What Would Happen?

Notre Dame du Lac

Posts Like A Champion
Oct 9, 2021
It’s 24-28, the team with 28 kicks off to the team with 24 with 10 seconds left in the game. The return team is streaking down the sideline, it is clear they will score a touchdown and win the game. An opposing teams player, fan, or coach comes off the sideline and goes onto the field and tackles the player or helps allow a tackle to prevent a touchdown. The time has run out and the team with 24 loses the opportunity to score the touchdown on the kickoff over an illegal interference from the sideline. What happens?
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It’s 24-28, the team with 28 kicks off to the team with 24 with 10 seconds left in the game. The return team is streaking down the sideline, it is clear they will score a touchdown and win the game. An opposing teams player, fan, or coach comes off the sideline and goes onto the field and tackles the player or helps allow a tackle to prevent a touchdown. The time has run out and the team with 24 loses the opportunity to score the touchdown on the kickoff over an illegal interference from the sideline. What happens?
Go back to the video, freeze it at the point where the fan interferes, and place all the players closest to the ball carrier in the spot they were at on the field at that moment. Ref blows the whistle and the play resumes to completion.
It’s 24-28, the team with 28 kicks off to the team with 24 with 10 seconds left in the game. The return team is streaking down the sideline, it is clear they will score a touchdown and win the game. An opposing teams player, fan, or coach comes off the sideline and goes onto the field and tackles the player or helps allow a tackle to prevent a touchdown. The time has run out and the team with 24 loses the opportunity to score the touchdown on the kickoff over an illegal interference from the sideline. What happens?
They would still have a Play. 15 yards from where the penalty was. 1 untimed down
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If you did that as a player, you would be suspended for the year and might lose your scholarship. That would be an all time scumbag move
If it’s the NC game and you’re a senior 3rd stringer? It’s wrong to do it, but there should be a rule.
No one would do that? Seriously? Do you live in a fake reality where people behave themselves without rules? Stop.
Football has been played for over 100 years. I've been watching football my entire life. I think I've seen it 2 times and 1 was in high school.

Another stupid post by IrishBeer
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I believe that an Alabama player did just that back in the 40s or 50s. I remember reading about it and will now have to try find confirmation.

Well, it wasn't the last play of the game, but: