What is Landow's body count now?


Shakes Down The Thunder
Oct 13, 2009
6 season ending injuries roughly? How does this compare to past years? How does this compare to other programs? Depth is important in today's college football. Losing 6 guys seems like a big chunk, especially when half of them are DB's and the other half O-line.
6 season ending injuries roughly? How does this compare to past years? How does this compare to other programs? Depth is important in today's college football. Losing 6 guys seems like a big chunk, especially when half of them are DB's and the other half O-line.
Just an fyi.
Alabama has 1 . T and m has 1.
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Look at injury reports for the other top 10 teams and you will see a stark difference.

So why do you automatically blame the S&C director ? Do you know the particulars of each and every injury ? What was the cause ? Were they preventable ? Without such information how can any " blame" be cast ?
So why do you automatically blame the S&C director ? Do you know the particulars of each and every injury ? What was the cause ? Were they preventable ? Without such information how can any " blame" be cast ?
We also put all of our injuries out there. Other teams do not nearly as much
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So why do you automatically blame the S&C director ? Do you know the particulars of each and every injury ? What was the cause ? Were they preventable ? Without such information how can any " blame" be cast ?
There is a correlation between injury and poor strength/conditioning. Remember Paul Longo? ND teams were decimated with injuries when he was the S/C coach and coincidentally this improved when he was told to take a hike.
There is a correlation between injury and poor strength/conditioning. Remember Paul Longo? ND teams were decimated with injuries when he was the S/C coach and coincidentally this improved when he was told to take a hike.
It can be and it can't be. Every situation is their own

By the way, all 3 frosh came in with pre existing issues in high school and they are deciding to clean them up now instead of waiting for the end of the year because they all are red shirt kids
6 season ending injuries roughly? How does this compare to past years? How does this compare to other programs? Depth is important in today's college football. Losing 6 guys seems like a big chunk, especially when half of them are DB's and the other half O-line.
Look at injury reports for the other top 10 teams and you will see a stark difference.

ND's "healthiest they have been in 15 years" is still far below the top dogs of big time college football.
There is a correlation between injury and poor strength/conditioning. Remember Paul Longo? ND teams were decimated with injuries when he was the S/C coach and coincidentally this improved when he was told to take a hike.
i had no idea Chaseballs had a second alias.
There is a correlation between injury and poor strength/conditioning. Remember Paul Longo? ND teams were decimated with injuries when he was the S/C coach and coincidentally this improved when he was told to take a hike.
You’re correct, there’s a definite correlation and the number of injuries are excessive by any metric.
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So why do you automatically blame the S&C director ? Do you know the particulars of each and every injury ? What was the cause ? Were they preventable ? Without such information how can any " blame" be cast ?
At least he's consistent!
So why do you automatically blame the S&C director ? Do you know the particulars of each and every injury ? What was the cause ? Were they preventable ? Without such information how can any " blame" be cast ?
Exactly. It could be lingering issues from high school that never fully healed. Maybe it was a field turf issue that facilities didn't take care. Maybe the players didn't drink enough water or stretch as instructed. Maybe the coach taught bad technique that put them at risk. Maybe the medical staff overlooked something. But yeah let's blame solely on the S&C staff.
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Not according to MF
Stating that injuries aren’t related to poor strength and conditioning is foolish at best, bordering on ignorance.

6 season ending injuries prior to the start of a season is excessive by any metric.

The question is, is this an anomaly or a pattern?
Exactly. It could be lingering issues from high school that never fully healed. Maybe it was a field turf issue that facilities didn't take care. Maybe the players didn't drink enough water or stretch as instructed. Maybe the coach taught bad technique that put them at risk. Maybe the medical staff overlooked something. But yeah let's blame solely on the S&C staff.
He has a track record, might be an outlier but there’s data to support it.
Stating that injuries aren’t related to poor strength and conditioning is foolish at best, bordering on ignorance.

6 season ending injuries prior to the start of a season is excessive by any metric.

The question is, is this an anomaly or a pattern?
Tell that to MF the head coach. He said this is the healthiest ND has been in the last 10 to 15 years according to the data

Email him in bold
Come on, is that language offending you? Quit being so god damn soft. Bet you were in on Biden censoring social media

6'4, 220. College athlete. Daily crossfitter.

Meanwhile, you're the guy who anonymously picks fights on the internet at 1 in the morning. Weird. Sad. Lonely. Pathetic.

Call me soft from your keyboard. If it ever came down to it, I'd bury you. You know it. You'll think about it too.

You've been here causing trouble and picking fights from the jump. Don't bother responding little bitch, you're on "ignore" from here on out. Enjoy!
Tell that to MF the head coach. He said this is the healthiest ND has been in the last 10 to 15 years according to the data

Email him in bold
MF’s statement is one of relativity, not objectivity

If your peers suffer 2 to 3 season ending injuries per season, prior of the start of the season and Notre Dame suffers 6 season ending injuries prior to the start of the season it indicates that Notre Dame has a unique problem, that they have an excessive number of season ending injuries

If Notre Dame previously suffered 10 season ending injuries prior to the opening of the season and this year they experienced 6 season ending in injuries prior to the season this year, and the coach states that the team is healthier than in prior years, it’s a statement based on relativity and not objectivity because those 6 season ending injuries are in excess of Notre Dame’s competitive peer group

And it begs the following questions:

If 6 season ending injuries prior to the start of the season is the healthiest that Notre Dame has been in the last 10 or 15 years, why are season ending injuries so prevalent at Notre Dame

Why does Notre Dame’s injury rate exceed its competitive peer group’s season ending injuries ?

Why is Notre Dame suffering more season ending injuries than its peers ?
What’s the cause?

I’d like to see the data that MF is referencing
MF’s statement is one of relativity, not objectivity

If your peers suffer 2 to 3 season ending injuries per season, prior of the start of the season and Notre Dame suffers 6 season ending injuries prior to the start of the season it indicates that Notre Dame has a unique problem, that they have an excessive number of season ending injuries

If Notre Dame previously suffered 10 season ending injuries prior to the opening of the season and this year they experienced 6 season ending in injuries prior to the season this year, and the coach states that the team is healthier than in prior years, it’s a statement based on relativity and not objectivity because those 6 season ending injuries are in excess of Notre Dame’s competitive peer group

And it begs the following questions:

If 6 season ending injuries prior to the start of the season is the healthiest that Notre Dame has been in the last 10 or 15 years, why are season ending injuries so prevalent at Notre Dame

Why does Notre Dame’s injury rate exceed its competitive peer group’s season ending injuries ?

Why is Notre Dame suffering more season ending injuries than its peers ?
What’s the cause?

I’d like to see the data that MF is referencing
Email him. And the AD I'm sure you 2 are best friends
Email him. And the AD I'm sure you 2 are best friends
It’s obvious that you have no understanding of the statistics nor do you have the intellect to answer the questions I posed

It’s also obvious that you don’t understand the concepts of “ relativity” and “ objectivity”
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It’s obvious that you have no understanding of the statistics nor do you have the intellect to answer the questions I posed

It’s also obvious that you don’t understand the concepts of “ relativity” and “ objectivity”
Email him
Actually, I do know Pete, I knew him long before he came to Notre Dame through the times we both were affiliated with the USGA.

Ouch !
I knew you did 🤣🤣

Email him and get back to us

He came to Notre Dame when he was 18
Email him
You’re just too stupid to understand the concept of relativity

And your vanity and your ego just won’t let you admit that your feeble attempt to counter my point ended with you having egg on your face

Better luck next time

Ouch !
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You’re just too stupid to understand the concept of relativity

And your vanity and your ego just won’t let you admit that your feeble attempt to counter my point ended with you having egg on your face

Better luck next time

Ouch !
Email your best friend
I knew you did 🤣🤣

Email him and get back to us

He came to Notre Dame when he was 18
There is no need to email Pete because he didn’t make the statement. Marcus Freeman did, or don’t you remember?
Stating that injuries aren’t related to poor strength and conditioning is foolish at best, bordering on ignorance.

6 season ending injuries prior to the start of a season is excessive by any metric.

The question is, is this an anomaly or a pattern?
3 came into school with injuries
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