I can tell you all about it... I was the recruiting coordinator for a CIS football program.
Canadian univeraity athletics are divided into regions. The western part of the country, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba play in the Canada West conference. Ontatio has its own conference (OUA), Quebec has its own conference and the Maritime provinces in the East have their own as well.
The first thing to understand is that you're going to get a pretty damn good and credible education at any Canadian school. We don't have that State school vs private school dynamic where one education is kuch better than others. Obvioualy there are specialty programs at each school and if you told me which you are interested in, or what you're interested in studying, I could steer you in a direction... There are also elitr (top 20 in the world) schools such as McGill and the University of Toronto, but there are a lot of top 150 (worldwide) type schools in Canada.
The second you need to know is that Canadian education is far cheaper than American education because we keep it affordable. That said, the $7000- $8000 (Canadian) per year Canadian citizens pay to attend most school (Quebec residents in Quebec are even cheaper) is not extended to foreigners. We had several Americans play for us during my years in Ottawa, and most of them were paying about $18,000 per year for school (Canadian) before their scholarship.
As for scholarships awarded to academica, there are a variety of entrance scholarships ranging from $1000- $10,000 and even $12,000 to applicants, but those differ from school-to-school.
We do not offer full ride athletic scholarships, but rather, partial bursaries. In Ontario for example, schools can offer up to $4,500 per year (roughly 50%to 60%) of the annual tuition cost (for Canadians). Other conferences do it a little differently, but I can tell you that our Americans were never close to fully covered. Usually about 25%-40% depending on thw school, the sport and what kind of academics the apllicant has.
I can give you a ton of specific details on specific questions you may have.
Overall, I'd expect a 4-year degree at a Canadian University to cost an American in the neighbourhood of $80,000-$90,000 (Canadian) before scholarships and $50,000- $60,000 post scholarships.
Nowhere close to a full ride unless you can fomd some deep pockets on boosters that can help out (that happens a lot here), but much, much cheaper for the quality of education you get than the coat of most U.S. schools that offer a similar quality degree.
Hope that helps!