottom line so no number is truly accurate or informative. These people "spin" the information just as politicians do.
You are saying they spend a billion to save on taxes? So they spend a billion of get a percentage deduction on another billion. Is that what you believe?
Yu know they provide audits right?
Ten score years ago
Defeat the kingly foe
A wondrous dream came into being
Tame the trackless waste
No virgin land left chaste
All shining eyes, but never seeing

Beneath the noble bird,
Between the proudest words,
Behind the beauty, cracks appear
Once with heads held high
They sang out to the sky
Why do their shadows bow in fear?

Watch the cities rise
Another ship arrives
Earth's melting pot, and ever growing
Majestic dreams come true
Inventing something new
The brightest minds, but never knowing

The guns replace the plow
Facades are tarnished now
The principles have been betrayed
The dream's gone stale
But still let hope prevail
History's debt won't be repaid

- "Beneath, Between, and Behind," by Canadian band Rush, Fly By Night album, 1975

That's true, but the generalization that Northern Californian are very liberal is not really that much of a stretch, is it? Granted Norcal is just one example but he just posted that every American who doesn't feel the way he does is stupid. To me that is very representative. There is no thought. No argument. No use of facts. Just a blanket statement that , "every intelligent American", feel the way he does. Now this statement is obviously moronic, be he actually believes it. Hillary of course, is not a Californian but her "deplorables" statement is an attitude quite often reflected in Northern California.

As to use the same generalization type of generalization against me, that is factual true, since my response was to his generalization. My original post however, contained facts and reason.
As far as Corporate taxes and research spending. A large part of the "Cutting Edge" research in the Phamaceutical Industry is done by New and young companies that are running hugh deficits for many years. The capital that they received from their original investors is limited and is spent mostly on research and development. A good number of these " Promising " companies fail and " Go the way of the Buffalo!"
their stockholders loss their whole investment.
Some on the more successful small companies, start to run out of money, and, if their research is promising enough, they are forced to seek larger, more profitable companies, and the small companies
are forced to sell off parts of their intellectual accomplishments to the larger companies. In short, these
little companies must continue to find " Partners " to continue their research, no partners, no money, no
research, and Bankruptcy.
And lastly, the large and profitable Pharmaceutical Companies , instead on giving big dividends to
their stock holders, invest a large % of their profits into research and development to produce mew medicines.
Just like all businesses from the corner candy store to Microsoft, the primary goal is to Grow the Business, not to lose money for Tax write offs.
As I stated previously, Pharmaceutical drugs may seem expensive but they are not only extremely
expensive and time consuming to produce, but they actually are a lot cheaper that being tied to life
support machines, having Chemo type poisions injected into ones body, Long hospital stays, intensive care , Nursing homes, and suffering with so much pain that you pray for death.
All these factors must be priced into new drugs, and what may seem costly may be actually
much less expensive than the alternatives that they are replacing ?
You are saying they spend a billion to save on taxes? So they spend a billion of get a percentage deduction on another billion. Is that what you believe?
Yu know they provide audits right?

No I am not saying that. I am saying that No number given to you is trustworthy.

Look, if 20 people were dedicated to a single Pharma project (high number) @ $200,000 per year (high) for 20 years (high), the total would be 80 million, far from 1 billion. And the costs of clinical trials are equally over-stated. The Tufts report on drug development costs did insufficient critical analysis of the data; the authors seemed to just accept the Pharma information. No analysis if they made sense.

And these numbers are not realistic. People generally do not work on a single project for 20 years and most researchers work on multiple projects. Most projects would get halted way before then. Any equipment purchased gets used for multiple projects so costs are spread over projects.

The 1 billion number makes no sense considering how research is done. Yes, any number can claim anything it wants, but that is not the same a being true or even making sense. I would suggest that no consumer believe these numbers without a detailed explanation of how money was spent.
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No I am not saying that. I am saying that No number given to you is trustworthy.

Look, if 20 people were dedicated to a single Pharma project (high number) @ $200,000 per year (high) for 20 years (high), the total would be 80 million, far from 1 billion. And the costs of clinical trials are equally over-stated. The Tufts report on drug development costs did insufficient critical analysis of the data; the authors seemed to just accept the Pharma information. No analysis if they made sense.

And these numbers are not realistic. People generally do not work on a single project for 20 years and most researchers work on multiple projects. Most projects would get halted way before then. Any equipment purchased gets used for multiple projects so costs are spread over projects.

The 1 billion number makes no sense considering how research is done. Yes, any number can claim anything it wants, but that is not the same a being true or even making sense. I would suggest that no consumer believe these numbers without a detailed explanation of how money was spent.
They can't allocate costs more than once. The audit controls that. It's not like over stating costs and allocating costs isn't watched. Costs are spread over all projects, bnut they are spread, not all put on one. Costs of goods produced is a pretty clear calculation accounting wise.
They can't allocate costs more than once. The audit controls that. It's not like over stating costs and allocating costs isn't watched. Costs are spread over all projects, bnut they are spread, not all put on one. Costs of goods produced is a pretty clear calculation accounting wise.

here is a brief summary of the 2015 Annual report of a young biotech that I have a small investment in. ( Just a side note first, I do not and never will invest in embrionic cell research ) .
The companies that I invest in are actually removing the patients' own Genes and stem cells and modifying them to attack targeted cancer cells, and destroying those cancers without destroying other good cells in the body.
Here is a brief summation of what the report says:
" The US food and drug administration has cleared ... an investigational new product candidate
that we are studying in blood and solid organ tumors. .... We embarked upon a10 year collaboration with
( Company X) that brought significant capabilities ... that enhance our long term success... to increase our pipeline and ability to help patients all over the World.
..... Our scientific goals are ambitious .... the best forms of innovation may be higher priced than current options, but in the long run they deliver more value including often including reduced total costs."

As of this date, the company did not succeed all their objectives on one phase of their research
and the stock price got hammered ! The research is still ongoing, however, but the modifications and delays
added to the expense !
There are also many other companies investing in the same type of research, so many of these companies will fail, and the successful ones will , and are certainly entitled to, reap
big rewards. " The bigger the Risks, the bigger the rewards ! "
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He actually does have the authority thanks to President Obama and has signed the Executive Order weeks ago to begin construction on both pipelines.
Are you saying that in your single days that you never tried to get to third base on any dates? I find that hard to believe; and you never talked with any of your buddies about those adventures? WOW! You talk like a liberal, think like a liberal, so I guess your either a closet liberal or borderline moderate almost liberal. I'm a moderate/borderline almost conservative.

Just keep spinning it until you make every excuse you can for Trump. He said he walks up to women and grabs them by the p---y because they let you because you are a star. That is assault period! To assume all women will let you do such an act because you are famous is absolutely sickening. Trump is not talking about third base. Trump is talking about going up to women that you are just meeting and grabbing their p---y and they will be fine with it because your a star.
The guy puts his foot in his mouth everyday. Yesterday he talked about attacks that happened in Sweden the night before, funny thing is, there were no attacks in Sweden.
here is a brief summary of the 2015 Annual report of a young biotech that I have a small investment in. ( Just a side note first, I do not and never will invest in embrionic cell research ) .
The companies that I invest in are actually removing the patients' own Genes and stem cells and modifying them to attack targeted cancer cells, and destroying those cancers without destroying other good cells in the body.
Here is a brief summation of what the report says:
" The US food and drug administration has cleared ... an investigational new product candidate
that we are studying in blood and solid organ tumors. .... We embarked upon a10 year collaboration with
( Company X) that brought significant capabilities ... that enhance our long term success... to increase our pipeline and ability to help patients all over the World.
..... Our scientific goals are ambitious .... the best forms of innovation may be higher priced than current options, but in the long run they deliver more value including often including reduced total costs."

As of this date, the company did not succeed all their objectives on one phase of their research
and the stock price got hammered ! The research is still ongoing, however, but the modifications and delays
added to the expense !
There are also many other companies investing in the same type of research, so many of these companies will fail, and the successful ones will , and are certainly entitled to, reap
big rewards. " The bigger the Risks, the bigger the rewards ! "

The study ultimately showed that people weren't wearing enough hats.
He said he walks up to women and grabs them by the p---y because they let you because you are a star. That is assault period!

Yeah, but see it's not assault if they let him do it.

You aren't understanding the point being made. The issue in this case is specifically what was said on tape. The claim is that Trump admitted on the record he assaulted women. The tape itself doesn't establish that Trump admitted assault, because it's not assault if women allow him to do it.

Now, here is the larger point. This doesn't mean women actually let Trump do it. The women may not have let him, which in fact would be assault. The point in question here is not whether Trump actually assaulted women. The point here is much more narrow. It's only if the NBC tapes prove assault. By themselves, the tapes don't.
First of all, some of the posters are implying that all women are Highly moral angels and men are all
ungentlemanly aggressive misogynists.Let's assume that that is 99% true.
I think that we can all agree that there are some few non perfect women that are know as " Groupies "
who throw themselves at all types of celebrities. Was not whom Mr Trump , not knowing he was being taped,
10 years before he even thought that he would ever run for office, was talking about?
But that aside, Lets hold all Presidents to very high moral standards as far as their sexual conducts
FDR. That son of a gun was very "active " in spite of his wheekchair and physical handicap.
Eisenhower. His aid and driver in Europe certainly gave him a lot of aid !
JFK. Need I saw more, the guy had a really active sex life.
LBJ. The gut was a really low life animal
WJC. The guy was a rapist !
in short, at least 1/2 to more likely 2/3 of our Presidents should have mever become President !
In fact, if ones sex life is a determing factor in electing a President , Who would ever run for office ?

I agree that Trump does it too much to suit me, but, I am more concerned with his GOALS and just how successful he is in achieving them. To me that is more important that his off handed and even at times dumb remarks.
Harry Truman also could shoot from the lip. He once exploded at a reporter who critized Harry's daughter's piano playing. He said that he was going to punch the reporter in the mouth.
Hillary with her lie about the " Tape causing the attact on our embasy "
Obama blaming the Crusades for our problems with Muslims, never mentioning ( or being completely ignorant of history ) . The Crusades were a few hundred years after the Muslims declared
war on the West and invaded the West shortly after Muhammad's death in 632 AD.
So in short, as far as sexual morals go, did we ever really consider them a major factor for a Presidential Candidate ?
Did the Press ever call out Obama and Hillary on their ill informed and deceitful remarks ?
Gropies There were a few times in my life ..... No, I'll stop here before you will all accuse me of braging !
First of all, some of the posters are implying that all women are Highly moral angels and men are all
ungentlemanly aggressive misogynists.Let's assume that that is 99% true.
I think that we can all agree that there are some few non perfect women that are know as " Groupies "
who throw themselves at all types of celebrities. Was not whom Mr Trump , not knowing he was being taped,
10 years before he even thought that he would ever run for office, was talking about?
But that aside, Lets hold all Presidents to very high moral standards as far as their sexual conducts
FDR. That son of a gun was very "active " in spite of his wheekchair and physical handicap.
Eisenhower. His aid and driver in Europe certainly gave him a lot of aid !
JFK. Need I saw more, the guy had a really active sex life.
LBJ. The gut was a really low life animal
WJC. The guy was a rapist !
in short, at least 1/2 to more likely 2/3 of our Presidents should have mever become President !
In fact, if ones sex life is a determing factor in electing a President , Who would ever run for office ?

I agree that Trump does it too much to suit me, but, I am more concerned with his GOALS and just how successful he is in achieving them. To me that is more important that his off handed and even at times dumb remarks.
Harry Truman also could shoot from the lip. He once exploded at a reporter who critized Harry's daughter's piano playing. He said that he was going to punch the reporter in the mouth.
Hillary with her lie about the " Tape causing the attact on our embasy "
Obama blaming the Crusades for our problems with Muslims, never mentioning ( or being completely ignorant of history ) . The Crusades were a few hundred years after the Muslims declared
war on the West and invaded the West shortly after Muhammad's death in 632 AD.
So in short, as far as sexual morals go, did we ever really consider them a major factor for a Presidential Candidate ?
Did the Press ever call out Obama and Hillary on their ill informed and deceitful remarks ?
Gropies There were a few times in my life ..... No, I'll stop here before you will all accuse me of braging !

Catholic leaders orders their soldiers to put their swords to the throats of all Muslim's and order them to either be converted or their throats were cut. That is the ugly history of Catholics and Muslims.
Catholic leaders orders their soldiers to put their swords to the throats of all Muslim's and order them to either be converted or their throats were cut. That is the ugly history of Catholics and Muslims.

That's true, although that happened after the Muslim's invaded Europe and did the same.Neither is right but Islam struck first. And of course the Christian Church abandoned the practice some centuries ago while radical Islam still practices it.
no that is not " The ugly history of Catholics and Muslims " . That is President Obama's "selected History " . The Christians were leading peaceful lives in their own lands, before the muslims invaded the Western Christian Civilizations in 711 AD. The first Crusade took place in I believe 1096 AD almost 400
years after the " Religion of Peace" invaded the Christian lands and to add insult to injury they tried to
block Christian's from the Holy Land.
You also fail to mention that " The Religion of Peace " is a Religion of barbarity, and has murdered and is murdering Christians all over the World by cutting off heads, burning them in cages, drowing them , raping their women, destroying their villages and churches, and driving them into exile.
They are also murdering innocent, unarmed civilians, in our homeland and all over Europe !
So please don't give me "Selective History" .
It also took the Christians almost 800 years , 711 until 1492, to finally drive the last Muslim invaders
out of Europe. Of course, there were attrocities on both sides, but the Crusades were a reaction to the Muslim invasion ! Not the other way around !
no that is not " The ugly history of Catholics and Muslims " . That is President Obama's "selected History " . The Christians were leading peaceful lives in their own lands, before the muslims invaded the Western Christian Civilizations in 711 AD. The first Crusade took place in I believe 1096 AD almost 400
years after the " Religion of Peace" invaded the Christian lands and to add insult to injury they tried to
block Christian's from the Holy Land.
You also fail to mention that " The Religion of Peace " is a Religion of barbarity, and has murdered and is murdering Christians all over the World by cutting off heads, burning them in cages, drowing them , raping their women, destroying their villages and churches, and driving them into exile.
They are also murdering innocent, unarmed civilians, in our homeland and all over Europe !
So please don't give me "Selective History" .
It also took the Christians almost 800 years , 711 until 1492, to finally drive the last Muslim invaders
out of Europe. Of course, there were attrocities on both sides, but the Crusades were a reaction to the Muslim invasion ! Not the other way around !
I am a Christian and proud to call and have Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Trumps message is not a message of peace. Trumps message is no where near the heart of Jesus. God is Love 1 John 4:8. There is not one once of love coming out of Trumps heart. He uses fear and lies to get his message across. I have a very good friend that is a Muslim. He is not a terrible person that hates America. I will not claim to know everything about God. I can only know him by His Word. Jesus died for every Muslim. He loves them as much as he loves us.
I am a Christian and proud to call and have Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Trumps message is not a message of peace. Trumps message is no where near the heart of Jesus. God is Love 1 John 4:8. There is not one once of love coming out of Trumps heart. He uses fear and lies to get his message across. I have a very good friend that is a Muslim. He is not a terrible person that hates America. I will not claim to know everything about God. I can only know him by His Word. Jesus died for every Muslim. He loves them as much as he loves us.

The fear is being ginned up by the media. Trump has never advocated for a blanket ban on Muslims. During the campaign, he advocated for a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants/refugees until a better screening process was in place. The executive order was simply a temporary ban on immigrants/refugees from 7 specific countries, not Muslims in general.

That isn't being done to screw Muslims. It's because a majority of world terrorism today is coming from Muslim groups. In addition, the refugees from Syria have cause problems in Europe, particularly in Germany. It's not simply because they are Muslims.

Here's sort of analogy. Let's say the FBI decided that they were going to try to eliminate the KKK. Would you do that by going after blacks in New York? No, that would be stupid, because Klan members are white, mostly in the south. Does that mean all whites are KKK members? No, it doesn't, just like all Muslims aren't terrorists. What it does mean is that you look at areas where you have a majority of Klan activity, and you go after those target areas. Same thing with the terrorism issue.
I am a Christian and proud to call and have Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Trumps message is not a message of peace. Trumps message is no where near the heart of Jesus. God is Love 1 John 4:8. There is not one once of love coming out of Trumps heart. He uses fear and lies to get his message across. I have a very good friend that is a Muslim. He is not a terrible person that hates America. I will not claim to know everything about God. I can only know him by His Word. Jesus died for every Muslim. He loves them as much as he loves us.
So if your friend is here what has Trump done that has impacted him?
So if your friend is here what has Trump done that has impacted him?
Trump speeches have now brought out a lot of racist out in great number. My friend and his family have felt and experienced a great deal of racial profiling. Never once has Trump said Muslims as a whole are not evil people that want all Americans dead. Trump has denounced Islam as a violent religion. Which is not true at all.
Trump needs to make it clear that he and administration are not against Muslims.
Increase in hate crimes since Trump began his candidacy.

The most dramatic growth was the near-tripling of anti-Muslim hate groups – from 34 in 2015 to 101 last year.
The growth has been accompanied by a rash of crimes targeting Muslims, including an arson that destroyed a mosque in Victoria, Texas, just hours after the Trump administration announced an executive order suspending travel from some predominantly Muslim countries. The latest FBI statistics show that hate crimes against Muslims grew by 67 percent in 2015, the year in which Trump launched his campaign. From the Southern poverty law center.
Increase in hate crimes since Trump began his candidacy.

The most dramatic growth was the near-tripling of anti-Muslim hate groups – from 34 in 2015 to 101 last year.
The growth has been accompanied by a rash of crimes targeting Muslims, including an arson that destroyed a mosque in Victoria, Texas, just hours after the Trump administration announced an executive order suspending travel from some predominantly Muslim countries. The latest FBI statistics show that hate crimes against Muslims grew by 67 percent in 2015, the year in which Trump launched his campaign. From the Southern poverty law center.

Last year was before he was President. The increase in hate crimes story was discredited. The only major law breaking in the short time since he was elected wwas due to the demonstrations against him. You blaming crimes on him before he was the President???? Do you have some evidence that they are linked? Or was Bill Clinton responsible for the murder committed by OJ.?

BTW since you are quoting statistics I am sure you know that in 2015 the FBI added seven categories not preciously included in the count right? The 2015 Hate Crime Statistics report included seven additional religious anti-bias categories (anti-Buddhist, anti-Eastern Orthodox, anti-Hindu, anti-Jehovah’s Witness, anti-Mormon, anti-other Christian, and anti-Sikh), as well as an anti-Arab bias motivation. You do understand that dding categories not previously counted would increase the number right? I mean I am sure you aren't one of those guys who mindlessly quotes thing without understanding them.

Well at lest you have abandoned your faulty Christian history.
It started when Trump declared his candidacy. That is when Trump started spewing hate speech and division.
I had many Muslim friends who studied with me during my year of study in Spain. I also spent about a month in Turkey which was a very secular Muslim country and met many really nice and kind people. so I have no hate for Muslims in General.
But I did study their Koran and know that what we call " Radical Islamic terrorists " ( for a lack of a better word ) are Strict Muslims and follow Muhammad's teachings and Sharia law to the letter. Muhammud
preached war and conquest of all Infidels, His Allah is not a God of Love but a war like god.
While I did study the Koran, I am no where near an expert on it, but I also know that besides the strict
war like nature of that religion, there are also many good things about it.
They accept and respect the virgin Mary and Christ is accepted as a phophet as well as much of the old testament, so I am sure that most of the Muslims are good people, and , as I said my muslim friends were good friends and people. We also studied and admired the beautiful architecture in Spain as well
as the Muslim words and expression that enricher the Spanish language and literature.
President Obama was also very correct that the sound of the Muslim call to prayer from the top of a minaret is indeed very beautiful.
However, while Jesus preached Love and forgiveness, Muhammad preached war and conquest, and unfortunately there is a Percentage of Muslims who are radical and must be destroyed. They are
low life, cowardly murderers, who following their interpretation of the Koran and believe that it pleases their God, Allah, who will reward them in heaven for their suicides and murderous acts against infidels.
People will argue that it is only a small percentage of Muslims who are radical ? Be that as it may,
how do we sort them out and stop them ? They are at war with us, so we must destroy them now !
Jesus also said " Beware of false phophets " and " You will know a tree by its fruit "
I can not help believing that Muhammad is a false prophet and his fruit during his lifetime and after his death have been war and destruction.
Jesus also said " Judge not,that you shall not be judged . "
While, I am also making a judgement about the Muslim religion, I believe that The above commandment was in reference to individual people ,not to a particular religion ?
so I think that you are being too judgemental when you say that That there is no love in Trump's heart ?
I see more love in Trump than I see hate. The issues we face as a country are very complex
and I see Trump really working harder than any president that I have ever know from FDR to the present time.
I would like to see all Americans to at least study his programs very carefully and give him a chance to solve the problems that we face. If after 4 years, he falls, We can all vote him out.
Thanks Zoro for you post ! While we may not agree, at least we do it respectfully!
Don't open or respond to the thread :)
This is a ND football board. We get enough of this crap in the media. Some come here NOT to see this crap. As the rules state if you want to talk politics, take it somewhere else. I guess the mods are on vacation because this junk usually is deleted. I have reported it.
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The White House is led by a guy who has never held a major governmental office, whose chief of staff has never held a major governmental office.

Politics is a learned skill. The White House needs some player development, or an experienced graduate transfer.
Saw Styx last winter at Four Winds had great seats. They sounded as good as they did when I was 19 Piece's of Eight concert.
I would have liked to catch that concert! This is the only thing in this thread that isn't garbage. I reported it, but I guess the mods on vacation.