OT Merkel and Trump

No, See my post above. The Russian has tried to influence election for decades as the FBI director testified to today. So has the US. That isn't against the law. Maybe you don't know this but prosecutors prosecute crimes. Planting false stories isn't a crime. Getting wiki leaks to relates stuff isn't a crime. If they tried to hack Clinton website that is a crime but you would need a special prosecutor for that.

I'm curious if anyone who is thinking Russia influenced the election how they felt about the Obama Administration trying to influence the Israeli election?
From the WSJ:

The US intelligence community has said Russia was behind the hacks of the Democratic National Committee and former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, which it said were part of an effort to help Trump in the election. The Russian government has denied any wrongdoing.

Beach: so I guess you are choosing to believe The Russian Government over The US Intelligence Community. Pennick would call you a leftist and tell you to leave the country.
Believe the US government?
That's an interesting question and all Americans would like to believe they could but and I'm not sure how old you are but if you remember the issues with Kennedy and the CIA

How the CIA did not like Kennedy because JFK was going to clean house in the CIA due to the Bay of Pigs and the false information coming out about Vietnam which is why he was pulling advisors out of Vietnam

This political divide now could possibly create a permanent fracture in the American electorate.
Term limits are essential now no more professional politicians

I don't trust Republicans I don't trust the Democrats
Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right and here I am stuck in the middle with all you guys
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Yes as the FBI director stated they have been doing that for decades. Why would you use a special counsel for that? And what crime would Russians trying to influence the election be guilty of? It is not a crime for one country to try to influence the result in another. It is not a crime to ask Wiki Leaks to release valid emails. The CIA has trying to influence elections in South America for years. You may recall Obama tried to influence the Brexit vote.

The only crime I can thing of is there was an allegation that the Russians tried to hack the Clinton Campaign website. You want a special persecutor for that??????
I'm curious if anyone who is thinking Russia influenced the election how they felt about the Obama Administration trying to influence the Israeli election?
Did he hack emails and create false news? No. Non story.
Believe the US government?
That's an interesting question and all Americans would like to believe they could but and I'm not sure how old you are but if you remember the issues with Kennedy and the CIA how the CIA did not like Kennedy because JFK was going to clean house in the CIA do the Bay of Pigs and the false information coming out about Vietnam which is why he was pulling advisors out of Vietnam

This political divide now could possibly create a permanent fracture in the American electorate.
Term limits are essential now no more professional politicians

I don't trust Republicans I don't trust the Democrats
Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right and here I am stuck in the middle with all you guys
You're right DIP. Why don't we call it a quits on this thread and talk football or WBYeats? Lets agree to disagree and hope that our country figures it out.
Did he hack emails and create false news? No. Non story.

President Trump didn't hack any emails either and for you to believe a sitting American president trying to influence foreign countries election the only democratic state in the Middle East is a non-story then I'm speechless
You're right DIP. Why don't we call it a quits on this thread and talk football or WBYeats? Lets agree to disagree and hope that our country figures it out.
I would think even politically we agreed on more things than we don't but it is extremely toxic
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Nice. If we disagree we are asked to leave. Very democratic of you.

Actually, if all of the people who are like me out there 67% of American who disapprove of the President's tweety-embarrassing performance so far there wouldn't be much of america left.

I'm just asking that we get to the bottom of this Putin fixed election. I disagree that the President seems to be okay of the subverting of our democracy. You clearly agree with him.
I would give Putin the Medal of Honor if there was any evidence of him assisting President Trump. It is bogus and you know it. You moonbats are why Trump got elected. For that I thank You.
From the WSJ:

The US intelligence community has said Russia was behind the hacks of the Democratic National Committee and former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, which it said were part of an effort to help Trump in the election. The Russian government has denied any wrongdoing.

Beach: so I guess you are choosing to believe The Russian Government over The US Intelligence Community. Pennick would call you a leftist and tell you to leave the country.
My 6 year old niece could have hacked Hillary's email. Maybe she should have followed protocol regarding emails.
Russia attempted to hack into RNC election committee.
Actually Comey said today that the investigation is on-going. Did you not see his testimony this morning?

Yes, I saw Comey this morning.......when he said the investigation has been going on since July. And the results of the 8 month investigation? No evidence of collusion. James Clapper has also said on record he has seen no evidence of collusion with the Russians.

At some point, you have to face facts.
Comey: "The Russians Concluded Trump Was Hopeless Last August"

It appears that Russia fell for the same ruse that much of America, not to mention its press and punditry, was taken by, at least according to the FBI director: believing US polls.

During his hearing before the House Intel Panel, FBI Director James Comey said that the Russians expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency over Donald Trump as of August and September.

“Late in the summer they concluded based on the polling that a lot of people were reading that Mr. Trump didn’t stand a chance,” said Comey, although it was not clear just how the FBI knew what the Russians "concluded" as of last summer.
I would give Putin the Medal of Honor if there was any evidence of him assisting President Trump. It is bogus and you know it. You moonbats are why Trump got elected. For that I thank You.

"I would give Putin the Medal of Honor if there was any evidence of him assisting President Trump."

I rest my case.
Could the FBI or others had wiretaps on other Trump operatives? So many wires that Trump was collateral damage? For example using a phone or computer of someone who is being surveilled?

Possible, but that seems like a stretch. I don't think Trump meant "one of my low level employees was talking to someone who was being wiretapped by the FBI" when he accused Obama. Trump's charge may have been a smokescreen, but it could backfire if it allows the FBI to dig even more thoroughly.

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President Trump didn't hack any emails either and for you to believe a sitting American president trying to influence foreign countries election the only democratic state in the Middle East is a non-story then I'm speechless
I did some research into this. The only think I found in papers I read -- WSJ, NYT, LAT, -- was that there was an accusation, the Senate looked in to it early last fall... but nothing came out of it.

Do you have some confirmation of this from the Senate committee that investigated it? I'm sorry, but I don't believe the alt-right news.
I did some research into this. The only think I found in papers I read -- WSJ, NYT, LAT, -- was that there was an accusation, the Senate looked in to it early last fall... but nothing came out of it.

Do you have some confirmation of this from the Senate committee that investigated it? I'm sorry, but I don't believe the alt-right news.

NYT, LAT, LMAO! Fake news!

Dear Libtards....Please Stop Falling For Fake News Sites!
I did some research into this. The only think I found in papers I read -- WSJ, NYT, LAT, -- was that there was an accusation, the Senate looked in to it early last fall... but nothing came out of it.

Do you have some confirmation of this from the Senate committee that investigated it? I'm sorry, but I don't believe the alt-right news.

Do I have any confirmation that president Trump didn't hack or that Obama Administration got involved in the Israeli election?

BTW Libertarians are not alt-right
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I did some research into this. The only think I found in papers I read -- WSJ, NYT, LAT, -- was that there was an accusation, the Senate looked in to it early last fall... but nothing came out of it.

Do you have some confirmation of this from the Senate committee that investigated it? I'm sorry, but I don't believe the alt-right news.
Try harder. Simply type in Israel vote tampering into google search and you will read numerous credible articles on this.
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Melania Trump staying at Trump Tower instead of the White House will cost tax payers: $182,500,000/year. That's is some small government! (That would pay a lot of Trump supporters Meals and Wheels that he is cutting!

Funny how this guy is spending all of our money. He has already spent what Obama spent in travel in a year IN TWO MONTHS. Said he'd never leave the White House but has played golf 10 times and has taken how many trips to Mar Largo? What a joke this guy is...

The sound you hear is money going out of the people's pockets: school lunch, meals on wheels, health care, after school programs and into to the pockets of Comrade Donald.

Won't be long now.
Funny that you never mention the disaster that is the "Affordable" Health Care Act. Typical libtard talking points from you.
Everyone in my immediate family voted for Trump, except for one person. We are all college educated.

My brother is a libtard sucked into that Chicago scene.
And to mention again he's only taken a dollar a year salary that will pay for his wife staying in New York City

Has he really done that? The last report I read on it (about a week ago) stated there was no evidence so far that he was refusing the money.

"MSNBC reports there is no evidence that Trump has fulfilled his promise. With his second monthly check set to arrive any day, neither the White House, the Treasury Department, nor the Office of Personnel Management, were able to furnish any details or documentation as to where Trump’s first $33,333 monthly paycheck had gone, nor where his next paycheck would go."

I know it is Vanity Fair quoting MSNBC, so you will no doubt dismiss it, but I googled it and couldn't find reports from anywhere else that indicated Trump had returned or refused the checks. If he had actually refused the money, the Administration would likely have made a big deal about it in the press. So far though not a word, as far as I can tell.
Actually it has already been reported that he "change his mind" he is accepting the salary but he is supposedly "donating" it...

Interesting. At best though, that means he is reneging on his pledge to refuse the salary, and at worst he is kicking the can down the road, hoping everyone forgets about it and he can keep the money.
Interesting. At best though, that means he is reneging on his pledge to refuse the salary, and at worst he is kicking the can down the road, hoping everyone forgets about it and he can keep the money.

Not surprised that bald faced liar would renege on anything! And who gives a shit if he takes or doesn't take the 400,000. That is nothing compared to the taxpayer paying $182,500,000.

That's 182 MILLION a year to keep his wife and kid in NYC.

Trump should pay that! I shouldn't.
Try harder. Simply type in Israel vote tampering into google search and you will read numerous credible articles on this.
Tried didn't fine one credible article. (And I saw that the republican committee to look into this last fall went nowhere. I believe it was Ted Cruz.) So, sorry, I'm not buying it.
Not surprised that bald faced liar would renege on anything! And who gives a shit if he takes or doesn't take the 400,000. That is nothing compared to the taxpayer paying $182,500,000.

That's 182 MILLION a year to keep his wife and kid in NYC.

Trump should pay that! I shouldn't.

I think it's $182,000, not $182 million.

Edit: I stand corrected. It will be about $50 million.

"Based on the figures O’Neill included in his letter, it would cost between $46,355,000 and $53,290,000 a year to provide security for Melania and Barron Trump alone at Trump Tower."
No, the figures I've read it 400,000 a day. Now, she says after he's done with his fancy private school in June they will move for the summer to the White House, but then back to NYC for the fall. So 182 Million number might be off a bit. (But why can't he go to a school in DC?)