Where are the MODS? I thought all this political BS was against the rules?

So libtards illegally stealing his tax returns backfired.......hilariously stupid!

MSNBC's "Tax Records" Non-Story: Trump Made $150MM, Paid 25% Tax Rate, More Than Romney, Bernie

While Rachel Maddow drones on with the coherence of Janet Yellen, losing thousands of viewers by the minute, the MSNBC anchor was promptly scooped not only by the White House which revealed her "secret" one hour [4]in advance, but also by the Daily Beast [5]which reported that its contributor David Cay Johnston had obtained the first two pages of Trump’s 2005 federal income tax return, allegedly receiving them in the mail, and posted his "analysts" on his website, [6].

According to the documents, Trump and his wife Melania paid $38 million in total income tax, consisting of $5.3 million in regular federal income tax, and an additional $31 million of “alternative minimum tax!

“It is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns,” the White House statement concluded. “The dishonest media can continue to make this part of their agenda, while the President will focus on his, which includes tax reform that will benefit all Americans.”

But the real story here is that there is no story: what MSNBC confirmed is that Trump made more money than some of his critics said he made in the period in question, and more importantly, that he paid a generous effective income tax rate, well above the 14.1% rate paid by Mitt Romney [9], and even higher than the 13.5% federal tax rate paid by Bernie [10]Sanders in 2014.

Trump was the person who "leaked" this. Now all he has to do is disclose another 15 or so years. Like he pledged he would back last Summer.
Trump was the person who "leaked" this. Now all he has to do is disclose another 15 or so years. Like he pledged he would back last Summer.

So he planted it , and MSNBC ran it it like an illegal with a EBT card.
This only proves how desperate the left is. Rachel Madcow look completely stupid
I imagine you have proof President Trump leaked this?

BTW President Trump paid more taxes than NBC
So he planted it , and MSNBC ran it it like an illegal with a EBT card.
This only proves how desperate the left is. Rachel Madcow look completely stupid
I imagine you have proof President Trump leaked this?

No, I don't have proof. Looking at motive, it is simply an educated guess.
They are not conservative because the democratic policies have worked out soooo well in the inner city, and they've been ignorantly taught it's white privilege fault.
I find Black Lives Matter offensive. A slogan built on a lie. If they would do their own research they will see the facts the conservatives on this board bring. Facts that change their perception that they are no longer black , but an individual and the power that the individual controls their own destiny. No one here but you have put them down believing they couldn't see the forest through the trees when they get out of that democratic environment they've been trapping in.
I didn't see one post from a conservative on this board that would offend anyone who wants to better themselves.
One more thing.
I didn't see a shortage of black athletes turning down a scholarship from ND
If Black lives matter, then why is it that something like 85% black men killed other black men?
If Black lives matter, then why is it that something like 85% black men killed other black men?

So, you think black lives don't matter?

When homicide happens, it usually happens between people who live in the same community. Therefore, blacks end up killing blacks and whites end up killing whites.
Unborn lives matter. Special Needs lives matter. Elderly lives matter. Those living in despair and without hope lives matter. Little jones lives matter. Our service men and Women lives matter. First responders lives matter.

Haha. Good luck getting that message to the trump administration and the republicans.
Why President Trump agrees with that

From the way he mocked the reporter with a disability during the campaign, he doesn't seem very concerned about them.

Also, based on everything I've read, his policies will make living more difficult for these individuals.
From the way he mocked the reporter with a disability during the campaign, he doesn't seem very concerned about them.

Also, based on everything I've read, his policies will make living more difficult for these individuals.

You can thank the Obama administration for that.
Ramming a healthcare program which experts from the begining said would never worked, and President Obama knew this expecting Hillary to win then to implement a single-payer system

Why do you think k it was passed before it was ever read? That's just plain insanity.

And this Republican Congress is a house full of tools. Rand Paul has the answer. Yet HS Ryan is a Trans-Republican and is going to screw up everything.

The healthcare program will take a while to fix. Thank you

As far as the reporter President Trump also used the arm-thrashing act when making fun of himself. There was no story there just more fake news

As far as vets President Trump campaign on doing better. But with all the roadblocks the minority Democratic Party continually throws out there with that clown Chuck Schumer running the show it's going to take longer
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From the way he mocked the reporter with a disability during the campaign, he doesn't seem very concerned about them.

Also, based on everything I've read, his policies will make living more difficult for these individuals.
Ugh, man. The story about him mocking a disabled reporter has been totally proven false, debunked. Look it up. It just irritates me how unknowledgeable liberals are!
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Ugh, man. The story about him mocking a disabled reporter has been totally proven false, debunked. Look it up. It just irritates me how unknowledgeable liberals are!

Spin away.
I suppose the story about him saying he grabs women by the pussy, and how he likes to check out teenaged girls in their dressing rooms is false also, despite the video and audio.

There's no excuse. It just annoying how insensitive some people are!
Spin away.
I suppose the story about him saying he grabs women by the pussy, and how he likes to check out teenaged girls in their dressing rooms is false also, despite the video and audio.

There's no excuse. It just annoying how insensitive some people are!
Those comments were completely uncalled for as is most locker room talk brought to light
Comrade Trumpsky is nothing more than a racist, sexist, scumbag traitor who colluded with the Communist Russians to undermine Democracy in America and he will be brought to justice.
Comrade Trumpsky is nothing more than a racist, sexist, scumbag traitor who colluded with the Communist Russians to undermine Democracy in America and he will be brought to justice.

Thanks for doubling the debt of all previous Presidents making the US a banana republic!
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All lives matter in the face of God and yes according to the rules, you can talk politics on this board if you follow the rules. It appears that the most popular threads are political in content. Maybe B&G should think of starting a Political Forum?
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Spin away.
I suppose the story about him saying he grabs women by the pussy, and how he likes to check out teenaged girls in their dressing rooms is false also, despite the video and audio.

There's no excuse. It just annoying how insensitive some people are!

Spin away? It's the truth. You're a libtard that isn't big on facts. He didn't mock a disabled reporter in the way you're presenting.

You mentioned the reporter and I responded. Now you're changing the goal posts. You just mentioned the audio from Access Hollywood now. I was appalled at his comments when that video came out. You act like Bill Clinton was a saint though. Gimme a break.

I had two choices on Nov. 8. Between a corrupt person that left American heroes for dead in Libya and a potential pervert that I believe can turn the economy around.

Quit changing the topic on the fly and putting words in my mouth. I'm hoping this country can get back on track. It looks like you're rooting for Trump to fail. What's that say about you?
Spin away? It's the truth. You're a libtard that isn't big on facts. He didn't mock a disabled reporter in the way you're presenting.

You mentioned the reporter and I responded. Now you're changing the goal posts. You just mentioned the audio from Access Hollywood now. I was appalled at his comments when that video came out. You act like Bill Clinton was a saint though. Gimme a break.

I had two choices on Nov. 8. Between a corrupt person that left American heroes for dead in Libya and a potential pervert that I believe can turn the economy around.

Quit changing the topic on the fly and putting words in my mouth. I'm hoping this country can get back on track. It looks like you're rooting for Trump to fail. What's that say about you?

Still spinning.

Not at all tommy 23, aka: end 23, row the boat, turnover machine.o_O

I'm not sure what you think I know about Bill Clinton.

You don't know me. Im okay with some of thumps ideas and policies. I hope they work out. But there are many I'm not. His massive tax break for the top 1% is a joke for him and his buddies. And does his administration care about the environment in any way?

Right there were 2 choices. A career corrupt politician (aren't they all?), or a corrupt businessman with low character, and lies repeatedly, and makes up BS all the time.

He was kind of fun to watch during the campaign, not so much now.
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