There is no way to know how to feel about Sark's sudden "leave of absence" status. On one hand, we should show compassion for the demons he is dealing with (for any of us that have witnessed a friend or relative battle addiction(s) and the damage that can be done from this). On the other hand , ND v USC is the marquis game on our schedule every year, and there is pay back owed for what happened last year when ND was minus 13 defensive players and "Sark" chose to "take advantage" of the weakened state of the ND team, and "embarrass" the Irish. So, where I want to take the "high" road here, I also feel its necessary to remind myself (and everyone else) there is a football game to be played and this can do one of two things , 1. serve as a "rallying" point and inspire a still very talented USC team, or 2. cause just enough distraction, ND can "take advantage" and bury USC on PRIME TIME National TV ! I HOPE its the later , not the former! GO IRISH !