What Kelly does best


I've posted how many times?
Aug 24, 2003
Turns a red hot offensive coordinator into A doormat

Makes other team look like second Half world beaters

Bull shits his AD while throwing his players under bus

Has no eye for talent or player Dev and will lose wimbush to transfer in 3 months

Will lose recruits to UM regularly cause he does not sleep over.

Gives UM insurmountable lead in all time winning percentage.

Gives average of 14 points away per game with his coaching decisions

Has a true knack for special team play

Knows how to let his players act loose and act like losers in sideline AND on field

May have won elsewhere but Has finally been exposed at ND as a fraud

Will turn off his fan base before the 2017 season starts

Takes an offense line said to be best in country and makes them into keystone cops

Can't decide on a starting QB when they both suck because of his coaching.

When he gives his motivational speeches I want to run thru a wall to get away from him

His team plays like Dunkin' Donuts. SOFT

He and Jack have made 4-8 the new benchmark of success at a university that was once a football school

He will help position SC for a major 6 bowl with s 40 point loss

He gets paid for performance --- about 1 million for each victory this year

He attended the University of Charlie Weis
SB extension campus
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Quite the recruiting pitch!

what is worse than all the above? that all the above whether true is the perception and with the young kids
percertion is everything!

to quote the movie line posted in another thread, "we're ****ed"

(sorry Mod, but it's a quote)
I never post but I have run out of patience with people that only complain and never offer any solutions. Skibro, give me four plays that you would run vs USC on 1st and 10, 3rd and 2, 4th and 1, and 1st and 25. I did not include field position so your creative juices may flow. Next I ask you to explain why you would make these calls. Take until kickoff Saturday. That's more time than Kelly is allowed.
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aha, we have one - albeit a bogus alias, but one of the 'monitors' has emerged!

as if 'what is there to be dis-contented about' he now asks 'ski' to coach the team

has the staff exhausted all solution now and has decended to our forum for answers!

holy crap: "we're F--ked'
Is there someone on this thread actually defending kelly after yesterday's debacle? Give it a rest, kelly supporters. There's no excuse for how bad we are. Stupid penalties persist. Bad play calling on both sides of the ball. Artificial excitement from the players on the sidelines make us look like idiots. No toughness from a group that was supposed to be the best in the country this year (OL). DBs that can't cover even the most average passing games (i.e. Va tech). And wtf was that read option on 1st down on the last drive? Are you f@";:g kidding me? I don't know what goes thru his head sometimes. Please, get someone in here that can make a true return to prominence. The most storied college football program of all time and we're floundering against shitty ACC teams and losing to 3-7 msu and a bad Texas team that is firing their coach. He's used up all his credit for two out of 7 good seasons. He needs to be shown the door.
I never post but I have run out of patience with people that only complain and never offer any solutions.

Not skibro, but I can offer 1 solution that might work (because the current administration and/or coaching staff can't seem to find a solution).

How about finally.......finding a head coach who has a clue - rather than hiring/extending a coach who doesn't.

I remember Swarbrick saying, during the Navy game 2008, something to the effect that, no one is more adamant about winning a National Championship than I am.

If JS actually believes Kelly can win a NC Title, I can see that either ND has the wrong AD in place or JS is all talk and no action.
Hire Schiano. Coached at both levels. Actually brought Rutgers back when he was there, can recruit. Is a defensive minded coach, hard nosed, yet players coach. Would be a great hire.
Hire Schiano. Coached at both levels. Actually brought Rutgers back when he was there, can recruit. Is a defensive minded coach, hard nosed, yet players coach. Would be a great hire.

People on here really don't get the real world. No one with an established D1 resume is coming here. Period. I don't care how much you pay him. The program has deteriorated that much in the eyes of the collegiate coaching community. The last 4 coaches here have had their resumes destroyed, with only one really surviving and coming back. Davie. This HC position is a dead end. The only way this can be right sized and pointed in the right direction is a blow up of what you have and a commitment to helping someone develop the program again. You will have to go young and bold for a coach - for that is the only kind of person who will take this position. Established guys won't even look at it. That's the reality and that is the debris of Kelly's and Swarbrick's work. The biggest and best public face of the University - it's football program/brand and its unique place in American collegiate history - has been severely damaged. The question is - Is it too late to rehabilitate?
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People on here really don't get the real world. No one with an established D1 resume is coming here. Period. I don't care how much you pay him. The program has deteriorated that much in the eyes of the collegiate coaching community. The last 4 coaches here have had their resumes destroyed, with only one really surviving and coming back. Davie. This HC position is a dead end. The only way this can be right sized and pointed in the right direction is a blow up of what you have and a commitment to helping someone develop the program again. You will have to go young and bold for a coach - for that is the only kind of person who will take this position. Established guys won't even look at it. That's the reality and that is the debris of Kelly's and Swarbrick's work. The biggest and best public face of the University - it's football program/brand and its unique place in American collegiate history - has been severely damaged. The question is - Is it too late to rehabilitate?

More of the typical hair pulling we have come to expect from this poster. One wonders how you cope with the ups and downs of real life.
Ski, the OP would be damn funny if not so damn true.
People on here really don't get the real world. No one with an established D1 resume is coming here. Period. I don't care how much you pay him. The program has deteriorated that much in the eyes of the collegiate coaching community. The last 4 coaches here have had their resumes destroyed, with only one really surviving and coming back. Davie. This HC position is a dead end. The only way this can be right sized and pointed in the right direction is a blow up of what you have and a commitment to helping someone develop the program again. You will have to go young and bold for a coach - for that is the only kind of person who will take this position. Established guys won't even look at it. That's the reality and that is the debris of Kelly's and Swarbrick's work. The biggest and best public face of the University - it's football program/brand and its unique place in American collegiate history - has been severely damaged. The question is - Is it too late to rehabilitate?

The charade continues.
The condescending tone of certain posters on this board, even when they're proven wrong in their support of kelly w/ each passing game is astounding. Know it alls that don't know $h1t. 7 years in and we're looking down the barrel of 4-8. Something's gotta give. Ftr, after last year, I was still fine w/ kelly because of the rash of injuries over a two year period and a very good season, but the dumpster fire that is this season has washed all that away. He needs to go because we always play to the level of our competition and can't win close games and haven't won any big games in quite some time. Penalties, play calling, adjustments: all bad under Kelly's direction. Bring on fleck!
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Idiot.

It is just football. But when your team is 4 and 8 ? And your home stadium has more visitor fans cheering louder than your home team fans - then yes - something is not right. The sky may not be falling, but Notre Dame Football has sure fallen into the toilet.
Kelly is establishing a reputation for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. That alarm should be loud and clear to just about anyone who is looking. The talent on this team is good enough to compete and lose close games....but not good enough to win them. Very frustrating.
Kelly is establishing a reputation for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. That alarm should be loud and clear to just about anyone who is looking. The talent on this team is good enough to compete and lose close games....but not good enough to win them. Very frustrating.

Good point - apparently Jack Swarbrick is so deaf he is unable to hear the alarm!
Yep, and laughing at your irrelevance.

"Yep"---at least you finally admitted that you're not really an ND fan. Irrelevant yet you feel the need to respond---nice contradiction.

You really should do yourself a favor and seek treatment from a good mental health professional. There are a lot of medications that could do you a world of good.
Blow leads. That is what Kelly does best. I bet my cousin $10 at half that Notre Dame was going to lose. He laughed and said "cut it out". I told him I was serious and we made the friendly wager. To start the 3rd, VT marched right down the field and closed the score 24-21. I then knew my bet was a good one. Later in the game however, lightning struck! Tranquill made a pick followed up by Adam's 67 yard scamper. I cheered knowing my $10 was in jeopardy. Maybe I was wrong this time? Nope, I'm $10 richer today. Why? Kelly blows leads.
"Yep"---at least you finally admitted that you're not really an ND fan. Irrelevant yet you feel the need to respond---nice contradiction.

You really should do yourself a favor and seek treatment from a good mental health professional. There are a lot of medications that could do you a world of good.

Learned long ago that crap from Lilliputions isn't worth listening to. Time for your nurse to tuck you in.
Learned long ago that crap from Lilliputions isn't worth listening to. Time for your nurse to tuck you in.

Nurse? You're the whining baby talking about death spirals, not me. But I suspect that projection is just another facet of your psychiatric issues. Please consult your phone directory for the number of a good psychiatrist. You really need lots of therapy.
Nurse? You're the whining baby talking about death spirals, not me. But I suspect that projection is just another facet of your psychiatric issues. Please consult your phone directory for the number of a good psychiatrist. You really need lots of therapy.
I learned long ago that sh.t from Lilliputions is too small to bother with. Your nurse by now must be at the door with your bottle and security blanket. Hold on tight...
oddly the OP totally annihilates BK and my comment wrankles the 'assigned minions'!
why is that? answer: i was never fooled from the start. The core group that saw the situation has been the target all these seasons for that simple reason.
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I learned long ago that sh.t from Lilliputions is too small to bother with. Your nurse by now must be at the door with your bottle and security blanket. Hold on tight...

Then why do you keep responding, liar? Lol!

Trust me, there are lots of meds out there for your psychosis and fears about death spirals. Please get the psychiatric help you so desperately need. You'll be happier and a lot less fearful.

Oh, and it's spelled "Lilliputians," cry baby.
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I never post but I have run out of patience with people that only complain and never offer any solutions. Skibro, give me four plays that you would run vs USC on 1st and 10, 3rd and 2, 4th and 1, and 1st and 25. I did not include field position so your creative juices may flow. Next I ask you to explain why you would make these calls. Take until kickoff Saturday. That's more time than Kelly is allowed.

This is the most accurate post I have seen. I agree 100%.
I'm still waiting for a response on what adjustments V Tech made in an earlier thread that was started on the subject, and as expected, nothing so far. So, don't hold your breath.
No. If fans are going to make general talking point comments about game strategy, then know what you are talking about. Back it up with particulars. Don't let your deep dislike for BK keep you from learning something. You're never too old.
Ski, the OP would be damn funny if not so damn true.

Ski, the OP would be damn funny if not so damn true.
I wrote it that way - so funny and unreal it hurts. I love ND and hate what is going on. Accountability for Jack and Kelly will never happen yet we are supposed to keep watching this s____ show?

Every one on this board is livid and going at one another's throats -- WRONG. We should go at Jack S___.

He needs to be canned. Giving Kelly a vote of confidence. BS How about putting some heat under kellys butt?

Yes, this job has degraded to the point that it has become a hard sell. But it is salvageable with leadership from someone with balls. I don't know if Father Jenkins has the gonads Father Joyce or Father Hesburgh had, but we need a TRUMP revolution NOW.

And if I understand the comments about game planning for USC and what second half adjustments did Kelly wrongly make-- are directed to me ---- then I have this to say:

USC - Yes, I am not a coach but I can design plays better than that clown can who was at the 3 yard line and settled for a FG and a 10-0 lead Game over. A td would have won this game by 1 point and my grandma could have scored a TD in 3 tries. But Kelly gets paid to design plays, not me- so shut your face and get on the fire Kelly wagon.

And second half adjustments -- where to start? Called of blitzes and gave VT QB time to throw. Stopped having Kizer run when it was so effective in first half. When Kizer was missing long throws, why not do short routes? Nothing was over middle or slant.

Guy is a total loser fire his _____

you may not always be 100 % correct but you never ever apologize. There are just varying degree of correctness.

And why try to explain anything to those that were deaf to fair two way discussion.
I never post but I have run out of patience with people that only complain and never offer any solutions. Skibro, give me four plays that you would run vs USC on 1st and 10, 3rd and 2, 4th and 1, and 1st and 25. I did not include field position so your creative juices may flow. Next I ask you to explain why you would make these calls. Take until kickoff Saturday. That's more time than Kelly is allowed.

Its not all about the play calling rather than the scheme Kelly refuses to change. Kelly runs a combo of the Air Raid and Spread- Option version of the spread. The problems with this version of the spread are as follows:

1. The O-linemen are taught to pass protect first and run block second. Of all the false starts we've seen how many are where the lineman is moving backward instead of forward? Just watch McGlinchey for a game to answer that. The linemen aren't taught to properly run block. I see no traps, pulls, or jumbo packages.Notre Dame subsequently ranks 78th in rushing offense.

2. Shotgun. When was the last time you seen a Notre Dame quarterback line up under center? Problem here? Notre Dame does not use the run to set up the pass. No play action. The running back is 7 yards deep in the back field by the time he gets the ball. There is no fullback option. Its why Notre Dame struggles in short yardage situations while in the red zone. Can't spread it out with a short field and no existence of a power run game. Notre Dame ranks 62nd in red zone conversion percentage and ranks 56th in 3rd down conversions

3. Conditions. When the conditions call for a power run game such as weather, clock management, or lining up against a small d-line (Navy) you still have to chuck it. Why? That is all the team knows and practices. Its also why the team can't protect a lead. See the NC State and Navy games. Notre Dame ranks 83rd in time of possession.

In the Midwest this is a failed scheme. Rich Rod, Mike Leech, Chip Kelly, etc. would all fail at Notre Dame imo unless they evolved. Urban Meyer realized this. "Urban Meyer's system has evolved at Ohio State from the spread-option school into the smashmouth spread school as he's found that with midwestern OL it makes sense to take advantage of a spread out defense by running over isolated targets."

Then you have Saban. He who will change his offense to fit his players. Its why he can go out on the street and put anyone in at the QB position and still win championships. Saban does not need "his guy" to be successful. Tommy Rees could win a championship at Alabama.

Guys like Qt Nelson shouldn't be pancaked by Navy players. Nelson would be a road grater at Wisconsin and Stanford. We need someone who realizes this and gets Notre Dame back to what it once was. A power team.
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Its not all about the play calling rather than the scheme Kelly refuses to change. Kelly runs a combo of the Air Raid and Spread- Option version of the spread. The problems with this version of the spread are as follows:

1. The O-linemen are taught to pass protect first and run block second. Of all the false starts we've seen how many are where the lineman is moving backward instead of forward? Just watch McGlinchey for a game to answer that. The linemen aren't taught to properly run block. I see no traps, pulls, or jumbo packages.Notre Dame subsequently ranks 78th in rushing. offense.

2. Shotgun. When was the last time you seen a Notre Dame quarterback line up under center? Problem here? Notre Dame does not use the run to set up the pass. No play action. The running back is 7 yards deep in the back field by the time he gets the ball. There is no fullback option. Its why Notre Dame struggles in short yardage situations while in the red zone. Can't spread it out with a short field and no existence of a power run game. Notre Dame ranks 62nd in red zone conversion percentage and ranks 56th in 3rd down conversions

3. Conditions. When the conditions call for a power run game such as weather, clock management, or lining up against a small d-line (Navy) you still have to chuck it. Why? That is all the team knows and practices. Its also why the team can't protect a lead. See the NC State and Navy games. Notre Dame ranks 83rd in time of possession.

In the Midwest this is a failed scheme. Rich Rod, Mike Leech, Chip Kelly, etc. would all fail at Notre Dame imo unless they evolved. Urban Meyer realized this. "Urban Meyer's system has evolved at Ohio State from the spread-option school into the smashmouth spread school as he's found that with midwestern OL it makes sense to take advantage of a spread out defense by running over isolated targets."

Then you have Saban. He who will change his offense to fit his players. Its why he can go out on the street and put anyone in at the QB position and still win championships. Saban does not need "his guy" to be successful. Tommy Rees could win a championship at Alabama.

Guys like Qt Nelson shouldn't be pancaked by Navy players. Nelson would be a road grater at Wisconsin and Stanford. We need someone who realizes this and gets Notre Dame back to what it once was. A power team.
Great Post .. Spot on!