First - God Bless Your boy Me and my families prayers will be with him. It's not an easy time to volunteer for such a duty
Second - It's always nice and welcome to greet another brother. I will always have his back no questions needed.
Third - Your point about boot camp is sooooo true. My DI was a black and he did not spare the rod. He would call Black ******s, Italians wops, Whites crackers, Hispanics spicks and when he found out I was Jewish well let just say hymie was my name not only in boot camp , but my MOS school as well. He broke us all down to the lowest form to build us up as a unit/team/brotherhood. That's why its called basics, because basically they are going to brake you down to build you up
I truly loved that man and next to my father w/o a doubt the most influential person in my life.
So I truly do understand when people see no issue with the sideline rant on the assistant. To me it was a common thing back in the day it was the coach and your father taking turns.
The difference to me is I'm not sure how the ND hierarchy is viewing this. Does it lose the meaning of what's being tough especially to the players who are close with that assistant.
A lot of poster might find this hard to believe but I like coach Kelly. Coach Kelly Is an outstanding administrator. Excellent recruiter, he is a fiery guy which is another thing I like There is little I do not like aside from the offensive philosophy. Even some of the head scratchers for calls isn't that big a deal to me, because I have made my share. Sure I was hoping for another coach, but ND truly could have and have done worse. With all the tit for tat regulars do you start defending a position skewing the big picture. That doesn't only go for me, but most I believe.