What Would Rockne Do?


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003
Now in fairness to the genius that was Rock, we really don't know what he would do in todays game. How would he approach it? I am sure he would break glass. I came up with this thread as a way to engage thought in the coming days before the boys take the field. Have at it. I think this is right up the alley for some of us like IIO, Telx, Bodester, Continually and countless others.

I will go first.
Rockne would have already instituted a backfield wing by now that would have been reminiscent of the 4 horsemen. He would have taken the spread offens of today and stretched it more, ignoring the hard hits his backs would take. His wrinkle would be that any of his 3-4 backs could run and PASS. Each back could block like the best blocker on the team and faced with a 2 QB dilemma like Kelly faces now -- he would throw Wimbush into the mix and have a 3-4 headed monster with either Adams or Folston being the 4th back. He would use shifts and decoys and mix a straight pro set with sweeps and options. He would create an unstoppable force.

Runs that stop short and turn into pass plays, end arounds with options, it would go on and on. I think he was just getting started. what would he do on defense? what else on offense?
Now in fairness to the genius that was Rock, we really don't know what he would do in todays game. How would he approach it? I am sure he would break glass. I came up with this thread as a way to engage thought in the coming days before the boys take the field. Have at it. I think this is right up the alley for some of us like IIO, Telx, Bodester, Continually and countless others.

I will go first.
Rockne would have already instituted a backfield wing by now that would have been reminiscent of the 4 horsemen. He would have taken the spread offens of today and stretched it more, ignoring the hard hits his backs would take. His wrinkle would be that any of his 3-4 backs could run and PASS. Each back could block like the best blocker on the team and faced with a 2 QB dilemma like Kelly faces now -- he would throw Wimbush into the mix and have a 3-4 headed monster with either Adams or Folston being the 4th back. He would use shifts and decoys and mix a straight pro set with sweeps and options. He would create an unstoppable force.

Runs that stop short and turn into pass plays, end arounds with options, it would go on and on. I think he was just getting started. what would he do on defense? what else on offense?

My two cents is Rockne would be using cyborgs with artificial intelligence instead of human beings. And would be dominating.
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Reactions: Irish Grandeur
It was the material of the plane that was the problem. Not the pilot. A wing actually detached itself in mid flight.
I really believe that Rock would be all in with stadium expansion, the TV package, video boards, Shamrock games, crazy unies, and anything else that brings attention to the game and our program. You can visit Rock at Highland Cemetary in South Bend and ask him yourselves.
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Reactions: Ara64
Ara, the ushers are in a delicate position. I know most don't care whether fans stand or not. It's usually only after someone complains that the usher has to gently find a solution. My section stand the whole game. We don't have to, but we do. I think the standing vs sitting is drama at its best and really over blown. The stadium is loud when it needs to be and fans stand when it needs to. You can't expect fans to stand and get loud when Nevada is running a dive play on first down. A loud obnoxious fan who wants to stand at inappropriate times is just as problematic as a fan who chooses to sit. Its the younger crowd wanting to bitch about something.