When will you learn.... the Riley pipe dream

I don't think Carr has proven in any way that he's the obvious guy, first of all. So yours is a stars-obsessed fan sentiment. And would basically clean out the whole QB room and rightfully so. As in Carr's the only QB left on the roster, after RL graduates in relative ignominy and Minchey and Angeli are both spring transfers.

So we wouldn't do that, we'd probably put Angeli in there, who's paid his dues, and is presumably the most game ready to help us win this season, which quite obviously any coach has a fundamental obligation to pursue, as opposed to tanking games to get the 1st pick in the draft, and that's what ND will have deliberately reduced themselves to. And then have a QB comp in the spring/summer/fall.

I only have 2 things to go by. His rating out of HS and the blue gold game.

I don’t see Angelli coming back so that leaves Minchi or Carr. Pick one. They both looked good in the BG game. I just think Carr looked at least as good without a year under his belt. So flip a coin, it’s one of those 2 next year is all I’m saying
Yeah, indeed. Purdue is a Big Ten team, not great but still, and we beat them 66-7. And we beat A&M at home. So maybe we won't get found out. But that's mainly a testament to how remarkably weak our schedule is, compared to say LSU. Then again all RL has to do is make it through this one season and get us into the field. So it's a bit of a quandary. And I imagine the decision even if there are any misgivings among the coaches will be to keep running with RL, I guess unless/until he's really, really bad. And we just can't scheme around him sufficiently, and have to abandon the project.

As to MF's longer term prospects, that's a good question. Great defense, check. OL still largely a strength even if this is a rebuilding season. Good RBs/run game. But most definitely he needs bring to bear some strategic leadership and acumen or whatnot to the passing game, at the all-important QB position. Because this is duct tape offense currently. And if RL is this bad passing all season, there's something about staying with him week after week with the passing game such a glaring weakness that isn't being addressed that makes you feel a bit queasy.

You lost me at LSU. Good grief dude. Stop sniffing BKs dick

USC - loss
South Carolina

Hopefully, they’re preparing hard for S. Alabama this week. How daunting. Our schedule sucks too, and we lost to a team we shouldn’t have, but be real
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You lost me at LSU. Good grief dude. Stop sniffing BKs dick

USC - loss
South Carolina

Hopefully, they’re preparing hard for S. Alabama this week. How daunting. Our schedule sucks too, and we lost to a team we shouldn’t have, but be real
When you lose at home to Northern Illinois, just beat another MAC opponent, and later play Army and Navy, taking swipes at another team’s schedule seems odd.

“Be real.”
You lost me at LSU. Good grief dude. Stop sniffing BKs dick

USC - loss
South Carolina

Hopefully, they’re preparing hard for S. Alabama this week. How daunting. Our schedule sucks too, and we lost to a team we shouldn’t have, but be real
So you're another one of them sicko ND fans. Deeply effed up in the head with your perverse hatred for BK. All you gotta do is vaguely allude to the guy, and you're ready to tear yourself a new asshole. I know it's an internet cliche but you need mental help. Probably many, many years of it. More than you even have left. But before you die, before you leave this mortal earth, you have to reconcile with him somehow. In your heart of course, obviously you don't even know the guy. You just have a psychotic hatred of him for no reason at all. Certainly no good one. And you need to somehow make your peace with that. If you can conquer that, you can let go of all your hatred, and BK can give you that gift. But if you don't you will always be part of the problem, and never the solution.

Seriously dude, that's your mission, your purpose, what you were put on this earth to do. Whatever you think you thought your life was about you were wrong. This is it. As to the actual substance of your jaundiced post, you could literally ask, or poll, a literal infinite number of knowledgable, hearty, rugged and robust CFB fans much like yourself, and literally an infinite, unending, eternal number that stretches to the very edge of the universe and keeps expanding madly onto forever, and every single one of this inconceivably vast multitude would without even the faintest moment of hesitation laugh at ND's comparative cakewalk of a schedule compared to a typical SEC schedule like LSU's. Infinity. Forever.

So why don't you just STFU?
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You lost me at LSU. Good grief dude. Stop sniffing BKs dick

USC - loss
South Carolina

Hopefully, they’re preparing hard for S. Alabama this week. How daunting. Our schedule sucks too, and we lost to a team we shouldn’t have, but be real
You responding to anything savvysassy writes lacks common sense as well.

Know the clientele around here.
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